Bedfordshire - RAF Chicksands/The Priory- The Priory used to house both monks and nuns. Legend states that a forbidden love affair between a monk and a nun was discovered by the powers that be. People have reported seeing a ghostly female figure wandering the halls of the Priory and its grounds. There is also a tunnel that leads from the Priory to the local town that has also been sealed. It has been confidentially stated that the tunnel was sealed due to violent attacks by an unknown entity on visitors.
Cleveland - Middlesbrough - The Tree Bridge Hotel - Reports of feelings of being watched and sightings of the gray lady wandering through the halls.
England - Alderminster - Ettington park - The gray lady is one of the few ghosts to be photographed. Many people have also reported to the reception, the screams of young children down by the river, the same location where a child drowned in the 18th century.
England - Aldenham – Hertfordshire - Edge Grove Preparatory School - This boys boarding school is haunted by a mysterious gray lady, who has been sighted in various rooms and corridors of the old part of the building. The old part of the building was originally a country home, and it is believed that the gray lady is the spirit of a former resident who fell down the main stairs and broke her neck.
England - Almondsbury near Bristol - Over Court - The White Lady of Over Court has been witnessed in the grounds and adjacent lane of Over Court for many years. She is the apparent victim of a sword or gunshot wound delivered by her husband upon discovery of a love affair with another man in the house. She is said to have dragged herself to the pond on the estate where she collapsed and died of her wounds.
England – Avebury - The Red Lion Pub - The pub is said to be haunted by a young woman called Florrie. Legend has it that, her husband found out that she was guilty of adultery. She was thrown down the well that used to be inside the pub. Florrie now haunts the pub in search of revenge. People have said that they have felt fingers going through their hair and they have heard noises.
England - Bedford - Abbey Middle School - In The girls restroom doors will close u will hear music and voices.
England - Billinge - The Stork Hotel - There is a crypt of an older building beneath the Hotel, a Cavalier was said to have been tortured to death and his ghost haunts the whole building. Also the Hotel is haunted by a highwayman who was a regular visitor to the Hotel his name was John Lyon. And his ghost has been seen galloping on his horse through the Village, as well as being heard.
England - Birmingham - Brightstone Road - screaming noises can be heard around 3:00 a.m. Some people have believed they have seen a pale white boy crying they thought the boy was around 15 to 18. It is thought to be a ghosts of a young Boy called peter who on the 19-06-1989 mysteriously went missing and was never found.
England - Birmingham - Kangs discount store - many people have believed to see a lolly pop walking out of the shop on it's own.
England - Birmingham - Sherburne road - an old man with a top hat and old fashioned clothes picking up papers at around 3 am in the morning.
England - Bognor Regis West Sussex - North Bersted - Some houses in Gravits lane have been said to be haunted by a little girl. She was apparently murdered and hidden in the walls in one of the houses, by her step dad. In some of the houses the windows have been nailed shut, and are still like this to this day. People have reported seeing a small white girl running from room to room away from her step dad. Also strange scrapings can be heard coming from the walls and ceilings.
England - Brighton - The Volks Tavern - Reports of an apparition of a dancing blonde woman.
England - Bristol - graveyard in Arnos Court - A young lady in all black walks around crying over dead husband she lost in 1st world war. She sits and speaks to people she says need guidance. Another woman walks around screaming. She will not let anyone near her. Believed to be the daughter of a family had buried her. She never woke-up from a coma. Upon exhuming the body, she had woken from the coma to find herself buried and died of shock.
England - Cadishead Manchester - Great Woolden Hall - A 600 Year old hall that is haunted by the ghost of captain blood a cavalier from the English civil war.
England - Chesterfield - Bolsover Castle - a lady in a white dress roams the grounds and the castle many locals know of ghost.
England - Chesterfield - North Wingfield Church - Apparitions carrying young children are seen during the winter months.
England - Collingbourne - Ducis Hall - There is a ghost who plays a piano its favorite song is Mary had a little lamb. We were in the hall and we heard music we went to the piano and the lid was down we went back to the main area and then heard it again we went back and the lid was open one of us ran and shut the door the others followed
England - Derby - Assembly Rooms - The assembly rooms used to be a big house where a big family lived once some years ago. The house burnt down it was then rebuilt and opened by the queen as now called the assembly rooms. There was a huge fireplace which must of been solid cause it was the only thing in the house that didn’t burn and is still there now. Cold spots felt. A few people say that they have seen the lady in a long red dress which we think could of been a member of the family some years ago when the assembly rooms was once a house.
