Date: 9/10/2002 10:52:00 PM
From Authorid: 16845
I think most of the threat is for the us embassies that are over seas...for the most part....and I honestly do not think anything will happen tomorrow.....  |
Date: 9/10/2002 10:53:00 PM ( Admin-MG )
I hope your right Becky!! I really do! |
Date: 9/10/2002 10:54:00 PM
From Authorid: 10534
I don't think anything will happen tomorrow. I mean, we're expecting it. They wouldn't get us when we're expecting it, would they?  |
Date: 9/10/2002 10:54:00 PM ( Admin-MG )
I don't know Icy!! |
Date: 9/10/2002 11:01:00 PM
From Authorid: 53836
light a candle babe, it will bring you the calm that you need...I plan to light mine first thing in the morning and let them burn all day...may the peace that passes ALL understanding be with you tomorrow and always! God bless you Moonie ~SpaceCase  |
Date: 9/10/2002 11:02:00 PM ( Admin-MG )
oh thank you Space Case!! I will burn a candel! thanks again! |
Date: 9/10/2002 11:13:00 PM
From Authorid: 20956
yeah, i can imagine how scary it would be living in the USA at the moments, specially today. its still scary being in another country, hearing all the stuff on the news, on the radio and reading it in the paper .... and thats just the stuff the govenments ALLOW us to know  |
Date: 9/10/2002 11:15:00 PM ( Admin-MG )
yep that's right Sun Angel! |
Date: 9/10/2002 11:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 50791
Well me and my Mother were talking and we decided that tomorrow is probabaly the safest day of the year because all the terrorists are not gonna do something when we are expecting it and tomorrow we are all on high alert and expecting something. They will probabaly wait till we are not expecting anything! Like on another day of the year when we are not on any alert or anything. I wouldn't worry about it.  |
Date: 9/10/2002 11:43:00 PM
From Authorid: 49498
I will be in school all day tomorrow. I remember when I was in school last year. all day, it was frightening. Im hoping tomorrow stays normal like every other day. If anything does happen, I dont even want to think of how people will react.  |
Date: 9/11/2002 12:46:00 AM
From Authorid: 22852
I do not think anything will happen tomorrow. I know I will live it like any other day. My son has a school trip and I am going with him. I lived through last Sept 11th and I do not plan on watching it all over again.  |
Date: 9/11/2002 12:47:00 AM
From Authorid: 22852
Opps, I mean today, just noticed the time.  |
Date: 9/11/2002 4:05:00 AM
From Authorid: 61811
personally, i dont think anything is gonna hapen today. I they were smart enough, they would do somethin tomorrow cuz everyone is protected even more so like it would be stupid to even try. jackie  |
Date: 9/11/2002 5:03:00 AM
From Authorid: 42792
you and me both Moongirl. I am confused and an emotional wreck  |
Date: 9/11/2002 9:01:00 AM
From Authorid: 13546
It certainly is a thought that has been running through my mind as well Moonie sis... I think that may be a thought in many peoples minds.. but we do not know what today, or what any other day will bring.. until we live it. We must get through today, to see what else will come our ways. *HUGS* at you sweetie. Love,  |
Date: 9/11/2002 9:55:00 AM
From Authorid: 14754
IF tomorrow changes MoonGirl..thats least i had the chance to meet YOU!!!!..everything will be ok..  |