Angels looking down from The sky's God's hand over My head an errants fool In all I do and now I'm angered look what You did
This anger inside of me Is like the poison that Boils inside of you And with one touch my Soul was diminished Forever you live in grace
Hatebreed amongst this Generation is it so hard To see the truth behind The anger?
Now my ambitiions are No longer full of love Hate and anger fills My urge to destroy all That was real
You look down on me Think of what this Means for us what We wanted is no longer A part of me in my anger
You know eventually anger Leads to fear it's how We live it's a life Full of mixed emotions How do I survive without You?
The fear of loosing you is The same as the anger you Put into me when you left So what now do I have To go on?
I'd rather kill and destroy What you meant to me Guess I was just a fool For falling for you I never Thought about how this Would effect me
Now the respects gone out The window and there is Nothing for me not a Thing I can do look at Me can't get through
Those baby blue eyes those Lips I still remember But you banished me so Why should I go on?
Y'know I let you in Guess It really doesn't Matter you took me for Granted made me open Up told me all would be Fine so where were You when I needed you?
Why am I so alone? I still love you but you Never looked into me and The passion never was must Of been a dream this isn't Real
This anger will never fade You killed the spirits Within this lost soul Can you deal with what You did to me?
This harsh reality is enough To kill a man but not Me I've been denied before And it's always been worse Than this
Live this way anger without Strife you know I'm not The kind who would give in
I don't give up so easily I'd rather you succeed than Me this can't be the real Me does this really make Sense does it really matter?
With this anger I say Things that I don't Mean or maybe I do And without trust I Can't go on so just Make me say this make Me do this in myself Make me do this to myself Hit me, Stab me, Shoot me, Kill me, Make me angry See what it gets you I'm already on the Verge now I'm about To go over look anger And fear confusing me Can you feel this anger? You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 41515 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .