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Should people who commit adultry be given jail time?

  Author:  46005  Category:(Debate) Created:(8/20/2002 7:55:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (4227 times)

Do you think that poeple who commit adultry should be given jail time? I know it would be hard to prove that someone was cheating, but in many cases it's not. Adultry is against the law, but it isn't really carried out. So my question is should those who have commited adultry be punished? If so, what kind of punishment should they get? I think that if adultry was punishable by say 3 months of jail time, less poeple would commit the crime, because of the punishment behind it. People may think twice before commiting adultry. It may would cut down on the spread of disease. Also do you think if the person they cheated with was aware that the married person was married, should they be punished as well?

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Date: 8/20/2002 8:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 16069    Do you realize how many people cheat? I dont think this law would work out to well.  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:02:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 46005    maybe not, but it might would!  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 24003    No law needed..if I ever catch my husband chearing on me..Id just punish him myself! No need to involve the law.  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 11348    I think that'd be great! Divorce rates are very very high these days and a lot of times divorce is a result of adultry. I think if adultry were punishable, only people who were truly serious about each other would get married and divorce rates would be lower. Not to mention you could feel a lot more secure in your marriage! Good debate!  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:07:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 46005    lol green eyes.........  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 59151    i say make it a law. then maybe people would not get married so quickly. i will admit; i have been seperated for 5.5 years, and during this time i have 2 young sons. does that make me exempt from prison time?????? am i breaking a law even though we are seperated and live in different states, and no contact with each other whatsoever?????...taurus32  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 25828    lord no.  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 277    I don't think they should be given jail time. In the military if a military member cheats on their spouse or has an affair with someone who is married to a military member they can be taken to Captain's Mast and busted down a pay grade. No brig (jail) time for them. So, why should the civialians have to do jail time.  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    I think adultrey should be given jail time if their spouse contracts a disease because of it. A year would really shake them into some reality for this. If they give their spouse AIDS I think they should be treated as if they have attempted murder. Cheating should be monitarilly penalized but I don't think it will ever be enforced for jail time. It is considered immoral and is grounds for divorce and is prosecutable in this scenario currently.  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 13897    no.  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:15:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 46005    well personally if my husband cheated the law wouldnt have to be called, lol ...... well maybe to pick me up!  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 9130    No they should not be given jail time. They should be fined...  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 27270    This is all well in theory, but we have people who rape and molest that only end up w/ a probated sentence....and for that reason (though I disagree wholeheartedly w/ people who commit adultery) if the prisons are this overcrowded I say we reserve the space for the violent criminals and just fine the crap out of the others like those who commit adultery. Believe it or not, people will fear a large $ fine before incarceration because they know it's unlikely they'd have to serve time vs. having to pay a fee.  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    I dont agree with the fined stuff dizzy, as IF a person your hubby or wife is fined, that is just money out of the household. As many couples stay together even after this junk. SHOOT if all adultry people were put in jail, there would be hardly anyone in the real world.  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 9130    Thats a good point Firstborn, I didn't think of that...lol  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    I still think that if a spouse receives a disease or AIDs due to the adultrey... it should be punishable. If my husband gave me AIDs due to having an affair, it's as good as attempting to kill me with a weapon.  
Date: 8/20/2002 8:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 47296    Smart thinking Firstborn. Adultry is one of the hardest crimes to porsecute, since there has to be proof that the act was commited. That means either one party or the other must confess, or someone had to have witnessed the act. If adultry was pushed in the courts to the fullest extent of the law, we would need one court to handle nothing but adultry cases, and would also need a whole new set of jails and prisons for those convicted.  
Date: 8/20/2002 9:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 3321    Give me the exact law and I'll tell you that law needs to be done away with. However, you first have to provide the actual law before I can even debate this subject.  
Date: 8/20/2002 9:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 45630    No way. Leave what should be a private problem just that private!  
Date: 8/20/2002 9:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 15997    Adultry is a crime so it should have a punishment...I think jail time is good. it's true there are many cheaters out there but they need to be taught a lesson...maybe even some community service wearing shirts that say "I cheat on my wife/husband" and they should get fined for a pretty penny as well. If that doesnt get the message across then i dont know what will.  
Date: 8/20/2002 9:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 23610    Definitely not....who needs government in the bedroom?  
Date: 8/20/2002 9:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Here's a scenario for why a spouse that cheats and gives the other spouse AIDS should be punished... they have issued them a license to die. Marriage is a contract and is bound to laws. If a person gives their spouse AIDS and the other spouse dies and even worse... children are involved, there needs to be justice. I don't think that normally the Government should be involved except in extreme cases like this.  
Date: 8/20/2002 9:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 3125    There's not enough jails in the US that would hold all those who cheat on their spouses..Where would we start?? Perhaps with Clinton, Jesse Jackson?? Maybe our governors,mayors,judges, lawyers,policemen,etc,etc,??..The list goes on and on.  
Date: 8/20/2002 9:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 21867    Rusure makes a pertinent point...if all adulterers were locked up WHO would run your country?? Seems like half your Senate would be behind bars. Peace,  
Date: 8/20/2002 10:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 225    I dont think they should be jailed either .  
Date: 8/20/2002 10:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 27046    This is odd...I drove by a church the other day, and their bulletin board outside had though shalt not commit adultry...It made me chuckle to see that on a sign for public view and I don't know why other than the fact it was probably because I have never seen that on the outside of a church before. So if we are going to jail cheaters...which by the way I didn't realize that adultry was against the actual law, God's law yes, but criminal law I was not aware of, what would we do with the swingers? Would their activity be considered adultry since all parties involved are consensual?  
Date: 8/20/2002 10:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    that DIZZY is because I've been married longer and KNOW where the bread is buttered. HEHEHEH
Date: 8/20/2002 10:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 3125    According to the following, adultery is a crime in many states but the laws are not enforced..An "extramarital affair" is illegal in the District of Columbia, where adultery is a misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of $500 or 180 days in jail. It's a misdemeanor as well in Virginia, Maryland and more than 20 other states, and a felony in Idaho, Massachusetts, Michigan, Oklahoma and Wisconsin.
Date: 8/21/2002 6:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    Gee let's just go back to stoneing them to death. Believe me there is a system in place right now that can punish adulterers much more severely than any applicable fines or jail terms. It's called divorce and can cost tens of thousands of dollars. And can lock a person in an inescapeable hell for years. LOL! I stay out of trouble for a reason, that reason being the tales of misery I've heard from some of my divrced friends.  
Date: 8/21/2002 6:22:00 AM  From Authorid: 33925    LOL..If we put every person behind bars that has ever cheated there would be no room left for those that committed serious crimes like Murder! The prisons would be overrun and there would not be many left out in the "real" world..LOL  
Date: 8/21/2002 8:32:00 AM  From Authorid: 22080    wait that law wont work to well im pretty sure the whole senate would be under arrest  
Date: 8/21/2002 8:32:00 AM  From Authorid: 22080    there should be no punishment except for having your parts removed that way there cant commit it ever again or be able to have kids that could do the same botta bing botta boom  
Date: 8/21/2002 8:55:00 AM  From Authorid: 54987    LOL@Firstborn! I didn't know adultery was a crime... I don't think so! Keep the jail for real criminals. Adultery is a moral crime not a federal one. LOL I remember as a small child thinking adultery meant 'acting like an adult.' Not far wrong was I LOL... Coolade  
Date: 8/21/2002 10:05:00 AM  From Authorid: 50435    No, I don't think they should. The problem that exists is a personal problem between the couple. It is an irresponsible act conducted on the part of the cheater. Every relationship someone enters into is a risk. The foundation is trust. If that trust is broken then it is on the head of the one who broke the trust. I don't see any reason that someone who cheats on his/her spouse should serve time. They are suffering enough with their lack of maturity and honesty...  
Date: 8/21/2002 11:09:00 AM  From Authorid: 42792    We don't have enough jail space to incarcerate every adulterer.  
Date: 8/21/2002 11:44:00 AM  From Authorid: 61587    Nop..it wont work..and people should be responsible for their own actions and answer to God ...when they die..INVOLOVING the law..we decrease the lil amount of freedom we have in this country..i dont think it should be a law period. This is prob of cheating is between the wife and husband alone. Also ONE OTHER THING..AIDS is not caused by SEX..the only disease you get from SEX is STD'S!! OSirius!~~
Date: 8/21/2002 2:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 22080    osirius how old are you? you can get AIDS from sex its one of the many STD's in this country and around the world  
Date: 8/21/2002 2:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 54987    Aids is not an STD jestr... go research. Aids is Auto-immune disease and (allegedly)caused by a virus, that no one has actually seen, called HIV. A doctor called Robert Gallo invented a procedure that tested for HIV and in the process made millions. Even his assistant admitted that HIV doesn't cause Aids. There are lots of auto-immune diseases. I think Gallo was indicted for it. Anyway, they found that recreational drugs, not sex, was responsible for Aids. And homosexuals are the biggest users of recreational drugs in gay clubs in big cities. And Africa? Those people are dying of malnution and diseases caused by lack of sanitation. When deprived of basic sanitation and food, people's immune defences breaks down. Coolade  
Date: 8/21/2002 2:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 55376    I was wondering what wacko belief you held,Coolade. Seems like everyone on this site has one.Og
Date: 8/21/2002 3:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 3125    According to American Social Health Association,
HIV is spread primarily through sexual practices or by sharing needles..Some ways to become infected with HIV are: Having sex with an infected person..
Sharing a needle with someone who's infected..
Being born when their mother is infected, or drinking the breast milk of an infected woman.
Date: 8/21/2002 6:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 22080    ok HIV is an STD, AIDS is also you have to have HIV before you get AIDS, i know someone who has AIDS and they said you have HIV till your white blood cell count drops below a certain point then its full blown AIDS it can be passed threw a needle,sex,infected mothers to there child,infected breast milk etc etc and it is an STD to a certain extent  
Date: 8/21/2002 8:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 54987    That is what we are led to believe. I believed it too until I didn some looking into it. They test for antibodies, not the hiv virus. Anyway why don't you go find out. Og... that's only one of mine... what's yours? Apart from being a fundamentalist Ghoombian. Coolade  
Date: 8/21/2002 9:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 47983    No way. You know how many people find out that their spouse is cheating, and then get hooked back up. Theres no reason.  
Date: 8/21/2002 9:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 52419    NOPE Mickle  
Date: 8/21/2002 11:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 53927    No, I don't think they should get arested. I think it's their problem and I don't see why the government needs to be brought into everything. I think people should decide their private lives by themselves and maybe go see a therapist to work things out if they need to. But, I think that sometimes it could be an honest mistake because there isn't enough communication or the person is missing something. I also don't think jail is that effective except for keeping ciminals off the street (thank goodness), and I don't think they learn much and I think they sometimes get used to it. Well anyway thats my opinion. However it would be good to lessen the diseases.  
Date: 8/21/2002 11:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 61834    so many people would be in jail and then that more tax money that comes out of my pocket, i don't want to pay more because someone commited adultry. Do you realize how much money it takes to keep someone in jail for a year:??? RacerX
Date: 8/21/2002 11:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    OSirius... When I said AIDs can be given from one spouse to another, it can. It has happened and continues to. I don't know what all the debate is about. HIV/AIDs, either way HIV can lead to AIDs and either one isn't something that a married person should have to worry about. If a spouse cheates and gives the other spouse a STD, they should be prosecuted. If they give them HIV or AIDs, they should be tried as if they attemped to murder them. Some married people sleep with prostitutes and give their spouse STD's. This is very common and I believe they should be penalized for it. The factor of children being brought into this issue makes it even worse. I don't know if you're married? If you were it would probably help you to understand my view on this issue. ;o)  
Date: 8/21/2002 11:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 54071    if people who commited aldultery went to jail.. then the jails would be so packed and we would have to make tons more.. I don't think so.. since it isn't the laws responsibility to deal with.. it is the people in the relationship that should only be the ones to deal with the outcome of it.. if that makes any sense.. since my thoughts are all scattered right now.
Date: 8/22/2002 10:57:00 AM  From Authorid: 61587    (YOU CHOOSE) ...For your info..i am married..and i still dont believe in what your saying becasue its just a huge load of bull. And for all you other peoples..AIDS DOES NOT COME FROM SEX..HIV DOES NOT CAUSE AIDS...it is not necessary for a person with AIDS to have HIV!!! Think about it..doesnt even make sense..that just because you had sex with a person with AIDS THAT YOU WOULD GET AIDS..the only kind of fluid that would be transmitted to you is lubrication !!! NOT BLOOD! SHaring NEEDLES..thats a diff story..i dont why poeple do it..are they illiterate..PERHAPS!~~I think alot of people should some researching..and im sorry i dont want to offend anyone..i will too..but i have already. OSirius~
Date: 8/22/2002 10:59:00 AM  From Authorid: 61587    (YOU CHOOSE) Since AIds is not caused by SEX..what do you mean jail time for giving AIDS to your spouse..like if the wife cuts herself bad..and she needs to go to the hospital and in the hustle..The man becomes affected to..thats a accident..???I dont get what your getting at man??!
Date: 8/22/2002 12:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 15033    I agree with Rusure..and I believe 99% of them would be in jail.  
Date: 8/22/2002 3:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 26321    Everyone cheats , there would be no space in jail to put them in . I would like to see triple digit fines dished out . That would be wonderful and we could have plenty of money for road repair and school education ! Razzy aka  
Date: 8/22/2002 7:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    OSirius.... I think you need to take a deep breath and calm down a bit. #1.. I don't appreciate you yelling at me about things you are stating that are, your opinion. No offense but I doubt that the millions of people with AIDs are simply lying about how they got it. I do believe that AIDs is transmitted by needles, UNprotected sex and blood transfusions(much more rare now). I don't mean to demean you but my husband works for the American Red Cross, Quality Assurance. He has also worked for the National Red Cross and blood and diseases of blood, are their business. He has dealt with the FDA many times during many audits of blood services and regulations. If you think you have the answer to what everyone else "doesn't understand" in your opinion, you must have proof to back it up. I STILL stand by my opinion and don't get what "you're getting at." What is so hard to understand... it's simple. If a person cheats on their spouse and gives them AIDS or HIV, I feel they should be convicted for attempted murder. A spouse that cheats isn't just endangering their own life, they are endangering their spouse's life. Children are also victims, when their parent(s) die because of this scenario. ~God bless  
Date: 8/22/2002 7:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Razzy... Not everyone cheats. Just curious, where do you live? In my household and my relative's relationships... we don't cheat. We value our marriages and families and don't think cheating is something to take lightly. My husband comes home after work and he's never acted suspicious. Cheating in a marriage is a very severe problem due to the diseases in this world. ;o)  
Date: 8/22/2002 10:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Razzy... wanted to add that I totally agree with you about fining them so we could have the money go into each state. Good concept! ;o)  
Date: 8/23/2002 11:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 61587    (you Choose) where is your proof...just because your husband works for the freakin red cross (that didnt do crap in palestine when there was genocide)...you think you have proof??? AND WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IF i told you the FDA APPROVES Food That they know are linked to cancer and other various types of diseases..even YOUR AIDS!??
There you have it..MAYBE JUST FREAKIN MAYBE..the FDA are responsible for the spread of AIDS in the first place! Huney go do some research ! (mean that in a good way!) OSirius~~~~~
Date: 8/23/2002 12:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 55089    For those who commit adultry and cheat, obviously dont' care too much for what their religion/morals tell them, for them to go against it and do that. So, if they dont' have that respect for their morals or religion, what makes you think they'll work too well with the law if it's carried out??Even, if this law is passed and enforced, i still think that not that many people will actually stop cheating and/or committing adultry...  
Date: 8/25/2002 2:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Osirius... Unfortunately, you act as if you are a uniformed, uneducated and unfriendly individual. At least, that is the way you appear by your nasty comments to me on this post. You have NO CLUE what the FDA does and if you are so much more intelligent then them, why aren't you working for them? You seem to act as if you have all the answers and you don't. I REFUSE to try to intelligently discuss issues with someone who only practices, "the ART OF ARGUING" and cannot debate rationally. You really need to focus on your delivery, since it doesn't appear to be very intellectual, in it's current status. Good luck and better days for you hopefully....  
Date: 8/25/2002 8:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Another thing I'd like to add for Osirius...please don't pretend to know anything about the Red Cross. The people that work there, work very hard and make very average pay. My husband works harder at his job then many corporate QA's, that sit at their desks and twiddle their thumbs. He and many other Red Cross employees, are working non-stop to ensure quality of blood, supplies for needy individuals and "free donations," in disaster situations. They cannot be responsible for the entire world. My husband and I are on the "lower income status," since he works for a NON-PROFIT organization. We still donate hundreds of dollars every year, to the "Make a wish foundation." How much money do you donate every year and how much help have you provided those in need? I can only hope that before you make accusations, mainly false, about important organizations like the Red Cross and FDA... you think about what you have done for this world. Once again, good luck to you and I hope you can obtain a nicer disposition in life. ;o)  

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