Well, it's Sunday, and I'm glad to say that I'm happy to see it end. First of all, they were showing the World Series, (which between you and me, I can't stand sports) it's 10:33pm, and I'm almost ready to crash for the night. This week has been just horrible. Starts off on Monday. I find out that the college that my wife and I have been attending is holding onto her student loan check(which we needed to buy a new car for winter, the only car I have now is an 89 LTD Crown Victoria, a boat which doesn't handle well in winter) because they feel that my wife hasn't been attending her classess. Well, morning sickness will have that effect. Anyway, we have to wait a month to get the money. So, the person we were buying the car off of decided to sell it to someone else for the price that she would have sold it to us for(which was $200 less than before.) Anyway, move on to Tuesday. My wife is sick, and my favorite dog is throwing up all over the place. Fun, fun. Wednesday rolls around, we find out that my wife needs a new nebulizer machine. (For those who don't know, it's a breathing machine for people who have serious asthma, so they can take treatments at home.) But no place will accept my wife's insurance unless we go to the doctor to get a prescription. Well, she's having a hard time breathing, so we go to the emergency room. We get the prescription, and we get into the car after we picked up the machine. The car dies. Just won't start. Can't figure it out. So, we push it into a spot where it can sit the night until I can get some light above me. So comes Thursday. The gas tank on the car already has a leak, and we conclude that the fuel pump is bad. So I borrow $35 from a friend to put a new tank on. We put it on, nothing. Nada. We check the electric lines running to the pump. No power. That stumps us for the rest of the night. Friday. We work on the car some more, still can't figure it out. Get gas all over me, getting very frustrated. Saturday. I go to get my check, and find out that my boss is trying to say that I only worked for $150. That was crap. So we argued, and I finally got double that(it's what I earned.) Payed my bills, and went back to the car. Thought maybe it was the fuel pump relay, checked it, nothing. Checked the switch in the trunk that shuts off the gas, nothing. NO POWER ANYWHERE! Not to mention the battery went dead. And finally, today. We checked the starter solenoid, and there's a fried wire there. GOOD NEWS. So we fixed that, still no gas. I think that the fuel pump that came with the new gas tank is froze. So tomorrow, I have class from 8:30 to 10:00. My friends picking me up, and we're pulling the gas tank(this will be the fourth time for those who's counting), taking the fuel pump off of the old tank and replacing it. We know the fuel pump on the old tank works, we tested it. But stupid us, we forgot to test the new pump before we put it on the car. Then, tonight we had our lamass class. I got up to go to the restroom, and man was the teacher P.O.ed. Now I get to come home, and low and behold, AOL isn't working very well. Keeps kicking me off and freezing up on me. I've written this 4 TIMES!!! Oh well. This isn't a typical week for me, but definately one of my worse ones. How it changed my life:Makes me realize that being an adult stinks sometimes. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 31997 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .