Well I just thought I would share this story with everyone. Its a true story by the way. Well we will say my friends name is "Ryan" Since i dont want to use his real name. Anyways, well When Ryan was 13 years old his best friend "John" always used to tell him how his parents beat on him all the time. Ryan felt bad, but really there was nothing he could do but go and tell someone...but at that age, I guess he didnt feel there was a need to. Until one day John asked Ryan if he would help kill his parents...Ryan didnt know know what you do, and he was pressured into it by his friend so he decided he would. Now at 13, I guess you knew guns could kill people..but I dont think he believed it would actually kill the person. So yes, Ryan and John went and shot both of Johns parents while they were sleeping. John had a baby sister, and they were going to shoot her too but they decided they better not, and by that time the cops showed up, and well im sure you can figure out what happened from there. Im not too sure about what happened with John, but Ryan only had about a 6 year sentence, and hes now out of jail and off of probation. Today Ryan is one of the nicest guys that I know, but He will have to live with that mistake for the rest of his life. I guess the main point im trying to get at here, is that peer pressure really is a big deal, especially when it comes to something serious. If you dont believe what you are being pressured into is right, and you have doubts about it dont do it and go and talk to someone. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35109 ( Click here )
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