The seasons come, the seasons go Another step taken, awaken to the day For tomorrow never knows How to react or what to say
Changes brought forth, I glean Many a passing, many friends lost It's life, wiping the slate clean Attempting to apply a gloss
There's also those who turn thier back Avoiding the pressure they face Confused as to why they're attacked It affects the whole human race
Things are not as fancy free When reality settles in Makes you wonder who you'll be You're in a new Millineum
Take things one day at a time For tomorrow never knows A slower pace is not a crime Plant a garden with many rows
There's plenty to share Make a new friend or two And a soul knows that you care When one is feeling blue
Carpe' Diem, sieze the day For tomorrow never knows Be yourself, in your own way The light you shine really shows
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .