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Why do we continue to force our children to grow up to fast? ***Shelly***

  Author:  31368  Category:(Debate) Created:(10/27/2002 9:47:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1721 times)

Anyone who knows me, knows that Halloween is my favorite holiday. I start in July every year making costumes for my 3 kids, my 2 step kids, my sister, my nephew, myself, and anyone else who wants one. This year I spent $50 for materials for my 9 year old daughter's costume, and about 20 hours of sewing time. When I was in elementary school, (the same one my daughter goes to now) there was a big halloween day parade with a costume contest with $1 awards to the scariest, funniest, prettiest, most original, etc... My mother would spend days and tons of money making us a costumes to win $1. All the costumes had to be hand made, which promoted time spent together with parent and child. It was alot of fun and we all looked forward to it each year. We would try to find the most obscure costume we could come up with and work together to figure out how to make it. I have been a unicorn, an ice cream cone, a hotdog, a ketchup bottle, a christmas tree and so on.

After I went on to high school a new principal came in and took away the contest saying that it wasn't fair to the less fortunate to have to compete. I guess I can understand this reasoning to an extent, but I have two things to say on this subject. 1. Some of the best costumes came from the least fortunate who used any materials they had handy, like cardboard, and what not, it doesn't have to be expensive. 2. Isn't competition a healthy part of growing up? But I digress, on to the actual debate.

After my daughter and I spend all this time and effort into making her costume this year, she comes home from school last week and tells me that the fourth, fifth, and sixth graders won't be allowed to attend the parade, they are going on a field trip, (the same field trip they've been on five times, by the way). She asked if she could skip the field trip and attend the parade, and she was told she didn't have to go on the field trip but if she didn't she wouldn't be able to be in the parade either. She would have to sit in the office during it.

My question is this: In a world where our children are growing up too fast, getting pregnant at twelve, joining gangs at twelve, seeing way to many grown up things way too early, why are we constantly trying to take their youth away from them and forcing them to grow up even faster. It seems to me, that all this political correctness is only helping to speed along the robbing of our children's youth. Let them be young while they have the chance. Let's not force them to become grown up until they have to.

I know this may seem like a minor subject but it's the whole picture that I'm concerned about.


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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 10/27/2002 10:09:00 AM  From Authorid: 3538    Oh, I agree with you on this big time. My boyfriend has a 9 year old kid, with the mind of an adult. I wish she would just be a kid, and not be an adult. She knows too many things that go on in the world and she does not do any kid things. She does not play with Barbie dolls, games, toys, or any kid things. I do not know who forced her to grow up so fast. She lives with her mom and is the oldest out of two other kids. I guess it was the way she was brought up. She was around her mom all the time and saw the things that went on dealing with her mom, and I guess it forced her to grow up too soon. I just wish she could be a kid again.  
Date: 10/27/2002 10:16:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31368    I hear ya. I'm currently contending with the Britney Spears image, that all nine year old girls feel the need to uphold. I've had to toss out certain clothes that I found her pulling off her shoulder or up to high above her knees because I caught her several times trying to be "sexy". Would someone please tell me why a nine year old would want to look sexy when they still think boys are "gross".  
Date: 10/27/2002 10:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 3538    I know what u mean about that!For example, my boyfriend's daughterwas looking through a Halloween Costume Catalog. She pointed out several costumes that she wanted to be. All of them were revealing costumes that showed too much skin!She wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader, a sexy devil, a sexy police woman, a go-go dancerwith high heel boots. She told me her mom already bought her costume, she is going as this cat with a tight midriff top. I just do not know what happened to the nice costumes anymore, like Raggedy Ann or Cinderella or a Lion, etc.Last night we went to a haunted house and it was cold. She was wearing this flimsy shirt, and I guess she thought it looked nice. When we got down from the truck, I asked her where her sweater was and she did not want to wear it, I guess she wanted to show off.Later, she was complaining she was cold. I do not know why her mom lets her wear skimpy shirt. Kids are growing up so fast, I just wonder what makes them think they have to grow up so fast?  
Date: 10/27/2002 10:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 43556    Maybe we can blame our entertainment industry OR the fact that parents want to be "friends". So they allow the child to behave as small adults. I agree with you 100%, but I don't think there is a single answer.  
Date: 10/27/2002 11:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 13897    heheh Spears wasn't around when i was little, and i wanted to look "sexy" sometimes.. but anyways... yeah, i think the school should let kids do this! it sounds fun... and it sounds like they are being unreasonable totally.  
Date: 10/27/2002 11:13:00 AM  From Authorid: 12341    Good post. I agree with you but can't offer any specific thought on where the root of the problem is. Seems like all children want to be grown up too soon. I remember fighting the limits my Mom set with clothes and make up and then I went through the same things with my girls.  
Date: 10/27/2002 1:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 22080    i agree at my school now im not trying to stereotype but the preps put on a cowboy hat and are like "oh im a cowgirl" they change one thing about there dialy wear and there friends think its cool my group which is like the misfits we come up with our own stuff and go a little more extreme than we are allowed to everyday so yeah if they took that away life would be boring maybe he has another motive tho maybe hes like fundamentalist christian but cant use his religon to ban something in a school hmm who knows anywho yeah they really force us to grow up faster*sarcasm* science already proved why girls are becoming sexually active earlier and thats because pubirty starts earlier because the weight for pubirty to be reached at a certain age is on a rise but i dont see whats wrong with kids and showing them reality arent parents jobs to show them reality and guide them  
Date: 10/27/2002 1:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 22080    and also im 15 and i have the intellect of an adult so ive been told by countless teachers and my school counselor principal etc and i dont do normal kid things i never did i was always into music while kids were playing with gi joes i was listening to manson while kids were learning piano i learned guitar while kids were going to school functions or having slumber parties i goto concerts so i dunno is that to adult? i have been told that why? i have no clue  
Date: 10/27/2002 1:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 56927    Be warned, it could be an excuse to say we should allow our children to develop slower, for parents to be more relaxed in their approach to bringing up children. We should teach our children to not be so attached to our youth, who knows what might happen otherwise.... bb  
Date: 10/27/2002 1:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 16069    Why would they even scedule a feild trip and a parade for the same day? Can they still go to the parade after the trip, or is it going on the same time? Halloween parade are fun no matter how old you are. Id be disapointed if I were you too. I LOVE seeing all of the cute costumes the kids AND adults wear. I wish I could see some of yours. Maybe you can have a Halloween party at your house or something? Happy Halloween!  
Date: 10/27/2002 1:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 16069    When I was a little girl I always dressed up as Madonna. I wasnt trying to look sexy, I was only dressing up like my favorite singer, (at that time) So what?  
Date: 10/27/2002 3:14:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31368    I think I made a bit of a mistake when i mentioned Britney Spears. I didn't mean she was dressing like her specifically, just that when we are faced with idols like her and others that little girls want to be sexy to look like their idol but they have no idea why they want to be sexy when they don't even like boys yet. I too wanted to look like Madonna when I was younger, and did dress like her around 15 years old but even then I was too embarassed to wear the more revealing clothes and even if I wasn't my mother woudln't have allowed it. She set boundaries which is the key to this sort of problem.

Anyhow I think I've gotten of the topic of the debate. I know there are many, many more underlying reasons that our children are growing up quicker, my question is with all of these other catalysts, when children express the desire to still join in childhood activities, (which I don't believe is unreasonable at 9 years) why should they be robbed of that choice and forced not to participate. If there are children who don't want to join in the activities, (which by the way there haven't been any to my knowledge that have expressed feeling that they don't want the parade. We are a very small town and very close knit.) But if there are children who don't want to participate, they should be allowed the choice to go on a field trip, but on the other side of the coin, the children who DO want to participate should not be told they can't. This was a decision based solely on the fact that the administration sees that children are growing up faster, and they ASSUMED that ALL children would rather go on a field trip then be children.

Anyhow, to sum up what I've already said, children are growing up faster for many reasons and this is a fact we have to get used to, but I don't think the answer is to force the ones who are developing at the rate expected of their age, to leave behind their childhood to early. I'm not talking about preteens here. This is a nine year old.
Date: 10/27/2002 3:18:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31368    BB, I see your concern. But in my case, my 9 year old, in almost all aspects is developing above average, she takes special classes because she is ahead of her own grade. But I don't think that because she is intelligent beyond her years that I should treat her as such. She is still only nine years old and that is how I treat her. I think we get into very dangerous territory when we assume a young person who displays above average intelligence, should cope like an adult.  
Date: 10/27/2002 3:30:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31368    LOA, I can't figure this out either, they are scheduled at the same time, and anyone who doesn't want to go on the field trip has to sit in the office, like they are being reprimanded. I just don't get it.  
Date: 10/27/2002 5:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 51463    I remember for costume day me and all my friends dressed up as elements of a haunted garden (I was a pumpkin with a spooky face). It was middle school but all the kids were doing it and getting into it. Well there were about 20 of us and we stood together and had our picture taken. A teacher came over and demanded we removed our costumes as they thought that we were showing off and that this "click" of ours was making others feel bad. We weren't a click, we were a group of people (some who didn't even get along), brought together by this idea of doing a giant theme for halloween. We made no one feel bad in fact in my opinion we were friendlier in costume than without. In a way we showed unity in which a lot of creative people got together, but we had to get rid of all of our costumes which he threw out to the garbage. We were devastated, we made our costumes together (costing $300+) and we didn't get to go trick - or - treating that night. I think that in a way they were telling us to grow up, and that even though it was the school's costume day they didn't expect us to dress up. You're only as young as you feel and I was feeling great, so what's the message there? I agree with you, and believe the field trip should be optional as should the parade!

Date: 10/27/2002 11:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 34814    Hey I totally agree with you!!!!! My God sister is 13 and she is into soooooo much trouble. I use to live with her and could help keep her and her sister busy. But since they moved 300 miles from me they are not so good. The oldest is bad though. Their school doesn;t give them enough to do and their father took off. Their Mom is raising her oldest daughter who passed aways children and she is 54. She just can't handle them So all 5 children are doing whatever they want. I asked my oldest sis what she was doing for halloween and she said going to a hot party. Where no parent will be home! So I do think that there needs to be more outlets for kids. Good post!  
Date: 10/28/2002 12:02:00 AM  From Authorid: 34814    I dressed up as a nightmare shower woman once. In a white bath robe with scary make-up. The makeup was 5 bucks total at a close out shop. I don;t wanna even hear that. You can make a costume out of anything!  
Date: 10/28/2002 12:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 34814    And for the record Brittany Spears started the madness for my sister. I played break Brittant stuff when I saw my sister come out looking like a you know what. Then I over heard her and her friends talkign about what they wanted to do to brittanys boyfriend Justin. She is icky.  
Date: 10/28/2002 5:35:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31368    Thanks for both of your comments. I think everyone should take one day out to act like a kid. Gives them a chance to regain some innocence. At 28 years old, I still make myself a costume every year. I love Halloween, the only time I get to act like a kid. Even when I had no money I still managed. I just went down to the thrift store and overhauled something to make it what I wanted. Now I have the money to do what I want, and I lend all our costumes from previous years to whoever wants to use them. I keep getting told that I should rent them out but I could never profit off my holiday, lol.  
Date: 10/28/2002 7:32:00 AM  From Authorid: 59418    i agree completely. i hate the way ppl try to make kids grow up and act 40yrs old..when their 11..metal princess  
Date: 10/28/2002 7:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 59418    im not saying 40 is old...just a random number. no offence anyone..MP  
Date: 10/28/2002 12:40:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31368    Lol, thanks for the comment MB, I didn't take offense, but then again I'm not 40 lol.  
Date: 11/2/2002 5:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 35281    I have been thinking the very same thing lately. We don't force children to grow up fast, the things we experience forces us/them to grow up fast. I don't think the Halloween parade should have been taken away. People in my high school still do it. You're right, it gives kids a chance to be kids, if only it was that easy. Lilwicca  
Date: 11/4/2002 5:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 58030    i think that adults started to force children to grow up back when they had very high demands on their way of life i'm talkin back to old old old they needed to forage for food, and protect themselves, then those people decide to pass it on to their children, and finally it is today and we have it easier and have no need for all the adult ness but by now the child/adult can not understand children being children and they have to try and make themselves be able to understand.  

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