Is this a dream or a memory? The life that I think about is Within your souls desire I Think of us one last time Commit your picture to memory And pass out along the road Take my soul away and take Me to unknown places of Eternity
"One man's failure is another's Gain so don't let me fail On the trip to heaven oh God let me handle what I Can"
The wire cuts closer to the veins and I take another hit all the drugs Can't help me cause life sucks When you're smoking a J. just To stay warm
It's times like this that I just Want to cry and make the pain Go away cause within the soul Is a desire to be free and To let everything go
Look you can't control me and You can't rule me and if you Try then maybe I'll just Have to do this all over again Maybe I'll do it this time You know what I'm talking About and you don't like it When I talk like this
Cause it's in dreams and Memories that I can really Think about you and us And what it was really like Back then
You really wanna know what's going On? Forget it I don't think you Deserve to know cause your Self-righteous act ain't gonna Get you through this life so Take a look around you and See that whatever you do life tAkes it's toll on everyone so Now you think you still deserve To know? Well once you stop That self-righteous act then Maybe I'll tell you
See life takes away everything when Some person takes their time to Commit to anothers life that's What gets my anger so riled Up and now you think it's funny
You thought that I'd get sane Again when I take another Hit and I can see you Laughing as you look down Upon me as you beat me Each night
Cause it's in dreams and Memories that I can really Think about you and us And what it was really like Back then
Now I've taken a turn for The worst and you can see The anger starting to flare Up in my eyes but you Keep on I just don't Get it don't you ever Learn?
I guess not cause you keep It up and you think that You're gonna get away with It I think not
You took away my pain and You gave me pleasure when I needed it and now you See why my pain is caused By my pleasure you take Everything as one big joke
Now when I told you this Once before you told me That I can't handle the Truth look me in the Eyes and say that again Maybe you can take me There again
My life's so messed up I don't Know if I can take this any More cause anyway you do This it pains me to see you Down in the dirt and my Battle was lost but I'll always Fight for you
Cause it's in dreams and Memories that I can really Think about you and us And what it was really like Back then
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .