Seriously, what is the point of cliques in school? I've been thinking about this quite a bit lately, because I have to go back to school on Tuesday, something which I definitely do not look forward to. We have a great amount of cliques; The preppies, the goody-two-shoes, the jocks, the track people, druggies, the so-called 'ho's (who really aren't!), the punks, the freaks, and the "gross" people. I guess I fit into the freaks. The preppies and jocks are mean in our school, very immature and vindictive towards others. People call the 'ho's that name because they all have boyfriends. They treat me just fine and it makes me wonder whether the outsiders are just jealous or not. The goody-two-shoes are people whom I really don't speak to, same with the track people and the druggies. The punks are okay and the so-called "gross" people are, you know, the poor people or the fat people. And, no, I don't call them gross, because I find that to be very offensive. Whenever anybody else goes near the people who are considered "untouchable," they cringe and shriek. Why? We're all in high school. There's this girl who's 450+ pounds and every day, I see people unleashing cruel torment upon her. Some little kids were throwing peanuts at her and saying, "Have some peanuts, you elephant!" I was ticked by this and I told my parents. People are just like, "They're little kids; they don't know any better." Oh yes they do! GRRRR! And people are just so darn mean to that poor girl; I don't have anything against her, even though she is a compulsive liar. Our school is just so relentless. I've seen fights in my school where people stab each other with forks and break lunch trays over the other's head; seen populars gang up on the non-populars. We live in a small town with less than 2500 people and I really, really hate it.
What do you all think about cliques, hazing, and cruelty in schools? How come teachers help the popular people, but give the unpopular people the cold shoulder? It's not fair. This school's not fair. And I can't wait to graduate! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 51070 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .