Hubby thinks he's a rennaisance man. He believes this to be so because <i>he</i> can pick up the guitar and learn it completely by ear, he's <i>good</i> not great, with computers, he knows alot about sports, well goshdarnit! He's just good at <i>everything</i>. Woo-hoo..Any idiot can be a rennaisance man, it's no sign of intelligence.
Don't get me wrong, he's very intelligent. I believe his intelligence is border-line genius. I have been tested, according to that I AM a genius. I guess we'll see. Test like that can't be too accurate as it doesn't take into effect things like how you feel that day, whether someone just cut you off in traffic (thus affecting your mental stability right then), or maybe you just had your wheaties. But it's nice to know I'm intelligent enough that on a good day I can fall into the genius range. Anyhow, back to the point, he thinks he's a renaissance man. Any idiot can be a renaissance man (that hurt his feelings, but I think I've made it clear that I don't sugar coat the truth). A renaissance man is nothing more than someone who is extremely good in many different things. Therefore a truck driver, who can wield, ride horses in rodeos, and work on his truck is a renaissance man provided that he is very good at all those things. Point: being a renaissance man is not a sign of intelligence by it's very definition.
Part of the problem is that he equates this with intellectualism. He is not an intellect by any means no matter how high his I.Q. I.Q. doesn't make you smart, just makes you capable of being smart. Great, so I have a genius I.Q., if I'm not using it, then I'm not a genius, only a potential genius. I, of course, use mine to the point that it might wear out. I look up <i>everything</i>. I want to know why it does what it does, why it is what it is, and how to make it myself. I don't care if it's digging graves, I want to know how, why, and what. I wish I was a dragon so that I could have the years available to me to learn everything there is to know. And the ability to sit on my butt and learn it. LOL Just drop me off a virgin and six science books a day! LOL
Point being, he thinks he's sooo much, but he's not. He's just a guy who has potential that he's not using. He gets so mad at me for spending hours talking to some guy, but he doesn't understand. He is so apathetic when it comes to learning about <i>anything</i> that when I finally meet someone with intelligent conversation I want to tie them up and take them home. No, not for sex, that's what he's for, but for intellectual depth. He never accepts that explanation, he has no idea I think that I have intellectual depth. He drives me nuts sometimes..
Question: am I not right? I think all that I've just posted is the truth and he's just mad because I've said he's not. Seems to me that what you are and what you can be are two very different things and may never coincide. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 57718 ( Click here )
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