Hey ladies! This is the second part of the horoscopes. The horoscopes I am posting in this one are for the aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, and virgo. If your sign isn't there, then go to my other post titled: Horoscopes for the ladies(part 1). Here you go!
Aries - March 21 - April 20: Rather than force things to happen, tap into the universal Chi(that's energy) and let life unfold. Aries isn't the most patient sign, but when the sun shifts into Scorpio on Oct.23, discover that good things come to those who wait.
Love: Watch out for a tendency to get possessive with a new crush.
Friends: Stock up on good times with good friends.
Best Days: Oct. 19, Nov. 16
Your Aries Guy: He'll mellow after Venus goes direct in Scorpio on Nov. 21.
Taurus - April 21 - May 20: October is time to work, work, work. Never fear because Nov. is time to love, love, love. Be prepared for a flood of admirers to declare their love.
Love: A relationship crumbles an ending or a new beginning?
Friends: You go head-to-head with another Taurus. Let it go.
Best Days: Oct. 21, Nov. 17
Your Taurus Guy: He is full of himself on the Full Moon in his sign.
Gemini - May 21 - June 21: It is time to turn on your creative juices. Sign up for a dance class, listen to music, write poetry or do what you do best - throw a party! Venus in Scorpio is insisting you pay attention to details and take care of any unfinished business. You receive some big news during the Lunar Eclipse on Nov. 19.
Love: Take a hard look at the kind of person you want to give your heart to.
Friends: Reach out to a friend who has been in a funk lately.
Best Days: Oct. 24, Nov. 19
Your Gemini Guy: He thinks about a relationship after Mercury enters Sagittarius on Nov. 19, but he still isn't ready to act.
Cancer - June 22 - July 22: Emotions run high for you during this time. If you dwell on what you don't like, you will only create more of it. The best way to lift your spirits is to focus on the positive. Replace negative thoughts with positive images, like a perfect sunset or a new outfit hanging in your closet. Your power is in your emotions as long as they don't overpower you.
Love: The crush you have your eye on sees eye-to-eye with you.
Friends: Share your feelins with a close pal rather than bottle them inside.
Best Days: Oct. 26, Nov. 23
Your Cancer Guy: After throwing himself a little pity-party, he is ready to be the life of the party.
Leo - July 23 - Aug. 23: Knowing what to expect isn't as bad as being completely blindsided. During the month of Libra, expect frustration and delays due to a nasty tangle with Saturn. The good news is that Saturn eliminates what doesn't work in your life so it can be replaced with what does. Stop resisting the changes that the universe is throwing your way and be grateful for this amazing opportunity.
Love: As brave as you appear to be, sometimes love scares you to death. Face this fear before leaping into a new relationshop.
Friends: An issue gets resolved when the Sun switches to Scorpio on Oct. 23.
Best Days: Oct. 8, Nov. 4
Your Leo Guy: Once he knows what he wants, he can tell you.
Virgo - Aug. 24 - Sept. 22: Get down to business early in the month when Mars and Mercury make their last gasp in your sign. Venus combined with the Sun in Scorpio next month is making you fickle, but with so many choices, it's better to play the field anyway. With Jupiter in your 12th House of Dreams and Wishes for a whole year, it's time to log your dreams in a journal because they will tell you what you really want.
Love: If you really want a relationshop to work out, you'll have to work harder at communicating.
Friends: Find a special way to give thanks for your great friends.
Best Days: Oct. 4, Nov. 28
Your Virgo Guy: He thinks about a relationship after Mercury enters Sagittarius on Nov. 19, but he still isn't ready to act.
Hope you all enjoyed them! Take care!
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