This past month I've been having these dreams, the first one,I'm sitting at my computer and my chair starts to spin. I'm thinking 'hey..this is pretty cool', It's not spinning fast, just kinda slow and then it stops and I'm facing the computer, it gets up and starts to spin also slowly. And then all of a sudden I start falling out of my chair, but it's like slow motion. The first thing that comes to mind is 'we've lost our gravitational force'. And when I hit the ground (softly) I can't get up. I try to call for help but my throat it closed shut. I start banging on the desk but it makes no sound. I wake up and my body would be heavy and I couldnt move. The second one,I was driving in our old convertible with my dad, top down, and suddenly I start to fly/float out of the car and into the sky, before I touch the clouds, I start coming back down gently and I see my dad's car coming toward me, but before it comes and hits me, I jump off the ground and into the sky. And all the while, there's someone out of the corner of my eye. I can't tell who it is. I woke up and I could feel my body lifting up from itself, but I jerk myself back into our realm and once again, my body is heavy and I can't move, but this time for a longer amount of time. Last night, I didn't have a dream. My body was heavy for at least 10 minutes until I started raising slowly to the roof. I started hurtling to the sky, but my eyes are closed because I'm afraid of what happen. I wasn't used to it.So I start hurtling back down through my roof and I slam into my body, and wow did it hurt. I couldnt move for like 5 minutes, after that while I was begining to worry and I tried to say something, nothing comes out. I try to scream but my throat is sore and scratchy where I can only whisper it. My body finally starts to relax so I bring my arm up to bang on the wall, on the other side is my brother's room. It doesn't seem loud enough so I bring my leg around and start to bang on it. (Now that I think of did I do that?)But no one comes. So a few minutes later, I try my hardest to get my body back to normal, while thinking that maybe when I was hitting the wall, that was in my OBE. So I go to my brother's room and he and his friend are sitting there playing video games, so I ask him if he heard me hitting the wall and he says he does...but he thought I was dancing. I have to admit I do dance a lot but at 12:30 at night, with my lights off and with no music? That's a bit
FireNymph How it changed my life:I had my first OBE! Yay! ^_^ You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 53164 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .