Well currently our living situation is like this. Steve (my fiance) and I are not moved into our house yet because we are still fixing it up. We are still at my parents house. Steve moved in a little over a year ago. We have seperate rooms though. Ok well my brother and sister-in-law just bought a house also but they haven't closed on it yet. They had to be out of their townhouse where they were living today. They closed on it but being they had no where to go while they were waiting to close on their house they to are now living at my parents. So my parents are in their room, my grandmother is in her room. My nephew is in the guest room (he's 1 year 2 months), my brother and sister in law are in my room with their dog..lol and I am now in Steves room. Well on to the mystery...
Tonight my air conditioner wasn't working in my room where my brother and sister in law are staying. So me and my sister in law (Kirsten) went to my house to get a fan so they can try to sleep somewhat comfortable tonight. Well I looked all over the house and I couldn't find it. Finally I went into the garage again for a second search and I heard a fan up in the attic. I looked up towards the attic and I saw a light on. So I climbed the ladder and there was the fan on with a halogen (sp?) lamp on...well...
Friday Steve and a friend of his from work are in the process of changing everything from electric to gas, so they had to go in the attic for things. Then that night he had to help my brother move.
Well heres today Monday, which means the fan and the lamp were on since friday. All day and night. I couldn't believe it I was so mad at Steve for being so ignorant. Our house could of burned down. Those lamps get extremely hot.
When I climbed the ladder I looked at Kirsten and I said to her how much do you want to make a bet that the air conditioner now works and they got it to work with no problem at all...as if, a guardian angel was trying to tell us something. Well when we got back to my parents house my father said that it was working fine. That him and Steve looked at is and it just started working. How freaky is that...did I call that or what? I said to Steve if that would of been on one more night we could of lost everything. I could of just been a coincidence but I think someone was looking out for us.
*ItalianPrincess* How it changed my life:My house is still standing and noone got hurt. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 58078 ( Click here )
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