ight ya know, i dont believe in all this psychic mumbo jumbo, so therefore dont know too much bout it. but for the past year or so, ive been getting this feeling, like in the pit of my stomach, its not anything like health related cuz im perfectly healthy, its just a feeling. but its not a normal feeling, like its so hard to explain what it is, but like i view it as a sense, but then again i dont. omg i cant explain it. its like u know when ure about to go to the first day of a new job and the way ure stomach feels, like butterflies kind of, well this is like that cept the butterflies feel like bricks, the feeling is so much stronger, and it also like gives me a wierd somewhat euphoric state whenever i feel it, that i can see is being sent throught out my body but starting at my head like i can feel the euphoria flowing through my body, and then like i have that feeling in my stomach too, and i dont know what its telling me, sometimes, when i used to be depressed, it felt like it was telling me that i dont want to be alive, but now i feel like its telling me that i dont belong here. and by here i dont mean the location or time, i dont know what i mean, but i dont feel like i belong here whatever that means. then other times, now that ive read other ppls stories and added some more perspective to my viewpoint, i view the feeling as a foreboding of something to come. i have no clue what this is or where to even put it, but i chose here becuz it doesnt feel like something having to do with anything like say a mental disorder or nething else health related, it just doesnt feel like something that medicine is gonna stop. so if u have any insight or have ever felt nething like this and know somewhat what im talkin about, then reply, cuz it will feel better knowing at least that im not alone.
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