First of all, let me begin by saying that I believe that this country is in a whole good, I just have some problems with the way that it's run. And it's been run like this since WAY before I was born('79), I am just getting sick on the way that things have been run into the ground. Now I know that people are going to disagree with some things, and it'll probably hurt my "popularity" with this site, but I figured that I have some qualms, and this was the logical place to vent these thoughts. Now that this is out of the way, let's get down to business, shall we?
I am appalled by the way that this country is not run anymore by a central body. It is run by a bunch of profiterring gluttons who would rather line their pockets with riches and material things. I have a prime example. Occasionally I flip on the TV, and what is it I see? COMMERCIALS. Since when did people start sitting around while products and services are thrown into your face? And I know that you can just turn off the TV, but it doesn't end there. Radio commercials, billboards, the Internet, commercialism is EVERYWHERE. I can't stand it anymore.
Also how come people have become so defenseive about everything? I turned on the TV this morning, and I found a show called Judge Mathis. A woman was suing the owner of a tanning salon because he had a mechanic come in to fix the AC in his area, and the woman was freaked out because he POSSIBLY might have seen this woman naked while tanning. You think about it for a second. This woman was suing for emotional damages caused by her being startled. $4,000!!!! What is this crap! It just annoyes me.
Now I have been thinking about this long and hard, and I think that I have come up with some rudementary solutions to these. Instead of the "government" spending BILLIONS on national defense, which the way I see it is just a public display for more people to line their pockets and for reelection, I think that that money should be cut in like 1/8, use that money for defense, and the rest for the betterment of society in general. Stop worrying about overseas issues, and worry about ourselves. The national debt for an issue, we're borrowing money from other countries(which by now we owe other countries like 4 trillion)just so we can keep up this illusion that we are the best country in the world. Man am I happy that other countries aren't like loan sharks, and take collatoral(but maybe they are, we just aren't supposed to know about it). We're too worried about making laws to cover every possible senario(which strips us of our individuality, it's a fact right now that each person in America breaks about 15 or so laws a day without knowing about it), and we're not spending time taking care of the real issues. Such as crime. The time that is spent worrying about writing and re-writing laws, we could be using to make this place better. So here's my proposition....
Each business, company or person can contribute whatever they want(completely optional) and with the help from the government, we tackle one issue at a time. First I say we take care of the crime in this country. Murderers, rapists, arsonists, etc. The prison system has to either get thrown away, or completely revamped. This part I haven't worked out completely yet, but when I do, I'll get back to ya. Ethics have to be re-established. Without ethics and morals, this country will be run into the ground by the time I kick the bucket. Now I'm no philosopher or anything, I just feel that by the year 2100 this country will be taken over, or COMPLETELY run into the ground.
I'm sorry if this offended people, and I don't really care if I get many responses on this story, I just needed to get some things off of my chest. I have many other gripes, but I have to get them sorted out first before I can post them. And if this story gets deleted, oh well.
Have fun and enjoy ripping this story to pieces!!!!!!!!
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