Date: 9/16/2002 10:13:00 PM
From Authorid: 21867
Hi Ya Honey, Incredibly wise words...or as we Maori say "Anei he kupu Mana" - "These are words of prestige/strength". Such similarities between these words...the wairua (spirit) within them...and those of my own people. Love Ya *kiss kiss*  |
Date: 9/16/2002 10:26:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 15033
Amazing isn't it? I sometimes wonder how on earth the will of those white people in the past could have been upheld. My great (followed by a few more greats), grandfather came over here from England as a famous explorer and broke his back (in essence) to help the Natives. He married my Great (followed by a few more greats) grandmother, a Nez Perce. Every white person that married one of my Native ancestors was there to uplift them... not steal, lie, cheat and kill them. So I guess you could say I come from honorable intentions...:-) I just can't uphold the majority of the white race seeing its destructive power hungry motives throughout the entire world. I just kinda look like them is all...hehe!!  |
Date: 9/16/2002 10:34:00 PM
From Authorid: 20750
Oh I loved this! Such wise insight & words! Keep the faith & hope of those words Karen!! I love ya! huggs!  |
Date: 9/16/2002 10:37:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 15033
I will Moonie!! Love ya, *Hugs*  |
Date: 9/16/2002 10:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 53836
this is heartbreaking...I see life the same as in the 1st para, but as I read on, i was once again engulfed by the sorrow of our natives, write on Thunder and thanks for sharing *HUGS*~SpaceCase  |
Date: 9/16/2002 10:49:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 15033
Thank you for reading and commenting SpaceCase...yes, it really makes a person feel like they should change the way things are...It does me that way. *HUGS* and love,  |
Date: 9/17/2002 2:41:00 AM
From Authorid: 21294
Bravo Thunderhead....I am not Native American, but I have always felt an extreme connection to them. My home is totally Native American, and my hobbies include designing and displaying many, many Native American works. I have a deep passion for Eagles and have at least 60 or more figurines of them, and Native Americans in my home. I so enjoyed reading your post. Thank you, DreamWalker..(aka dreamwalkerlady)  |
Date: 9/17/2002 2:44:00 AM
From Authorid: 21294
I would like to share one of my favorite quotes with you, .......BROKEN PROMISES....THEY MADE US MANY PROMISES, BUT THEY KEPT ONLY ONE. THEY PROMISED TO TAKE OUR LAND, AND THEY TOOK IT. CHIEF RED CLOUD. I feel great shame and heartache for what the "WHITE PEOPLE" took from the Indians. My apologies... DreamWalker  |
Date: 9/17/2002 5:19:00 AM
From Authorid: 51393
This is beautiful sis,it took me this long to answer these,because of how it made me feel.I have read histories about indian native grounds.Just,about everything you can think of i have seen it and read it quite a bit.I have always been fascinated in indians and how thye have attemted to keep their lives together.The hard work ,they put up and just be taken away from them.I am proud to know my sis is one of them.I love you sis great post!  |
Date: 9/17/2002 5:29:00 AM ( Admin-DNL )
this is a great post TH...thanks for sharing it. ((hugs)) Love ya, |
Date: 9/17/2002 5:47:00 AM
From Authorid: 25828
this is nice..i have a book of native american wisdom, they had a lot of wisdom to impart to us.  |
Date: 9/17/2002 6:11:00 AM
From Authorid: 54878
was Tecumseh educated at Harvard? who actually wrote this? -- doubt if Lincoln's speech writers could have done better --- sb12  |
Date: 9/17/2002 7:17:00 AM
From Authorid: 32070
Hi Thunderhead (spelled it right ) This is a great post and I love the first paragraph so much I am copying it and putting it on my fridge and next to my bed. Thanx for posting it and I hope you are well!!! ((((((hugs)))))))....  |
Date: 9/17/2002 8:10:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 15033
Hi Dreamwalker, your home must be beautiful. My apartment is all pretty much NA too. My dad was an artist and his wood carvings were famous in these parts for NA expressions. I love earthy creations no matter what tribe. Wolves are my favorite...but I love eagles. Enjoy them, soon all the birds of the air will be gone according to prophesy. The Black Nile virus is killing them off already.  |
Date: 9/17/2002 8:16:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 15033
Hi Diana, the thing that gets me is the Natives weren't farmers. They were hunters and gatherers, the way we were ALL intented to eat according to the way we digest food. This method never exhausted the land, and surely never over populated. They moved about seasonally. Then some white people came and said this is all ours, you go live over in this little corner. They got em real drunk so they wouldn't feel like fighting back. But the most ugly thing they did was they brought disease that wiped out more Natives than any war. Sad, but I think they are starting to recover, and the key is taking their educations and health into their own hands. Much Love,  |
Date: 9/17/2002 8:17:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 15033
Thanks for reading it Danielle, Love ya too!!  |
Date: 9/17/2002 8:19:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 15033
Hi Heather, They are incredibly fun people too, if it were truly known to the populous. I can never get enough of their sense of humor.  |
Date: 9/17/2002 8:21:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 15033
I think it was translated, sb12. When they translated some of Chief Josephs words it sounded pretty impressive too. Maybe intellegent people don't have to actually go to Harvard to express themselves well? *Hugs*  |
Date: 9/17/2002 8:23:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 15033
Glad you enjoyed it PL, I'm feeling like a million bucks....that reminds me, I better go pick up another lottery!! *Hugs*  |
Date: 9/17/2002 8:56:00 AM
From Authorid: 2030
great post Thunderhead! With some Native American hertage of my own and after extensive reading and observation, the truth is these two cultures could never co-exist. The native American culture was not utopian, stewardship of land was unheard of because with so few natives and so much land it was never needed. Property was what you could carry on your back. Their world view made sense to them and tribal wars determined borders.  |
Date: 9/17/2002 6:58:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 15033
Yes, that's also correct from what I've read BCAR. They made occasional wars between other tribes...which cultivated pretty good fighting skills and being keen on strategy. I never did read a true story about any of them surrounding covered wagons and doing "ride by arrowings"!! Thanks for reading and commenting my friend. *Hugs*  |
Date: 9/18/2002 10:21:00 AM
From Authorid: 54987
Thankyou for that Thunderhead. I too try to keep the faith - Sioux/Ojibwe. I attend the ceremonies and I do the pipe ceremony whenever I can find a pipe carrier to do it with me. I smudge every morning. It isn't easy to live a natural life. We are so dependent on Walmart (I love Walmart) - Coolade  |
Date: 9/18/2002 3:37:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 15033
Hey Coolade, lets go take a sweat lodge together someday...:-) bad medicine at!!  |
Date: 9/18/2002 10:18:00 PM
From Authorid: 177
Chief Tecumseh said it very well. Chief Joseph of the Nez Perze (sp?) made a great speech too "From where the Sun now Stands", and Chief Seattle did one too. I bet you know these ones too.  |
Date: 9/18/2002 10:23:00 PM
From Authorid: 177
I have a cousin who lives with an Indian woman (don't know which tribe) in Chelan. He said he had a sweat lodge experience which made him believ in the supernatural.  |
Date: 9/19/2002 10:10:00 PM
From Authorid: 21435
Hello Thunderhead. Thank you for sharing this excellant story with us. "Roam the coastal plains. Hunting with red wolves. Place to place when "things" came into season. Into the thick hardwood forests when the cold wind blew. Camp on the bay shore during summer..breathe the salt wind." Thanks for the inspiration, my sister. Love you...  |
Date: 2/20/2007 6:54:00 PM
From Authorid: 19586
Thanks for sharing this info with us.  |