#1: We were discussing how a man in a nearby state used a fraudlent check made out for $29,000 to purchase a new car for $14,000 cash. The fraud had the DEALER on the defensive end, by implying maybe he didn't have the $15,000 in change he needed. Furious, the dealer forgot all about the checks validity, and was totally focused on proving he had the funds. The man drove off with the new car and $15,000 in cash. After the dealer discovered the check was fake, he called police, who soon discovered the identification and creditentials the man presented upon buying the car were fake also.
Dealer: Out one car and $15,000.
Fraud: Sold car for $25,000, made $40,000 total profit. If they caught him TODAY, by law the man MIGHT get 6 months in prison. However, there is a man locked up in Atlanta, Ga right now serving life for pulling a knife on a store clerk and running off with $45 in cash. Lets see. $40,000 = 6 months, $45 = life. Know why? Threat of violence. Fraud wore suit, tie, respectable looking. Thief wore blue jeans, sweater, thug looking. Threat of violence made a WORLD of difference.
#2: We got to discussing George W. Bush and Saddam Hussain. The majority of the class voiced Bush is justified in using force to get Hussain out. The instructer, the Investigations Captain b.t.w. (bear in mind this class is INSIDE the Sheriffs Office) asked why. The class's answer? Hes a threat to our National Security. To which the Capt. replied, "But in Saddams eyes, AMERICA is a threat to HIS National Security. Think about it, we're telling HIM we're going to force him out if he doesn't leave on his own. What makes it OK for us and WRONG for him?" The class fell silent.
#3: He related the case of the woman who is sueing McDonalds because her hot coffee spilled on her. "Who finds this total and complete B.S.?" he asked. ALL the class raised their hands. He continued, "So did I, until I read the case study." He then related the following to us:
*The woman was about 80 years old
*The woman lost 1/3rd her thigh because the coffee burned her so badly
*Due to a default in the coffee machine, instead of the coffee being 125 degrees, it was almost at 270. We also learned McDonalds REFUSED to recall the machines, citing the obvious cost of repairing them.
On another note, he touched on Felony Murder. He mentioned if he robs a store, then speeds away and hits a 5 year old girl, hes committed a Felony Murder, his sentence will be somewhere between 50-life. He then mentioned that Ford KNEW of a default in some of its Mustangs and Pintos in which the gas tank was weak, usually resulting in the rupture of the tank and explosion of the car.
Get this guys! He told us that according to the memos from some of the top Executives of Ford, they would deny fixing the tanks and just pay the handful of wrongful death suits that occured. He asked was Ford guilty of Felony Murder, to which no one said yes. His reply was:
"Why not? If Ford knows AHEAD of time people WILL die from use of this product, and they allow it anyway, that to me is premeditated 1st degree Felony Murder, since they did nothing to prevent the deaths of the people"
Again, the class fell silent. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 15319 ( Click here )
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