England - Derby - City Centre - Reports of apparitions of children in ragged clothes
England - Derby - The Ostrich Pub - When the pub was first opened in the middle ages the Innkeeper Jarmen was not a nice man. He had designed a machine that would tilt the rich nobles when they were in their beds and they would fall through a trapdoor into a pot of boiling oil. The spirits of the rich nobles are still present and the most haunted room is the pantry, which is supposedly full of spirits and not just the alcholic kind. This was where Jarmen dumped the bodies before stealing their money. Strange presences are felt in the master bedroom and the pantry.
England - Derby - Seymour`s Wine Bar - Seymour`s Wine Bar is situated next to St Werburgh’s Church. It is known to have a old Lady Dressed in Grey who is said to frequently visit the upper regions of the property. There are many stories of the figure of the Grey Lady who has said to have a strong smell of lavender when present. The Lady`s Toilets are upstairs but the Men’s are downstairs so a lot of the stories from the public are those of Ladies. Stories include Cutlery been moved or disappearing then reappearing. Though all the stories are strange Staff say they never feel threatened by the presence felt. Also the Church is also said to have ghostly figures.
England - Derby - Winnats Pass - the story is that a couple wanted to marry the parents were against this happening. The young couple decided to elope and marry. This was in the 18th century so they had to go along Winnats Pass a dark steep road on foot it was the only route. It was dangerous as it was just the 2 of them well 3 lead-miners jumped on them they robbed them both and killed them. The bodies weren’t found until years later. The miners were never caught for it but the story has it you can hear their cries and sometimes see them along that route.
England - Devizes - The main road to Devizes - A highwayman on horseback wearing a tricorne hat. A truck driver I know drove straight through the apparition. He said it just it seemed to go up and over the windscreen.
England - Devon - Berry Pomeroy Castle - Many people have reported several different Ghosts in the ruined castle, but the most atmospheric area is the dungeons where people are believed to have been tortured, there is a definite air of evil around the whole place.
England - Dover - The Roman Lighthouse - This lighthouse is the oldest one in England. According to the locals, from time to time they see the ghost of a Roman soldier. There is also a monk wearing a black robe.
England - Dover - Dover Castle - Chilly under tunnels of the old torture chambers.... A world war 2 hospitals, which has senses of hands and sounds of screams.
England - Fair Oak - There have been numerous sightings of a shadowed figure without an explanation as to what it is. Ornaments and flower arrangements have also been moved.
England - Falkirk - White Cross - Haining Castle - Reports of seeing ghost and have felt psychic energies trying to connect with them and one visitors dog stopped at the stairs and growled frightened of a supernatural being and 2 schoolchildren imagined a newspaper headline say "Schoolchildren found dead in Castle" while they were in the castle.
England - Felixstowe - Previously American Military Housing - doors open when they have been bolted shut. Cabinet doors and drawers open soon after closing them. Items facing the wrong way or moved. Cars have started with no one inside.
England - Greater Manchester - Great Woolden Hall - A Shadowy cavalier, thought to be the ghost of Hamlet De Holcroft murdered there in a dispute other ownership, many history books say by the infamous Colonel Blood, (his real name), who married one of the daughters of a powerful local family the De Culcheths. The house's cellars give out bilious gases and strange senses of both heat and cold. The ghosts of a group of wild bulls are often seen on the riverbanks or heard to be lowing noisily. Objects have been seen to move and the sent of lavender fill rooms. Many other unspecific sights have also been seen or felt by many.
England - Grimsby - Yarborough hotel - This is a pub in Grimsby which used to be a hotel the staff have heard and seen small children a numerous amount of times in the actual hotel and cellar.
England - Guisborough - The Priory - The Priory was a church before it was burnt down by accident by a plumber and his two assistants on the 16th of May 1289. The Priory is said to be haunted by a black monk that wonders the Priory grounds at night.
England - Hampton court - The ghost of one of Henry the VIII's wives haunts the haunted gallery. The ghost gets mad when any one comes in to her spot. Reports of screaming, the lights turning off and an apparition.
England - Hereford- Hargess Court - A black dog has been seen by numerous people and usually foresees the death of a loved one.
England - Heworth - Heworth Graveyard - Three children where burnt alive in there beds while they slept and the legend says if at the stroke of midnight you run around the grave which you can't miss it’s the grave with the three people sleeping in there beds 12 times and say come play children play while running the kids that got killed tragically in there sleep will come out and play with you.
England - Ilkeston – Derbyshire - hermits wood - Strange banging noises, feelings of being watched and/or not alone, believed to be haunted by a monk that committed suicide many centuries ago, his apparition is said to be seen standing under the arch late at night.
