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Audrey Silk's Speech at the Rally

  Author: 57718  Category:(Debate) Created:(8/31/2002 3:09:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (943 times)

- 26 August 2002

Let`s call Bloomberg`s plot what it really is - The SMOKER-Free City Act.

Many nonsmokers, different from the anti-smokers, are behind us because they recognize these extremist measures for what they really are - An attack on freedom by our own government and where it could lead next.

Anti-smokers are waging a civil war against their fellow citizens. The anti-smoker crusaders publicly spew their hate of an industry to disguise what has turned into their attack on fellow folk.

We are NOT the tobacco industry. We are 30% of NYC residents. This is persecution by government against a segment of society freely choosing to engage in legal behavior and the bar and restaurant owners who want to serve us.

This political action has nothing to do with protecting the health of others. Dismissing high-tech ventilation as a solution and banning smoking outdoors in a vehicle exhaust filled city proves it`s about getting rid of the smokers, not the smoke.

Further proof is the most recent news that Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester Counties have met with our city leaders to implement a wide-spread ban. Our elected officials have colluded against one third of the people. To protect others?? NO! So that smokers will not have any refuge and will stop smoking out of frustration. This is evidenced by Nassau County Legislator Corbin`s statement:

"If you`re downstate you`re not going to be able to smoke anywhere but in your closet. If we stop the places in which you can smoke, the smokers may not find it appealing to smoke."

How dare they use their power to impose their personal biases on others and legislate behavior that is legal.

Our founding fathers assured us we will never get this kind of brutal coercive government. Their vision is under siege. Abuse of power is threatening ALL of us.

When the anti-smokers ask where in the Constitution it says we have the "right" to smoke, ask them where the rights they`re claiming are enumerated. They`re not. They insist the Constitution was written in their favor. It`s not. ALL the people have the right to pursue happiness and that`s about as much as they can claim ownership to when referring to the Constitution, as do we.

The anti-smokers call us selfish. WE are not the ones asking that the entire city accommodate ONLY us. They want it 100% their way when there is room for compromise. Who are the selfish ones?

The anti-smokers use the adage "your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins." Saying that, in their defense to end smoking in bars, is like saying that to end fighting in a boxing ring. Stay out of places where you know "fists are being swung" and you won`t get hit. Any child understands that.

The owners and the owners only, of PRIVATE establishments, must be allowed to decide for themselves how best to serve their customers - whether to allow or ban smoking. And employees and customers can use common sense in whether to enter one or the other.

To turn a phrase: The right to be intolerant ends where our civil liberties begin.

That includes junk science about smoke from my cigarette and exploiting workers and individuals who haven`t asked for help to promote their self-righteous, sanctimonious and puritanical cleansing of smokers from this great city.

We must resist the extremists.

Thomas Jefferson said this: "All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that the will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."

Millions who have wanted to, have stopped smoking without government intrusion. Millions more freely choose to continue. The choice to use a legal product is normal. Tyranny in America is the aberration.

This is civil war.

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 8/31/2002 3:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 44850    you know . . . some friends and i were just having this discussion not too long ago . . . the idea that 'smokers' are going to be the next group to be 'discriminated' against ... interesting points, here, but my stance has always been quite a bit short of actually calling it 'civil war' ... but, then again, i am still paying 3.00 a pack, not 5-7 ...   
Date: 8/31/2002 3:40:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57718    LOL I'm still paying $3 a pack myself

And smokers are already discriminated against. People who are good parents are losing their children because they smoke. One man has a room that he smokes in (solely in that room), the children weren't allowed in there and he lost his daughter because the CPS come into his home like he was a common criminal and took her from him. When he said why they said he was "poisoning her" with second hand smoke...
Date: 8/31/2002 3:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 3321    I agree on the point that they should have no right to abuse their power in such a manner as to affect our personal choices and where we may smoke our cigarettes.  
Date: 8/31/2002 4:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 61834    i say smoke them if you got them..RacerX
Date: 8/31/2002 4:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 44850    [rant] oh, i read an article once where the CHILD got to decide NOT to go to his father's home because there was smoke on the walls from when the father would smoke WITH OUT THE CHILD AROUND .... sick, sick, sick .... OH, and those truth commercials ... *ugh* .... don't even get me started on those ... while i don't think that cigarettes should be advertised (as i don't feel that various medications should be adveritised) it is still a business and rather rediculious that one product can be constantly slandered and told NOT TO BUY .... [/rant]  
Date: 8/31/2002 4:14:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57718    Oh, jeez..those truth commercials drive me insane! I can handle the "such&such chemical in tobacco", but I can't stand when there are just junk science statistics glued on some emotionally loaded subject. That's not truth, that's emotional blackmail, I can't respect a protagonist that resorts to emotional blackmail when he doesn't have any facts to back up his claims...*rolls eyes*
Date: 8/31/2002 4:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 44850    oh, not to mention . . . IT MAKES ME WANT TO SMOKE!!! i light a cigarette on principal when those are on.   
Date: 8/31/2002 4:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 55376    It should be the OWNER of the business that decides. Not government. Og
Date: 8/31/2002 4:24:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57718    LOL@Penguin me too!
Date: 8/31/2002 4:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 44850    Og, exactly ... (my god, we agree?!)  
Date: 8/31/2002 7:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 53326    Personally I dont see an issue with smoking out side. I personally think thats the best place to do it, as long as you arent for examle standing at the only doorway blowing smoke into the peoples faces coming in and out. As far as public places like restraunts and such, I dont think smoking should be allowed. Why should I have to stay out of those places because being near too much smoke makes me sick? I have just as much a right to be there as the smoker; and he has the right to be there too, but just leave the cigarette at the door and smoke when he is done. Now bars, whatever. They arent exactly a health spa anyway, so if you are going there you can deal with it at the discretion of the owner. As far as children go, I have heard the story of the child who was taken from the dad who didnt even smoke with the child around anyway. It is appalling (sp)! The child wasnt in danger. Sadly though, thats usually not the case. Many parents do smoke in front of their kids and the child is in danger because of second hand smoke. My father is a heavy smoker and I have had to deal with the reprecussions of his actions for 16 years. Our house is not big enough for me to escape fully the sooty walls, the smell, and the cough causing smoke. I go to my room and shut the door, but the smoke stains and smell remains. I have no choice but to live in my house and because of that I have to smell it and deal with the health issues from it. And yes I do have health issues because of it. I dont think people should be able to force their children to stay in a house like that. If they want to kill themselves with it, thats fine by me. It is their choice and I wont stp them, but just dont let it affect the children. They can smoke outside. Thats about it I guess ~~ Sunshine2004l
Date: 8/31/2002 8:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 54987    Yeah outside is the only place to smoke. What I hate though are all those cigarette butts.. they look horrible and they aren't biodegradable. Why don't they produce biodegradable cig butts.... ? - Coolade  
Date: 8/31/2002 8:24:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57718    Ah Sunshine, but there's the rub. Just like you shouldn't have to put up with it, neither should we have to put up with being banned from existance. You do have a choice on whether to frequent those places or not. The owner of the establishment WANTS to cater to smokers. There are (and were before this) plenty of non-smoking places to frequent. I don't see what's wrong with the owner of a restaurant deciding who his clientale is. If he wants more non-smokers, then he'll ban it on his own. If he doesn't, what right do you have to MAKE him ban it? That's the real issue here. People left and right are making owners do something noone really asked them if they wanted to do. Personally, I think noone is seeing compromise. You have non smoking places we can't smoke in, we should be permitted places we can smoke and if it bothers you, then you have no right to take our places away. What you are doing is the equivalent of us making everyplace smoking. That would give you nowhere to go at all. That's what your doing to smokers. I don't think it's right and neither do MOST people in America. If you can't compromise (you being a general term, not specific) then you are part of the problem, whether you are a smoker or non-smoker. Just because you like the food somewhere is no reason you should force the atmospher to suit you. Unless you paid to open that business, busted your behind building it up, bought the land, the furniture and the food, then you have no right to tell someone how to run it.
Date: 8/31/2002 11:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 55376    What it comes down to is respecting private property rights. Og

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