Okay to begin with I don't mind who comments as long as you don't say wicca is devil worship etc... This isnt a christian wiccan debate lol! Also I would like to say I know not all wiccans are like this but I must ask their opinion for curiosity sakes. I've been a wiccan 2 years, 1 year study, 1 year practicing :). Now I read all the books I can (I don't believe everything I read but you can learn things from some of them) and articles on USM and paganwiccan.about.com and other trustworthy sites. I consider myself ever learning as most wiccans always are. Now I don't believe in skyclad (for non practioners that means doing your rituals nude) and no offense to any gardenians but some things I've read from and about that guy I don't agree with (someone on USM had a quote of him saying gay was wrong (I'm not gay nor do I know anyone who is gay) and I highly disagree with that.) and I also don't believe in ceremonial magick where you call up a lot of non deity things (undines, gnomes, animals, those guards for the corners cant remember their names, faeries, divas, etc...) I guess I'm for good old 'religious magick' if you will where if you need something you ask the god and goddess for it and may do a spell involving them for it. Anyways one day not to long ago an old 'wiccan' (I dunno i dont think he deserves the term) emailed me and was asking if I did skyclad, ceremonial magick, great rite (for non practioners its an old practice not usually performed today where the high priest and high preistess um...had relations), wanted a teacher for and with both. The part that makes me either classify this guy as a non wiccan or a bad one is that he asked for pictures of me doin skyclad! Just a note to people I wouldn't do that in private let alone take pictures and blast them to anyone especially over the net. Well anyways to be curtious I just wrote back no pics and no way in the world would i do any, and that I don't believe in the other three. This guy claimed to be a gardenian since he was 12 (I think he was in his 40's.) Well anyways he writes me back and is saying if I ever wanted to be quote 'counted as one in the wiccan community' i would get a teacher and do those things, and also I quote Raymond Buckland (yes I know he's been trained as a gardenian) on why ceremonial magick is dangerous. Okay basically the jist of all this was he was saying I was non wiccan cuz I don't do those things (note I'm 15 for summerland sakes!) Well anyways I won't be speaking with this guy anymore but here is my question to the wiccans out there: do you think ceremonial magick, great rite, and skyclad are requierments of wicca and to be true wiccan you'd do those things? Honestly I don't think so. Skyclad and the great rite me have worked back in the way old days of paganisim but I don't think they should be brought to wicca. Ceremonial magick is more debatable but I still say it isnt worth the risk. Well happy debating!-Kaja aka Queen Crazy You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 15675 ( Click here )
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