England - Kielder - Bloodybush Road - In the remote area of kielder lies the lonely Willowbog Cottage, so old it is, in fact, mentioned in the Doomsday Book. From then on to the present day, every bridge ever built there, be it stone, metal or wood has never stood for over a decade. They have all at one point been found completely demolished over night or had to be destroyed due to unexplained bloodstains that cover every inch of it. On certain nights the galloping of hooves has been heard from the nearby Willowbog Cottage (which itself is 20 miles from anywhere). Willowbog still stands and is now the setting of a weekend and summer holiday activity center for the 74th Scout Troop of Newcastle upon Tyne but not even they have ever ventured to Bloodybush after midnight and god help anyone who ever does. For more on the story go to our experiences section. The link will be posted soon.
England - Leeds - Rodley - Many apparitions seems to haunt the area.
England - Leicestershire - Bradgate Park - On Christmas eve a carridge being pulled by headless horses caring mary queen of scots witn her head on her lap as it goes into the ruined mansion and then disapeared.
England - Leicestershire - Tugby - The old vicarage in tugby next to the grave yard has had many descriptions of the ghost at the window. There is a man in the village who actually has a old original photo of this ghost.
England - Liverpool - Walton - Walton Hall - Where a locked and bolted door is reported to open, and after thirty seconds suddenly bangs shut. This phenomenon is said usually to take place in June, and one story attributes the occurrence to the ghost of an elderly lady who, in the eighteenth century, to have died in her bath and still tries desperately to get back into her bedroom
England - Liverpool - Fountains Abbey public house - Witnesses have seen a lady dressed in a full length black cape with a hood. in the rear yard of the shop. Feelings of not being alone, even being tucked in at night.
England - Liverpool - Philharmonic hall- A ghostly humming comes from one of its lowest rooms also footsteps can be heard in empty rooms.
England - London - East Acton- an old church building that is now a school meant to be haunted by monks in the I.T room seen by a teacher and in the hall an old lady called the blue lady who died on the titanic when it sank has been seen dancing on the stage.
England - London - Hampton Court Palace - Catherine Howard(One of Henry V111's wives)was imprisoned in the Palace in 1541 but escaped from her guards, and ran to the chapel to beg for mercy from the king. But the king pretended to be at prayer and ignored her. Catherine was dragged away shrieking and was executed soon afterward. In recent times her terrible ghostly screams have echoed around the palace.
England - London - Heathrow Airport - The ghost of Dick Turpin has been haunting the area of Heathrow since the 1700's, when he was hanged. He is usually found near the runways, riding a brown horse and wearing British-Colonial style clothes.
England - London - White Chapel - The ghost of Jack The Ripper's first victim, Polly Nichols haunts the spot where her body was found.
England - London - Royal University of Hathaway - On the 4th floor of the Dormitory, in a private room, there is a spirit of a young man. He's very sad, and there are a few different ways that his hauntings take place. One person stayed there for a week and was awakened a few times in the middle of the night by the ghost. The first encounter was at the sink in the room. The water was running, and it was splashing around with no one visibly at the sink. The second night there was someone sitting on the edge of the bed crying. The third night was the last for this room as the ghost was sitting on the edge of the bed, making a visible imprint in the bed. The ghost then got up and stepped over the person staying in the room to the window out to the courtyard. With a great audible sigh, the ghost, quite visible at this point stooped through window opening and leaped out.
England - London - St. James's Park- There is a headless monk that apparently walks in front of people and then disappears. This takes place near the bridge that crosses the river.
England - London - terror tower - the tower where people were tortured then killed. sightings of ghosts have been seen.
England - London - Theater Royal - The Man In Gray who is only seen during rehearsals for hit shows. There is also the ghost of a famous clog dancer his presence is detected by a whiff of lavender.
England - Long Melford - Melford Hall - There have been unexplained fires started in the bell-tower when the church has been locked and no-one there...
England - Long Melford / Suffolk-The Bull Inn - Reports of a ghost walking there.
England - Lyme Regis - The Angel Pub - Objects appear and disappear, and sudden and intense cold has been experienced. Doors open and close of their own accord. The ghost is of a young woman, the daughter of a former publican. No other information is known, but the phenomenon has been experienced by the present incumbents, and by local people. Only haunts the upper parts of the pub, which are private. Very creepy atmosphere.
England - Mexborough - Ragger - a young girl by the name of the white lady was walking through a tunnel when a train hit her. There is a gap in the tunnel wall, which you can sit in, then you say her name 3 times and she reappears walking through the tunnel. Only a few people have been in contact with the white lady i am one of them.
England - Mirfield West Yorkshire - castle hill St. Mary’s Church- people feeling apparitions of horses cantering past sounds of battle and dark hooded figure seen wondering around the graveyard. castle hill is a large hill which once was occupied by a Norman castle and still has a surrounding swamp.
England - Newbury - Westfield way 4 - black figure walking up and down the stairs train track out side not been used for 76 years but trains go past and you can hear screaming and laughing footsteps in the loft. The bones found of a baby under floorboards.
England - Newcastle - Tynemouth Priory - A castle from the 1500's (I think) with a lot of ghostly activity, 1 story of which is of the Monk Ghosts, there is a so-called "monk stone" in the graveyard of the priory where many people have witnessed monks preying to the stone, (me being one of them) they wear long brown gowns, with gold/yellow rope belts, and hoods with gold/yellow markings on them. There is also the story of "The 3 Kings' Grave" where if you dare to visit at 12:00pm, (midnight) take a coin and place it on the grave, a white hand will rise and pick the coin up and "dances" it around on the grave.
England - Newstead - Newstead abbey - There are several ghosts that haunt the old mansion, one called the white lady and one called the black widow. Many people have seen the white lady and have tried to communicate with her but when they do she disappears. The black widow if seen can cause a curse that can ruin that person’s life.
England - Newstead - Nottingham - Newstead Abbey - Was once home to the famous poet Lord Byron, A number of times a lady in white has been spotted collecting water from the waterfall near the main lake. Also several other ghosts have been spotted in the Abbey, the abbey and grounds are open to the public all year round. There is a very cold feeling in several places in the abbey when you are walking around.
England - Newton - le Willows - Newton Park (Newton Lake) - The White Lady has been haunting this lake for many years. No one knows the true story as there are many. The White Lady is believed to have been drowned by her husband (who is thought to haunt Megnes Park) and now comes back every night. She is often seen floating on the lake before she disappears.
England - Norfolk - Norwich - Maddemarket Theatre - During a performance of a Christian medieval play, the ghost of a monk walked across the stage and moved all the crosses. The producers were later congratulated on their use of special effects - although they knew nothing about it and there have been many other sightings... part of the theatre has a very nasty atmosphere and no one dares to go there alone...
England - North Yorkshire Stape - Ken Ather Centre - The "Green Lady" as she has been named by school student who have visited stape, appears in the girls dormitory on the "haunted bunk" - a lone bunk that stands against the wall. Some students have seen her, a few have been pushed off her bunk - the top one - and others have felt things. The few students, who have managed a night on the bottom bunk, were found to have scratch marks the next morning.
England - Northwich - Marbury Country Park - Believed to be haunted by the gray lady and numerous others.
England - Northumberland - Chillingham Castle - Supposed to be the most haunted place in England, Chillingham Castle as over 600+ years of violent history. Chillingham became a fortress in the 14th century and as more than a fair share of ghosts and spirits some are known like the Blue boy and Lady Mary Berkley. But Chillingham also as plenty of other spirits that are not known by many. Chillingham castle was built to stop the Scottish from over running the north of England. Though the Chillingham castle may look beautiful on the outside, the castle holds an immense dungeon from witch dreadful dead were done to the criminal and innocent alike. The surrounding area is haunted as well.
England - Nottingham - Wellston Hall - A woman in periodic clothing has been seen many times, wandering the premises and then disappearing into mist.
England - Nottinghamshire - Newstead Abbey - The Abbey was built in the 12th century and has a lot of history. The purpose of the Abbey was for a priory for black Augustine Monks. This was the Monks home for about 400 years. But King Henry decided to change everything for them. He sold the home to the Byron family. They slowly destroyed the Home using the bricks to build their adjoining home. The Abbey now had no roof and was not a home anymore. The story goes as the Monks make sure things don’t go well for that family they don’t have many children and money is now short. And when a family member dies they turn up and laugh.
England - Old bury - Tividale high school - in the great hall at this school a 15 year old boy threw his self to his death from the balcony, due to the pressures of his exams. he was found by his class mates as they entered for there exams. he is now known to stand on the balcony and look down at other pupils as they do there exams.
England - Oxford - Priestleys Woods - Lady on a Horse riding sidesaddle, looking for her family who drowned in the lake,
England - Paulton - public park - old women sat on bench at night about 11:00 o’clock and on. She wears a red scarf but the rest of her seems blurred - witnesses ponder whether if its a red scarf or blood. she sits there frozen all night. (Some people have seen her with a ghost dog) about every 5 minutes she wanders round the public park calling out "have you seen my daughter she was here last night" & others have heard her whisper, "help me find her with me"
England - Pluckley - The road from Pluckley to Maltman's Hill - haunted by phantom coach and 4 horses. On dark nights it is supposed to be possible to hear the drumming of horses' hooves and the carriage wheels rumbling on the lonely road. I read this book which says there are 12 ghosts in Pluckley! (one of the ghosts has already been mentioned - the suicidal school master)
England - Portsmouth - The White Swan Pub - The White Swan Pub in commercial road, Portsmouth is haunted by the ghost of Victorian barmaid who had been murdered by her husband
England - Reading - A Pub - Reports of a ghost that looks like a Cavalier, From the Roundheads And Cavaliers War.
