About a month ago I was at the library and decided to see what DVDs they had. I saw one called Empire of the Sun that looked interesting, so I got it. The second the beautiful haunting singing began I was hooked. SEE THIS MOVIE!! I promise you will not regret it. Starring Christian Bale when he was 13 and directed by Steven Spielburg, it is a great film about a young British boy in a Japanese internment camp in China during WW2. Empire of the Sun recieved many awards and Christain Bale got a special citation for Best Juvenile Perfomance. I have seen this movie once so far, but have renewed it from the library twice. It just seems to have some special power to it and something is my mind keeps telling me that if I let it out of my house something terrible is going to happen. Even if you are not a "Balehead" this movie is a TOTAL "must see". I GURANTEE you will not be disappointed in Empire of the Sun.
~The Mystery~ How it changed my life:I had never realized before this how much the Japanese changed the British's way of life in China during WW2. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 58022 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .