It was just a few minutes after my first case. This would be my second. I was washing the statue of a large pink flaming which sat in the middle of my office. I heard someone yelling, "Help Me, help me!" then silence. Someone must be in trouble, I must find the sorce of the cries. I stepped out the door and heard a squishy sound. I looked down. I had stepped on a green vine with bright pink leaves. When I looked up I noticed my whole building engulfed in vines. I thought they were quite strange, no plant grew in the area I lived. I decided to find out where these came from. I followed the vines to a small barn yard. I barn stood in the middle, the only building I had seen not covered in vines. In the yard stood five cows encircling the very start of the vine. Again I heard "Help me!" but could not find where it came from. I decided to take a sample. I pulled out a knife and began cutting away at the plant. All of the sudden I was surrounded by cries of "Help me" I looked, it was the cows. They began changing shape they turned into green slimey balls. Everything but their ,eyes, mouths,hooves, horns, and utters changed into the green slime. The became evil and started running right at me. They latched on to me and began biting the heck out of me. I was running frantically in circles. I pulled them off and threw them to the ground, I began stomping their slimey, gooey bodies. I sat on the ground as their bodies began sinking into the ground. A U.F.O. appeared out of no where. Three more of the slime balls came out and put flowers on the others' graves a quiet serious of "Help me" came out of their mouths. Then, one pulled out and axe chopped down the vine and the two others pulled the plant into their ship and it disappeared into the sky. Another case was solved. The vine came from alien creatures that cried out "Help me!". I have officially dubbed these creatures Squishys. That was my second case! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 4255 ( Click here )
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