Any new Ouija users might wanna know these few pointers... things to say, and not to say... and not to do, etc etc...
1.Ask Simple questions, (i.e. Will I get a part in the play next week? Will my parents let me go to the concert? What will my future husbands name be?) Questions like that while you're beginning anyway.
2. Things NOT to ask or talk about: (A) When will I die or when friends/family will die (obvious reasons... mainly because it will be open to predicting your fate, also it'll make you paranoid if it says "Tomorrow" or somthing) (B) Anything about God or Satan or Jesus or anything religious like that... I'm not so sure why, but I've heard not to, and I wouldn't wanna risk it. (C) Anything too personal or anything you have bad feelings about.
3. Bad Signs: 1. When the Spirit starts counting down, or going through the alphabet backwards, it means the spirit is trying to get out of the board, and if it finishes it will be out, just say good-bye quickly before it can finish, and put the planchette as far from the board as possible. 2. When the Spirit won't let you say good-bye. If this happens, pick up the planchette and force it over the words, then move your Planchette off the board and cover it (the board) with a black cloth. 3. The planchette starts moving in a sideways figure 8 motion (the infinity sign) I'm not sure what this does, but I've heard some pretty bad stories, like people getting horribly sick, and such. Just Say Good-bye!
4. As you've probably heard, NEVER USE A OUIJA BOARD ALONE, I DUN CARE HOW BORED YOU ARE!!!!! If you do this, there's no balance to the spirit energy, and the spirit is free to enter your body (possess you) It doesn't happen very often, but it does on occasion, and do you really wanna take that chance?? Just watch the exorcist :-p lol
5. ALWAYS SAY GOOD-BYE, this closes the door between the living world, and the spirit world. If you leave this door open, who knows what could happen. You may get your own poltergeist (no, poltergeists are not cool or fun... they are freaky and can hurt you and people around you quite badly if givin the chance), or worse.
6. Never Trust a Spirit... I don't care if they say they're elvis, or late uncle bob, or Crazy Larry who used to live next door, You have no way of knowing for sure... what if they say they're uncle bob and they end up being Lozilaker the evil demon of Hades... you never know, Don't give them any personal info, or ask personal questions. Spirits DO lie my friends... sad but true.
7. Last, but DEFFINATLY not least... USE COMMON SENSE! If anything, and I mean ANYTHING doesn't feel right or sound right, say good-bye RIGHT AWAY. If you get a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach, TRUST IT, it's less likely to lie.
Erin * Emmie Lou
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