Kitsune Cuteness ,( or as you may call her, Kit,) woke up brright and early ont he day that would become the most important day of her life. This day would change life as she knew it forever, and she knew there was no turning back, she was running away from home. Of course, she didn't see it that way. You see, Kit is a rare breed of humanoid known as Lycanthrope, aka a type of Warefox, that ages VERY slowly. She only appears to be 4 years old, when infact she is 150 years of age. (and she will live to be about 5000 years, if she's careful and manages to live out her life, but her breed rarely do).
This morning Kit decided that it's time for her to leave home. (mainly because today is the day her mother wanted to start her agressive training as a priestess, and as you will get to know, Kit hates work, and her mother is presenting work.) So Kit got up, put on her red chinese Kimono top, and blue elephant pants, wrote her mom a goodbye note, with a promise to write often, and left her house, her friends, and her mother to travel far and avoid work.
(That was just explaining why a "four year old" would be wondering around on her own) ***************************later, aboutz 9 months****************************
"Oh no!" Wailed Kit as the flames grew higher, "Not again!" and she quickly bolted out the door to find a teacher.
Since leaving home Kit had signed up for a magic school and she had already managed to burn part of the school down once while doing her pyroknetics test. This would be the second time she set the school on fire.
"What?!" screamed her teacher as he ran after her, "I thought I told you not to start until I got back!"
"I was just practising, you know..*Huf Huf* warming up!" Kitsune panted as she ran down the hall to the now raging fire. "There it is, PUT IT OUT!" she screamed, she did NOT want to get kicked out of school for this, and she would be held personally responsible for any damage rendered by the fire.. AKA She would personally have to rebuild it with a magic spell that could put her to sleep for months at a time.
"I can't!" the teacher screamed back, "It's too big! EVACUATE THE BUILDING!!!!"
'Uh-oh' Kit thought to herself, 'this is not good, I'm probably gonna be kicked out of school!.... I wonder what's for lunch....'
To be continued.... maybe, this is basically the comic that I'm drawing put into words, so if it sounds cheesy, it looks better as a comic book. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35054 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .