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Bush, Iraq, and all this mess what I think and what do u think?-Kaja aka Queen Crazy

  Author:  15675  Category:(Predictions) Created:(9/12/2002 6:27:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (2729 times)

Okay well peeps with psychic powers i'd prefer ya'll to speak up on this subject but if not thats okay too. Okay I predict as I have that Bush will most likely be assinated and I think time frame maybe before this time next year. I think with bush's death a new found peace will be found because in my opinion he's helping along what bin laden wanted (unrest, wars, distuctions, BOMBINGS!) I think yes US and Iraq will sadly go to war and yes it may be world war 3 but I don't think any nukes will be used. I think this will go on for a period of 3-9 years which number I am not sure. But after this is all over we will look back on this history and say what a bad time it was with bad LEADERS. We will have almost peace I mean it'll kinda be like the 90's but less hectic. I think in these next few years America is going to lose its allies because we will start in my words 'tryin to rule the world.' so to speak. Saddam and Bin Laden will die also but I dunno when but sometime before this peace comes. What do u all think?-Kaja aka Queen Crazy

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Date: 9/12/2002 6:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 16845    sad thing? I said this exact same thing to my mother a few hours ago 'bush has a death wish for america...if he's not careful someone is going to take him out...' so I don't know *shakes head*  
Date: 9/12/2002 6:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 45860    our*  
Date: 9/12/2002 6:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 45860    I think that all of pour wars and problems started when George W. Bush became our president. - Much Love - Pheobe  
Date: 9/12/2002 6:37:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 15675    yes it did. I know sadly had he not been elected (he honestly wasnt gore was supposed to) 9/11 wouldnt have happend it wouldnt have fell through the cracks. Bush is honestly in my eyes evil i know he is I just feel it.  
Date: 9/12/2002 6:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 54429    Bush is alot better with wars than Clinton, he attacked withour Congressional support and if Gore was in office right now we would be one big hole. He si running the largest scandel in the history of the earth right now but no one syas a thing about it. I am not psychic but Lady Spirit Guide has alot of the same predictions. So maybe it will come true.  
Date: 9/12/2002 6:45:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 15675    well bush is thinking of doing the attack with out congressional support. At least he asked the UN but i dunno what theyll say on it (I'm pretty sure they arent for it.)  
Date: 9/12/2002 7:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 16845    I did hear on the news that the un does infact support attacking Iraq...IF iraq does not allow the weapons checks to resume....but I believe the un is the only other country that supports it...everyone else is against it...  
Date: 9/12/2002 7:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 42074    hmm...do you think that there would be attacks or invasions on us soil?  
Date: 9/12/2002 7:29:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 15675    yes sadly I think there will be more US attacks on our soil and be warned I think it will be in Chicago next but I dont know how or on what (like building or water or bombs or what) I'm not sure who will do it either. High chance of it bein Iraq or Al Quada though!  
Date: 9/12/2002 7:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 55255    if we have world war 3 you dont think were usin nukes or that crazy mofo saddam aint i honostley think
(not to be a pessimist) that this will be world war threee and the end of civilazation as we know it
Date: 9/12/2002 7:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 55255    oh yeah and neither gore nor bush in my opinion were qualified for the president  
Date: 9/12/2002 7:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 42074    god...everything is getting crazy...i hope u dont mean peace as in dead  
Date: 9/12/2002 7:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 42074    i agree with mr. hankey's last comment  
Date: 9/12/2002 7:59:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 15675    lol yes neither were but i still feel 9/11 wouldnt have happend if bush werent in office. No its not the in end of civilization i know its not.  
Date: 9/12/2002 8:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 41374    Hi all!...well BeckyDewdrop, i want to correct you in that the UN is not a country but selected members representing their countries forming together to discuss jointly on world matters in keeping the peace for humanity and justice.
Date: 9/12/2002 8:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 41374    I do not like to make predictions but i would like to envision what might eventually will happen should the united nations decide to use aggressive force upon the Iraq. I believe they will encounter a threat of great magnatude of usage of words in that chemical warefere will start and affect many nations with fear. Now whether this threat is real or a bluff is debatable. But if it's not a bluff, will we be prepared for the unexpected? I'm sure Iraq has plans for a counterattack should the UN use force. I think time is not on the side of the good and the longer we wait, the worse it will be until it is too late to stop them. It will be like the Missle Crises all over again.
Date: 9/12/2002 8:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 10722    Lmao  
Date: 9/12/2002 8:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 39360    I have to say I agree, the majority of the Public over here (the UK) is against attacking Iraq, though our Prime Minister is attempting to show us all how bad Saddam is, and How right his best friend Bush is about the need to attack right now. Nothing against the American citizens, but most Brits just don't want war, and we have told our PM just that. The Canadians are against it too I've heard? The US's list of allies grows thin. If there was suffcient, reliable prrof that there was a threat to world safety then I think most of us Brits would be more open to the idea of a war of prevention, but not a vast attack mounted due to hearsay.  
Date: 9/12/2002 8:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 16845    *blushes* I honestly can't believe I said that. LOL point to you! my pain meds are working better than I thought! *bows down* LOL  
Date: 9/12/2002 8:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 57537    Their will be no new found peace if bush is killed... it will push your country (USA) to further wars even though you don't like him his still the leader of your country and when the leader of a country is assaisinated by a foreigner/enemy revenge is seeked.  
Date: 9/12/2002 8:59:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 15675    I dont know if it will be a forigner or not i actually get the feeling the person is a male and an american lol!  
Date: 9/13/2002 5:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 22852    Scary thought but a very possible scene indeed.  
Date: 9/13/2002 8:53:00 AM  From Authorid: 49435    why was my post deleted?
Date: 9/13/2002 8:59:00 AM  From Authorid: 27741    I think it could be Chicago too. Lucky I don't live anywhere near the U.S.A coz it's totally screwed!  
Date: 9/13/2002 10:35:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 15675    49435 i dunno i dont remember seeing anything from u i didnt delete it. U know whats creepy after i posted this everyone? About an hour later that terror alert thing was issued in flordia!  
Date: 9/13/2002 6:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 48525    I have to agree with you Queen Crazy. Dubya isn't just "evil", he's "EEEE-VILLE"!! I can see him trying his hand at the whole "world domination" thing...no, wait...he already is. I can't seem to get past his wanting money from the budget surplus to build up the military and was told no by congress and the senate, as there was no "real" threat to american security at the time, and viola!! The 9/11 terror attacks. At least one evil terrorist is hiding out in the Oval office. Great post! Keep them coming!  
Date: 9/13/2002 9:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 57537    Not meaning to sound like a know it all or telling you what to do i am 17 and read newspapers and news sites regualry and i hardly listen to music on the radio i listen to news and have done for a couple of years... George W. isn't trying at world domination he is trying to protect america and safe guard against villians like Sadam Hussien..

Imagine if September 11 was not four jet liners but 4 nuclear warheads imagine the destruction that would of happend then, most of the US members of USM would not be here... i like all of you cried (not litteraly) out over 911 now how can you say that their shouldn't be a war ... would you's rather wait for the big one to drop...
please answer that... the only problem here is ignorance towards the facts read atleast 25 - 50 articles from both sides of the debate and particpate in a few debates... don't take a biast view start out fresh and then form an opinion... (of subject) at school i see heaps of people who don't have their own views they echo the views of their parents and that is sad people must develope their own views and read in to both side of the story and if you do take the side of no war then vote George W. out at the next elections you have the power to do that... and also before anyone replies i know hundreds of soldiers will die as a result but not sounding barbaric or anything i'd rather forfit 100 military personell for 1000 innocent civillians... Forseer
Date: 9/13/2002 10:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 41374    Hi Forseer, i echo your sentiments on the 'first strike' notion because if we allow Iraq to initiate first strike, then the world will be shock at the outcome, which will most likely be mass destruction. Don't underestimate Saddam, which he has connections with terrorst and a profound hatred that is growing ever since the UN sanction Iraq with a trade embargo. By the way Forseer, you said and i quote 'i'd rather forfit 100 military personell for 1000 innocent civillians...'. That is nice to say but would you sacrifice your own life for 1000 civilians? Please answer it sincerely from the heart because i know that there are many who would have no problems sacrificing the 'few' for the 'many' but when it comes down to sacrificing his own life, that's when the line are drawn and they pass. Goodnite everyone, Stardaze
Date: 9/14/2002 2:32:00 AM  From Authorid: 57537    thanks for the echo stardaze, as you can read in my profile i do want to join the army but may be stopped due to asthma and i wan't to work in anti/counter-terorisim and are willing to give my life for country and crown meaning putting my life on the line to save civillians  
Date: 9/14/2002 11:08:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 15675    I am making an informed opinion. Lol for a teen I'm pretty lame cuz I watch CNN almost everyday! But I am using my powers and that is how I feel. Yes Saddam is evil and yes I dont want him to kill us all. I just think bush is going to do more then saddam he is to power hungry.  
Date: 9/14/2002 11:45:00 AM  From Authorid: 41374    I watch CNN daily too kaja, isn't that what girls do these days lol. I watch that over MTV anyday, but i don't think ur lame I like this post.
Date: 9/14/2002 11:52:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 15675    lol stardaze! Thanxs.  
Date: 9/21/2002 10:58:00 AM  From Authorid: 5707    ok you should all be thankful that bush is in office and not gore because we would be in a world of hurt if it were the other way. if gore were in office we would have most likely sent some missiles to afghanistan caused panic and thats it therefore leading to more attacks (anyone remember when clinton did this). at least bush is taking action against terrorism and hes doing a great job and if you think that this is wrong think of how wrong it was for the innocent lives on 9/11. so think before you speak and trust in our leader cause the last thing we need are dissenters.
Date: 9/21/2002 1:23:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 15675    I never said gore was better but honestly he would have won its proven! I dont like bush or gore but that has nothing to do with this: these are my predictions not opinions!  

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