I just want everyone here to know that I think of each of you everyday and ponder apon the kind words and support that each of you has given me.
You have no Idea how you here at USM has helped me get through what Collin did. I love each of you in such a special way...I am so saddened to see some of the things I have seen in my own life lateley. I saw the post about Karen and my heart absolutely sank, Karen will never know the strength she has given me and the way she has touched my life personally. I feel we havnt gotton to share enough with eachother. I hope I get to speak to her soon. (I love you Karen)
As for what I am going through, what can I say? I have backed away from USM because of Collin, he has let several people know that he was getting back on, I believe he has a new alias here. God! That sickens me!
The boys are good, they havnt taken any of this well. EVENTUALLY they will recover.
I know for a fact that Collin has been talking to several of you, three of you have called me and told me, Collin has told quite a few lies to several of you, hey, if thats how he gets his kicks....WHATEVER. (You want to believe him, LOL, go ahead, you aren't believing the truth!...LMBO! I almost think what he has done as sad, and, the lying thing? Oh god....If you only knew.
I still find out more each day about Collins "Double Life"...God!...Why Me?...Why us?....He stated he did this to hurt me, I don't even try and figure out why anymore...I'm just glad it is over and now I know the truth and Don't love a LIE anylonger!
I have met some new friends and have a room mate now. I even met a great person that has helped me through this in a friend way and been a Body Guard. I have finally eaten 2 times. Hey, twice in a month isn't bad, considering I didn't eat anything until 3 days ago! I still get very ill when I eat, so I don't , but, I try and put a lil fuel in me. I will be glad when I can sit down and eat again and not just take two bites and puke. I'v lost a TON of weight, I was never heavy, but, I had a lil pudge. Ha....not anymore, Not eating, my body went to the reserve hip area to eat...LOL.....I had to be given clothes so I could have something to wear...I didn't want to go Naked...LOL
Please pray for me, my boys and my mom. This is a struggle for us. I mainly wanted to let you all know I still love you all and I'm fine...Well...Getting there:)
There is so much more I want to say to each of you, I love you all and thank each of you so much......Ginger and George, Heidi, KiKi, and, So many others...Larry, Dajiha, MoonGirl, Irish Raven,ETC...you all know who each of you are.....Thank you for the Phone calls, MSGS, financial support, love and Kindness, Prayers, and Friendship through this all....
Remember...Never have regrets....Love...and Breathe.....Just go on living, don't let bad people hurt you, if you do...Go on in life head high!...They get it back two fold....The best revenge is love and Closure......God takes care of the bad people for you....you just love and go on.
All my love...I miss you all....Judi You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 33922 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .