sitting in the chair, i gazed into the mirror and watch the long pieces of golden hair fall like a rain storm of feathers, that have given into gravity, and exhaled to the floor
the scissors snip hungerily at my head so eager to cut off the hair, that symbolized the years that were dead in my life
as the finishing touches were made, and the transformation complete, i got out of my chair, grabing for hair that no longer was there, as if i was in denial as to what i just had done
before i walked out of the door, i turned around and looked at the pile of scattered hair, that rested under my chair, and said a mental good bye in my mind, and walked out the door into the windy day, the breeze not taking my hair for a dance, like it use to
people ask me now omg!! you cut your hair!! why?.. it was so long and fare and i answer.. yes i cut my hair, i dont know why but i just had to do it, maybe to get rid of the years that i wish i could forget, to make a change that i myself had control of making, or this was the beginning of a new start in my life, letting go of the old years to make room for the new the laid ahead i think they were expecting a more simple answer to there question
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .