"Sir" Simon heard. "Sir! Wake up" a female voice called. Simon opened his eyes, rubbing them he heard a voice tell him that the Queen wanted to see him. Not being so groggy, he looked around the room and saw three faeries and Brooke standing infront of him. One of the faeries had a set of clothes, another held a pan of water, and the last carried a towel in her hands. Brooke said something to the faeries and she left the room. Simon stood up and the faeries flocked around him. He watched in confusion as they started to strip him of his clothes. Startled, he pulled away from them and shouted "What are you doing!?". The faeries looked cluelessly at him and one went outside. Simon desperately tried to tell them that he wasn't comfortable with people changing him, but his words fell on deaf ears. The people's attention went to the door when it opened and in showered Brooke and the third faerie. The three faeries gathered around her and they began a quiet talk in faerie language. When they finished, after a minute or so, the three faeries left and Brooke stepped up to Simon. "I'm sorry about the confusion. Those three are servants, they were here to help you freshen up this morning." Brooke said sweetly. "The Queen wants to see me?" Simon asked. Brooke, seeming offended by the fact that Simon was being rude, said "Yes, she wanted you to report to her this morning. It seems to be about this Carina of yours.". Simon's heart skipped a beat at the name of Carina being brought up. "I'll be waiting for you out in the courtyard" Brooke told him. She stepped out of the room.
Please check out the other parts to this story. To be continued... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 45800 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .