First of all, I didn't know where to put this, so sorry!
It all started in 6th grade when I had a friend sleep over. We had seen a scary movie and i asked my mom if we could bring our sleeping bags in her room and sleep there. Well, of course my mom didn't mind. We said our goodnights and went to sleep. Somewhere in the middle of the night, I had to go to the bathroom. When I came back, I noticed this lump in the sheets at the end of the bed. I looked over at my mom, and bother her legs were on her side. I got closer to see if I could hear anything. Nope, nothing. I thought, oh thats just my cat. But she hadn't slept under the covers since she was a baby. Still, being the curious me and I just couldn't leave well enough alone, I reached my hand under the covers and stretched it towards the lump. All of a sudden I hit something and threw my hand back. What ever it was was extremly smooth, like a baby's skin. When I sat back down on the floor, I looked at it. It didn't even move. I didn't know what to do. I hated to wake my mom up and my friend doesn't wake up that easily, so I pulled my sleeping bag over my head and tried to go back to sleep. The next morning I told my mom about it and she got mad because I didn't wake her up, so I promised that next time anything happened, she would be the first to know. From then on, I slept with her. Nothing happened for a long time and I began to wonder if it was just my imagination. A couple months later, I was sleeping and something touched my feet. I flew up and turned on a light, I looked at the end of the bed and there was the same sized lump under the covers. I checked to see where my moms feet were and both were hanging off the bed. I shook her franticly and told her to wake up. Right when she looked at me, the lump disappeared. I couldn't go back to sleep, all I could do was cry and wonder why this thing was coming after me. Well, just this year, about a month before I moved to Louisiana, it came one more time. This time I was laying in bed, I hadn't gone to sleep yet. I was laying on my side and out of the corner of my eye, I saw te sheets start rising up. I reached up and slapped them down and began saying,"I demand that all evil leave this room, I demand that all evil leave this room." I kept saying it over and over again till I fell asleep. I told my mom about it the next morning and she said we had to do something. We called my Mimi and told her about it. She knew a man on the internet who always sent her these beautiful religious cards. She told him of what had happened to me and he said he knew just what to do. He sent her some Holy Oil that came from Isreal. They took the oil and poured it on to the rock where Christ was layed when he was crucified. Then the oil would drip off and they would bottle it. So the man sent my Mimi the oil and told her to send it to us so we could bless the house. When my mom got it, she took the oil and rubbed it into the shape of a cross on my forhead and said a prayer, and then she did the same thing to every window and door in the apartment. All of a sudden, I felt so safe. We went to bed that night and my mom just recently told me what happened. I had drifted off to sleep and my mom had heard crying outside our window. Alot of people crying, and they were all wispering. She never got up, but she just buried her head in my neck. I also just found out that a friend of ours said that when she walked in our apartment, she could feel something very evil around. Nothing has happened since then and I am so thank-ful for Christ in my life.
God Bless, TexasSweetie
How it changed my life:Well, I'm just less curious about things!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 51306 ( Click here )
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