Hey sur5er or whoever answers this. Thanxs everyone for all your help. The reason this is kinda urgent again is because I need to know soon what to start doing. Okay my grandma got me a recording session on December 27th in Waterloo. As I've already asked Sur5er and Spirits of the dead say the people I'm sending my demo out to are highly likely to sign me (which is good lol!) Well now comes the trouble: What to put on it. I know thanxs to Vanessa Carlton and Michelle Branch original songs written by the singer is highly in demand. They want something original. Well my prob is it seems no matter what I find breifly I cant ever find a music writer or melody for my lyrics. Sur5er I kinda need a lot of questions answered here lol. Okay 1) Should I put rap or pop or both songs on my demo? 2) Will my weight affect anything? Will I be skinny enough by then or if not will it hurt anything? 3) Should all the songs be original? 4) Is it possible to get music to my songs for free (I have 3 hopes here but nothing is for sure yet.) 5) My vocal teacher said today maybe if I put all these songs I luv on it (from Melanie C and Geri Halliwell and peeps over from England that never really made it in the US) with the unique style they are she said it might be okay just to put all covers of songs like that on the demo. I know I'll have one original song with music but its gonna cost $100 (grandma arranged it.) Will I still get signed if I put 3 covers (most likely only 1 of those will be rap) with my 1 original song? 6) Will this demo be successful? and finally lol 7) What are my odds of being signed to Transcon this winter(one of the places on my list?) Because they have Natural on their label and well we all know the history there lol! 8) I just added this one lol. I asked Love always Diana why I kept having so many dreams bout J (my soulmates) bandmate Ben and she said according to the dreams he is my soulmate. Okay spirits says marc, sur5er says Josh, and Love always Diana says Ben lol! Do I now have 3 soulmates? Or has something change so Ben is my soulmate and one of the other guys is not. Thanxs I'm sorry its so many questions but these are highly important and you've never steered me wrong before :)-Kaja aka Queen Crazy You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 15675 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .