Ok, so me and my friends were partying at my house, which, let me tell u, is in the oldest part of the town, and i guess half the houses in my neighborhood are supposedly haunted, but i just moved here, so i'm kind of skeptical. Well like i was say we were having a good time just hanging out doin normal "teenager" stuff, and we started daring ppl to do crazy stuff. So it got around to me, and my friends dared me something that made everyone gasp; i had to go into the anderson home, the 13th street in the cul-de-sac that i live in. I didnt think anything of it, and, trying to show off my fearless attitude to a few gurls that i just met at my new school, get straight up and walk down there, a few steps later my friends stepped out 2, kind of looking pale, tryin to tell me not to go down there, but i was egotistical, of course. So anyways, a couple of minutes later, i had to walk a good 50-65 feet, slowly as it was cold and i was smoking a cigarette, i got there. I stood outside for a few minutes, sort of admiring the house, and yet at the same time being paralyzed in fear of the place. I may be new in town, but town legends have a way of getting into new ppls minds, and i have heard the rumor of the anderson house. See, the way i heard it is like this: An old retired butcher used to live there, back in the 1910's i guess, and its a story that he had 13 children with his wife of 43 years, and had been retired for 5 yrs, so it was kind of new to him, and boring. Well needless to say he went crazy from boredom and slaughtered his wife and children, all but one, who he left to tell the story, but not without cuttin him up a little to scare him into remembering everything. Then he turned around, messed with a thermostat for the freezer, as he was setting the temperature to the coldest temperature to freeze his children and wife, then turned around again and started putting his former wife and children into the freezer, saving his wife for last. Well, the whole time he was piling them into the walk-in freezer, his sons gears were turning in his little head, and as soon as he got his little brother into the freezer, and started walking out, his son slammed the door, locked it, and ran to the nieghbors house. He stayed there for a few days, then got a foster family to take care of him. But the problem was that after the police cleaned up his house, he didnt have any insurance money, so they had to put him back in his old house, with the new family. Well, back to the butcher. He was locked in the freezer, right, and he knew he was done for, so he pledged on his last breath to remain in the house as a poltergeist, to get back at the son who killed him, and he sold his soul that night, for his wish was granted. When his son, we'll call him ricky, was asleep one night, when he was awakened to the sound of his foster mom's scream in the middle of the night.... wait for The soul 2..... How it changed my life:scary...definitely freaked me out You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 53144 ( Click here )
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