I was just wondering I went to Colorado this Summer in August for 1 month and when I left they said I could come back. The sad part is not for 1 month anymore because my lousey parents say no, but they said yes for going for 2 weeks at Christmas time and 2 weeks in the Summer. So I was wondering, do you think I am going to be going at Christmas? I mean I can get a round trip flight for exactly 2 hundred bucks that includes ALL taxes!! A really good deal, but I just want a psychic to think about this and tell me yes or no. My other question is , will I be failing any classes this year as a Sophomore?? I am asking this because I want to go to college someday soon after H.S. but I do so bad on tests. And I DO STUDY A LOT!! So I am really worried!! And to say that my parents were H.S. dropouts!! Which is sad to say!! The class I am doing the worst in is Math that deals with equations and I can't get no help because there is no study halls like last year when there was. Because my stupid school started Block Scheduling which is HELL for me because I want to sleep in my last class of the day Math for 90 minutes. The reason is I think I am developing a depression because of my parents being mean to me and I am just so tired all the time and not wanting to do anything. So please help me and answer my 2 questions!! Thanks very much!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 28890 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .