These past days, pain has controled me, in every thought or way, nothing I or the docters do, seem to make it go away, they say it may stop, in a few weeks, though theyre not realy sure, they gave me morphine, and many other drugs to ease my pain, though none of their drugs even dulled the pain, it comes and goes, as it chooses, as i sit a beg for an end, i know there is no medicine to stop this pain within, i throw up stomach acid, its been so long since i have ate, all im allowed until this is over, is water nothing more, i feel like walking death now, i dream only of food, i have few desires left now, the pain to end and real food to eat again, or a gun to my head, to end up dead, so this pain will end, dont tell me it will be ok, the docters havnt even lied so boldy to me, i begged my mother to blow out my brains last night, while i was twitching in pain, no hope in me remains, just a dream of an and to this pshyical pain. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 21320 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .