I firmly believe as a Mother and Human Being, I have had the greatest gifts in life bestowed apon me.
As many of our friends know, we have been through some very tough times and lengthy court battles lateley. This has caused some serious financial problems for us. Bobbling bills, only after using up both of our retirement funds, selling off our antique furniture (that I absolutely love), and getting loans here and there, selling what little Jewlery I have, Our BMW and Harley Davidson, Collin selling his Miller and Nascarr Collectibles (boy those bring alot) and so on. It has really been a hard financial road. We made the Choice to sacrafice all but one of our Items each, that we had worked so hard for. We did it without even batting an eye. (If any of you have been through court like or even similar to what has been thrashed apon our family, you really have to sell all but your Underware, and even those have at times been sold in Garage sales)
I was sitting on Our "new" 20 year old couch today. Sounds funny, but, it was my grandmothers couch, Snow white with a pale design, it had spent most of it's years covered to repell dirt. That it did! After selling our designer couches, we also, pamper this one as Grandmaw did. (not easy to do with 4 boys:) As I sat on the couch I looked around the bare living room, I became a little sad to see the things we had chosen as a family to Adorne our much loved home just dissappear.
Earlier in the day today, I was cleaning house. I was in What used to be our Family gameroom which is now being reformed into our oldest sons new bedroom. We Chose to put the game room in it's proper place, the pool house. I found a mound of Framed Photos of our family and Children in the old gameroom. I picked out my Favorites and Placed the all over the living room. From baseball to Motorcyles, and wedding to Portriates, the livingroom took on a Grand new look.
I sat on the Couch feeling a little pitiful over the way the living room looked. As I scanned the living room something caught my eye, a photo. A few years ago I had taken this beautiful picture of the children at the Botanic Gardens, all of the boys perched themselves apon this Giant rock covered with natural climbing greenery. Each boy had just automaticaly turned a different dirrection and posed like little hams and smiled. I did not miss the opprotunity to snatch up the Kodak moment.
God, they are so Handsome I thought, I remembereing that day, kept looking at each picture and rembering more and more wonderful days.
It was at that moment, that very moment ,everything looked just fine in the livingroom to me. It was the most comfortable couch and most resplendant livingroom I have ever had the pleasure of sitting in. You see, we have sacraficed nothing at all. Everything we had as a family, even through all of our hard times, we still had. The best of times the worst of times, we are still one.
None of those things really hold any Value............BUT,
Love does!
AND THAT is what we have. It is by far the most treasured thing! How it changed my life:My life is Changed By everything, everyday, by each thing I experience, and with the Loves comes Lessons Learned.
I love you all, Judi You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 33922 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .