You sigh, completley bored. You log onto the internet, and open your e-mail. You search for e-mails in between all the "Happy Halloween" e-cards. You sigh, and log onto USM. You notice a button saying "USM Halloween Party" You look at the button, and curiosity overwhelms you. You double click the button, and get sucked into USM Village.
Your feet touch the floor in USM Village. You look around, and gasp.
Luv Bug and Rika drive past, Luv Bug's pink Beetle covered in dirt and cobwebs. Kids are going up to doors and knocking on them, shouting "Trick or USM Treat! Give me candy or I'll get George to terminate your account!" which made the adults hand over the candy.
LSR rides past on her broomstick, dressed as her usual red witch. She calls down "Hey! You there! Aren't you coming to the party up at the castle?" she points to a castle, where thunder and lightning are flashing behind. "Get your costume there" and she points to a costume place. You go in, get your costume, and make your way up to the castle.
You are greeted by goblins, who open the door for you. You enter the castle, and gasp.
The hallway is lit by beautifully carved punpkins. Bats fly from the ceiling, and there are cobwebs everywhere. You are walking on blood red rushes.
You enter a hall, and find a gigantic room filled with tables laden with food, a DJ is playing music. Two charecters sweep up to you.
You reconise them as Crystal Peak and Adidas Angel. Crystal Peak is dressed in black as a witch, and Adidas Angel is Supergirl
"Hey!" says Crystal Peak.
"Hi!" says Adidas Angel.
"Help yourself" says Crystal Peak
"To Food and Drink!" says Adidas Angel.
"And don't" says Crystal Peak
"Forget To" says Adidas Angel.
"Have fun!" they say together. They laugh, and walk away.
Leaving you to party!
Crystal Peak and Adidas Angel.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .