I was kinda rude in what I said in my post about patriotism earlier and I'm sorry. I just feel kinda angry that the U.S. is so stuck on itself and so many of the people I know think that this has nothing to do with other countries when it really does. More than just Americans died in those attacks. I guess my friends just really got to me and I blew up. Been sick lately and that's also put me in a bad mood.
Not that thats a very good excuse. I don't think quite as badly of the U.S. as I said I do. I don't like our president though, thats for sure. I don't think I'll like any of them. What really made me mad about him was that he tried to ban wicca from the Army and Navy and thats unconstitutional and I think it was kinda childish of what he did.
As for U.S. bringing it on themselves. No, some of the goverment did. I think that some knew about it and chose to do nothing, but the innocents who died on those planes and in those buildings, the people who were silenced forever, did NOT bring that upon themselves. It was unfair, and even though the news said they didn't die in vain, I think they did. They didn't deserve to die when the goverment might have known something about it. That was another thing that ticked me off. A friend of mine was lost that day. I was crying so hard, so frightened and scared. And now after a year, a part of me is still having a hard time and sees how some of this is affecting things in a bad way.
What also made me angry was that I heard by the news a while ago that the U.S. wanted to save most of the funding from the attack for if it happened again when we so dearly need it now. The streets need to be cleaned, people still need to be cared for in the hospitals, and people still need to be searched for. So why stop when they have the money to do it right now?
And then, after the attacks, some people harrassed Iralean(sp?) people in the schools and work place because of the attacks. That's just wrong. Aren't we suppose to stick by our fellow man in times of need? Instead, hate crimes spread out. I've seen too much hate crime to just be able to turn my head away and say nothing.
I won't wear the colors or buy the things for patriotism because the money does not go to a good cause. It is there for people to make money off of a tragedy for themselves, and that sickens me.
I didn't put it all well in words earlier, and for that I apologize. Here are my true feelings on the whole thing. Now I give you the real thing that I meant to post but got blinded by anger at people.
Goddess bless those who died, let their souls rest in peace, I pray that this never happens again. If the government DID know something, then let them be punished by the hands of you and our father. Please, save this world because its eaten up by hatred and war.
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