England - Redditch - Barley Mow Pub - Ghosts have been reported here by people who live near by this pub, which apparently is built on top of a massive graveyard.
England - Rochdale - About 8 years ago, 2 brothers went to a nightclub and took ecstasy tablets. Both then climbed onto the roof of the building and started dancing, but both lost their balances and fell to their death. Every night from 12pm-3pm, their ghosts are seen dancing on the roof of the now abandoned nightclub. There have been 5 sightings to date.
England - Rugby - Bishop Wulstan R.C High School - They call the ghost George, who haunts the top part of the school. He died at the school whilst training to become a monk.
England - Rugby - Rugby Theatre - It is haunted by 2 ghosts, 1st in the stalls from where someone that fell of the balcony and died and the 2nd backstage from an old actor that died at home of old age.
England - Ryde - Nettlestone School campsite - bloody mary, haunts girls toilets and has a twisted arm and leg.
England - Shropshire - Ironbridge - Tontine Hotel - Room 5 is haunted by a man who was hung in that room as it used to be and old execution chamber. Many people have woken in the middle of the night with a man sat at the end of the bed. Also sometimes a boat can be seen drifting down the river carrying bodies from the plague, being taken the plague pits where they put all the plague victims.
England - Shropshire - Ford - a man on a horse is said to be seen riding through the churchyard. Supposedly in the 18th century he was drunk and fell off his horse and was killed. he now haunts the churchyard with his horse. Only a few select people have seen this ghost mostly on full moons.
England - Skelton - Health Centre - Roman Legionaries are said to be heard marching down to York from Bamburgh Castle, also lights flickering, footsteps whilst alone, cold drafts.
England - Sleaford - The priory - It has been reported sightings of monks, inside and outside the area, there feet cannot be seen, neither there faces. Also loud screams and yells have been reported coming from inside the building, which has been empty for years..
England - Stevenage - Clop Hill - supposedly the church here is built the opposite direction to Jerusalem in which there has been many suspected hauntings going on as there were devil worshippers that would do sacrifices of innocent people they would chant and leave symbols of sacrifice after they would taunt innocent people they would hang them on the haunted tree also the graves situated around the church are in a semi-circle and placed on top of one another there are also eerie noise's that can be heard inside the church ruins.
England - Suffolk - RAF Woodbridge - "East-End Charlie" was a German pilot who, during WWII was flying his badly damaged plane back to what he thought was Germany. He instead crash-landed at the east end of the runway at RAF Woodbridge. A witness reports, "When I was stationed there in the late 70's, it was a US Air Force Base. The area in which Charlie would be seen was a weapons storage area which was bordered on the east side by what we referred to as 'The Queen's Woods'. Often British 'Ghost' societies would go out at night in the woods on 'Ghost Hunts' and we were advised of this. However, there was an old metal guard tower in the Northeast corner of the weapons area where a guard would always be posted. Anyone coming up the stairs to the tower would be heard as the stairs creaked". A guard looked up at a tower window and saw Charlie looking in on him. He jumped up, grabbed his M-16 and kicked open the heavy iron door. Charlie was already on the ground (15 feet below) running to the Southeast corner. He called a response team. When they got there, Charlie was running into the woods (which was on the other side of two alarmed fences, covered with concertina wire). This is the same RAF Woodbridge where a UFO was widely reported to have landed in a farmer's field right outside the base in the late 70's/early 80's.
England - Sunderland - Hylton Castle - The 'Cauld Lad' was a 12 year old boy who was killed by Baron Robert Hylton when he was caught napping in hay. He was stabbed with a pitchfork and then be-headed. He then buried him in the pond. Therefore, when you spot the Cauld Lad, he is either all there, or he carries his head in is hands. It is said that blood can be seen where the Cauld Lad has wandered recently. He would terrify any owners when they had parties. His best trick was removing his head in front of them! He is said to wander up and down the old Hylton Castle Road. He sings of the time he was killed, keeping people awake. He was said to tidy the kitchen after all other servants had gone to bed, so they started to leave the kitchen spotless, to which he would just rearrange it. He would also torture the cats by tieing their tails together. There is also a curse to Hylton Castle: "Woe woe to Hylton line, Woe be yours forever more, Ne'er in warfare shall you shine, But oft in murderspill your gore. Fallen strangers take your lands, You'll be strangers o'er the sea, For with blood you've stained your hands, Now with peace and wealth shall flee. Hylton's line dishonoured falls, Your course of crime the sould appals, Your strong walls shall broken lie, From their deep holes the owlets cry, Ghosts and harpies walk your grounds, Making dismal cries and sounds. Now the house inglorius falls; Strike to earth her ancient walls; Brave the heart that now shall dare, Make his habitation there. Ghosts and goblins dance around, peace no more shall there abound." It used to be open to the public, but due to safety hazards, closed down about 6 or 7 years ago. There is a steep spiral staircase with a room off to the left half way up. This is the room that the servants were said to be locked in. There is an old, cold, stone room that has an awful feeling of sadness. Also, on top of the castle there are various figurines. All stonecarved and of various devils, goblins etc. It is said that the Cauld Lad often sits up there with the figurines, watching the world go by.
England - West Yorkshire - Wakefield - Cineworld Cinemas - A ghostly image wonders around the large 12 screen Cinema. Seen on several occasions by many staff members and angry customers.
England - Westwood - The Dumbles - A monk has been seen walking through the fields on several occasions there has also been sightings of a nun on the same path but never at same time.
England - Wirral - Hoylake - The Royal Hotel-It is said to be haunted by the ghost of a man in a tweed Norfolk jacket, knickerbockers and a cap
England - Wirral - Leasowe - Leasowe Castle - has been a private house, a hostel for sailors, a convalescent home for railway men and is now a hotel it is haunted by a man and a young boy
England - Woking - Surrey - Horsell Woods - Young male backpacker glides through the woods. Has been seen by visitors and locals. No explanation has ever been offered.
Essex - Borley - Borley Rectory - Described as 'Most Haunted House in Britain' old rectory built up on destroyed monastery. Very creepy small village rectory now burned down, but many hauntings still recorded. Story about a nun and a monk eloping and getting caught by the monastery and attempted to escape on a horse and carriage along what is now known as nuns walk. They were both captured and the monk was beheaded and nun was built into the wall of the rectory. When the rectory burned down in 1939 her remains were found and buried. Many people have reported seeing and hearing the nun and the monk on the carriage on nuns walk. There has been several pictures and sound recording taken in the village of very strange appearances and noises. Very eerie place to visit a must for ghost hunters everywhere!
Fakenham - R.A.F. West Raynham Officers Mess - Ghost of downed WW2 Polish pilot crashed on flight line on R.A.F. West Raynham. Seen walking through walls, sitting in main dining room, and walking down the back stairway towards the kitchen. Appears to haunt Room 7 of the Officer's Mess. Room is icy cold year round. Was experienced by an American Officer's wife staying at the Mess while doing laundry. Ghost passed through her, through the wall to Room 7.
Gloucester - Snows Hill Manor- Snows Hill Manor was once a monastery and the legend goes that a monk was murdered there and his ghost is sometimes seen walking on the 2nd and 3rd floors up to where the clock is. The manor house is open for touring and quite an interesting place to see.
Hull - Cottingham - Ferens hall - Students find it difficult to sleep some nights because of ghostly howling, also some days dark shadows can be seen in bathrooms. Some believe this could be the ghost of Alfie Turner who was the owner of the psychiatric hospital before it became Feren's hall student accommodation. Apparently he was found hanging in one of the bathrooms, with his heart missing.
Kirkby - Malham - Kirkby Malham Graveyard - The Gray Lady is said to haunt this graveyard. Many sightings have been seen here. Some tourists were visiting the church and saw a woman emerging from the grave the side of the grave was smashed. Nearly all the people in the village have spotted the ghost. The grave was only fixed early last year.
Leeds - Thomas Danby college - Once an old convent built by sir Thomas Danby and later converted into a boys school and then college as it is today. Sister Mary McEvoy who lived in the convent, once a Scottish woman of noble blood who was sent to the nunnery by her mother when she found out her daughter was pregnant. Sister Mary gave birth in secret, never seeing her child as it was reported later to have been taken from her and buried beneath the East Wing. There have been many reports that while in room 321 which is situated near to where the east wing once stood crying can be heard and there have been 15 documented sightings of a figure of a woman. On two occasions a student named Sarah Breen who attended the college in 1975 reported that the same figure spoke to her asking if shed seen Gordon? But who is Gordon? Sarah Breen is now a professor studying the paranormal, devoting her life to find out the identity of Gordon. All though a very well established college there are still many students from Leeds too scared to attend.
Liestershire - Grace Due Ruins – Witnesses report cold spots feelings of nervousness, apparitions of a large angelic being.
Long Lawford - Lawford Arms - A man staying at the pub, was woken up in the early hours of the morning by the sounds of late night revelers in the bar below, he decided to get up and join the party, but upon arriving at the bar found the premises in darkness and deserted! This is one of many strange incidents to have occurred at the Lawford Arms.
Margate - Kent - Theatre Royal - The Theatre Royal, Addington Street, Margate, Kent, is perhaps southern England's most haunted theatre. Reports of an orange-colored ball of light; footsteps, "a scream which starts backstage and seems to travel across the stage and finally exits through the stage door" ; and "the appearance of a ghost in one of the boxes who draws back the curtains if they are closed." Also, the wraith of a man was seen sitting in the box so often that the management was obliged to withdraw the box from sale, leaving it permanently curtained, until finally it was bricked up.
Nantwich - Cheshire - Church’s Mansion - Reports of the apparition of a 12 year old boy has been seen.
Portishead - Battery Point - ghosts wander shore lines frequently they are supposed to be the past lighthouse keepers
England - Ramsgate - Ellington park - the story goes that in a house that used to be over Ellington park a lady war stabbed by her husband that was drunk, it is said that on the rockery, which is the remains of the house you can see the ghost of the woman running from her husband.
Scotland - Ayr - St. Johns tower - a gray man as bean seen on 22 march
Scotland - Braemar - Braemar Castle - Over two hundred years ago a newly married couple came to the castle to spend their wedding night. In those days, respectable young ladies remained chaste until their wedding night and many were in a state of total ignorance about what was expected of them when it came to sex. The story goes that the young bride woke after her wedding night and found her husband gone. Unable to find him in the surrounding apartments she leapt to the conclusion that she had been an unsatisfactory bed mate. Overcome with shame and confusion she threw herself out of the tower window. The poor girl had been mistaken, her husband had in fact gone hunting at the crack of dawn and had not wanted to wake her. The ghost of the young bride is said to return to the room where she died whenever newlyweds stay at the castle.
Scotland - Crawford - The Old Post Horn Inn - This building dates from 1744.The inn was haunted by the ghosts of fallen Jacobite men, for the trees in the woods near by were used to hang a few supporters of the Jacobite cause in the rebellion of 1745.However the inn is popular for a ghost of a different kind. The ghost is of a little girl, who is heard singing and playing in the dinning room. Apparently she loved horses and the dinning room used to be a stable long ago. A coach and horses visiting her father’s inn tragically killed her.
Scotland - Dalkeith, Midlothian - Dalkeith House - This was a "castle" the duke of Bucclough wasn’t occupying. The University system of Wisconsin rented it out for abroad-school learning. There was about 100 of us students and faculty living in this castle together. Many, Many occurrences happened. To name a few: one resident went home after finding Mary Queen of Scots sitting on the edge of her bed one night in her old room --telling the resident to get out. She was holding her head tucked under her arm. There were numerous times footsteps were heard thru the halls late at night when people were returning from pubbing, or doing laundry in the 2nd level down celler. Voices, and laughter were common with no-one present. And as usual, many doors were locked, opened and shut with no one there but the people witnessing.
Scotland - Castle Doune - Castle may be haunted by the ghost of Mary Queen of Scots who was exiled there. Photos have revealed "spirit balls" that appear associated with an outcast woman in blood velvet looking out a window according to a spiritual "sensitive."
Scotland - Edinburgh - Edinburgh Castle - This is a very popular story in Edinburgh and it's about the ghostly drummer. This tale dates back to the 17th century. Soldiers were stationed at the castle at this time. One night the soldier on guard was startled by the sound of a military drum being played. The soldier on duty saw the drummer marching on the battlements, beating out a warning of an attack. The soldier fired his musket and raised the alarm. But when all the other soldiers and officers came out the drummer was nowhere to be seen. The soldier was locked up for being suspected of being under the influence of drink while on duty. However different soldiers and people saw the drummer again. To this day people still say that the drummer appears from time to time, disturbing the peace of the night and some say the drummer is headless!
Scotland - Edinburgh - Greyfriar's Churchyard Cemetery - Originally, a dog named Greyfriar's Bobby stood faithfully on the grave of his master. Starting in late 1998, after the accidental disturbing of a grave site in the cemetery, a number of paranormal activities have been witnessed, since, by well over a hundred people. The area now known as the Black Mausoleum has been the site of intense poltergeist activity, such as cold spots; a sweet, nauseating smell; unseen watchers; and people being grabbed, knocked unconscious, and coming out of the mausoleum with cuts and bruises after feeling a presence touching, or stroking them. It is believed that the poltergeist is that of George Mackenzie, the persecutor of the Covenanters, who died and was entombed at the site in 1691. There is actually a tour that goes through the mausoleum during the night.(Which is probably why there are so many reported attacks.)
Scotland – Edinburgh - Mary Kings Close - Mary Kings Close is an underground street in Edinburgh that was sealed off during the plague in an attempt to stop the spread of the disease. Tragically, the families living in the close were sealed inside and left to either perish of the plague or starve to death. Several ghosts haunt the close including the ghost of a little girl by the name of Anne who is searching for her lost parents. She has become one of the most famous ghosts in Scotland and tourists from all over the world have visited the close to leave Anne a little gift to comfort her.
Scotland - Falkland - Falkland Palace - A young lady is seen to wander the halls of this landmark. She is waiting for her lover to come and carry her off. He was out in battle and never returned. She is called the gray lady as she is said to give off a grayish light. She wanders a corridor near the front of the palace. There is also a tapestry of a goat whose eyes follow you along the corridor! The palace is open in the summer and guided tours are available.
Scotland - Glasgow - Old Water Tower(demolished 2001) - On the site of the water tower, there was a mining disaster in the early 19th century, lots of miners died in the mines, Witnesses hear footsteps in the loft even though the loft is blocked off and the other sounds are something dragged across the floor of the loft & encountered heavy breathing and feel it on their neck.
Scotland – Glenrothes - Thornton church - a small boy was walking along and he went in to the church and all you heard was screaming and the boy has never been seen since all that was left was his hand and his clothes it has been known that the small boy wanders the ruble of the church looking for his hand and he moans and groans at night.
Scotland - Lauder - Thirlestane Castle - For a couple of years now people say there is a haunted corridor in Thirlestane Castle that people have went through and never returned.
Scotland - Near Kilmacolm - Duchal castle - Duchal castle is now lying in ruins after being blasted by Mons Meg, a large cannon which is now in display at Edinburgh castle. There is said to be the ghost of a monk whom at the time of the attack on the castle would not leave and was killed in the blast. Also sounds have been heard which are said to be linked to the monk. There have also said to be sightings of a white lady but there is no history of one connected to the castle.
Scotland - Outskirts of Ayr - Culzean Castle - It is reported that this castle built sometime between the 17th and 18th century has a ghost in the master bedroom. It's believed it was a man.
Scotland - Perth - Hunting Tower Castle - A ghostly lady dressed in green seen haunting the upper floors. Many visitors have witnessed this while visiting. Apparently she died whilst trying to jump from one tower to the other to see her boyfriend.
Scotland - Sandwood Bay - On a clear sunny day I had the strange experience of seeing men, women and children dressed in 18th Century clothes running about on the sand screaming. I was so scared I ran to get my husband and children from the other end of the bay to tell them what I'd seen. It seemed to me to have been a shipwreck and the screaming people were trying to rescue other people. This happened in 1992 and this is the first time I have spoken about it as it was so frightening. I would be interested to know if anyone else has any information.
Sheffford - Chicksands Priory - Used to be the home of monks and nuns. One of the nuns was pregnant (They are not allowed to have babies or get married).They locked her in a room with just enough room for her food. She stayed in there until she died. Now her ghost haunts the priory!
Sheffield - The Queens Head Pub - Oldest pub in Sheffield, known for various appearances over hundreds of years.
Sheffield - Stockbridge by pass - monk and children seen on land next to road
Wales - Clywd - Denbigh Castle - It’s from the 13/14th century. It is thought that a Welsh Fortress was sited here. The castle seen today is built by Henry de Lacy. the man built the Goblin Tower to protect the castles water supply his son was on the scaffolding one day when he slipped and fell. He died instantly and it is said you can see the 15 year old boys face from a window looking unhappy.
Wales - Nelson Gelligaer - Llancaiach Fawr Manor - There are reputed to be at least eight ghosts in this Tudor manor house including Colonel Edward Prichard - a former owner who switched sides during the Civil War. One of the most freqently seen is Mattie, a housekeeper who met a sudden end. Three of the ghosts are children, one of them a black page boy from the late seventeenth century. The Colonel's grandfather, a limping manservant and a man who wears a long cape and a tall hat. The last of these is seen outside as well as inside the manor and has come close to causing accidents when people have swerved to avoid him. Archaeological finds realted to the supoernatural were made during the excavation and restoration of the site. It is open to the public.
Wales - South Wales - Laugharne - The poet Dylan Thomas lived and is buried in the town. He can sometimes be seen walking the lanes close to his old house.
Wales - Swansea - Oystermouth Castle - Ghostly, white lady seen walking along the top of the castle walls.
Warrington - Cheshire - Winwick Hall - There are three known ghost that have been sighted in Winwick Hall. The first a nun is often seen walking into a room on the ground floor and sitting down, she then slow vanishes. The sound of children running and shout is often heard. Dragging is heard along the first floor. Rumored sightings include a lady in white. The building was originally a boys school in the late 1800's early 1900's they became part of a hospital for people with Mental illnesses are Ward 9 was housed in Winwick Hall. Winwick Hall was recently renamed Hollins Park House.
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