Hear me I pray, my holy Lord and Lady who reside in the Heavens, That the little ones in your war torn world find peace with ye. That they sleep easy in the arms of their most loving parents, Who watch o'er all the world with eyes of mercy and kindness
I pray you guard and keep them safe with your shield of power, Just as you have shielded and guarded us all the days of time. Let them be comforted when they cry and let us turn not a deaf ear to their pleas and beggings for love and companionship
Let us keep and bear them close so that one day, likewise, They will keep and bear their own children close. So that loves cycle is unbroken and unended. This I pray to ye both for the betterment of this our world,
Blessed Be.
8.29.02 The Dark Angel You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 15319 ( Click here )
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