I can see the light shining At the end of the road. But no matter how close it seems, My world remains dark and cold.
I long so for just a drop of happiness, That can be found in that light. But the road is so long, I go on with all my might.
The ones that I thought Would always walk by my side, Have broken my heart. With broken promise, with every lie.
I long so for a love, That is honest and true. I want to feel deep with in my heart, The unspoken words of I love you.
Now I have found an angel, I hope will help me find my way. Who will help me forget the past, And find the hope in tommorrow and the beauty in today.
But oh how I fear, That here I will forever remain. In this cold world, Of The unseen, the forgotten, the unnamed.
For a distance greater than the road, Lies between him and I. I can't hold his hand, I can't look into this angel's eyes.
I can't feel his warm touch, Or see a smile upon his face, And even if I never hold him in my arms, In my heart he will always have a place.
I can see the light shining At the end of the road, And alone I will travel, Until his hand I can hold. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 61677 ( Click here )
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