A very close friend whom I have known since the 4th grade recently this year has found out he has a cancer in his leg. He is the sweetest guy I think I have ever known. He is a perfect student, the quarterback on the football team, and a hockey player. Not to long ago our school went on the "Today Show" as our whole football team shaved their heads for him, It was a very touching time. Our town has pulled together and is raising money for him and his operation. Everyone has been hurt and touched by the horrible moment. Cancer picked the wrong person to mess with! Recently he went for his cemo, please please Pray for him!
Luv- Sassygaltom How it changed my life:It has changed my life, by thinking how anything can happen to anybody. Your life can easily be changed, dont take advantage of it. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 16912 ( Click here )
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