Melody sat in her white spacious kitchen one afternoon enjoying the sunshine streaming in through the large windows. She sat there drinking her cool pink lemonade as she watched the humming birds fight around the feeder dangling off a near by tree. Her quiet enjoyable afternoon was suddenly rudely interupted by a constant ringing. Annoyed that her peacful moment was interupted she quickly picked up the phone and said" hey what do you want?" " Hi Mel was I bothering u?" asked a anxious voice. " Oh no, not all" replied Melody sarcastically. "Oh thats good. Hey Mel listen I was wondering if you could do me a favour"? " What do you want"? she asked with annoyance. Well Jimmy needs a sitter tonight. The one I asked to sit for him a week ago hasn't showed up and I need to leave in 15 minutes. Mel its a important buissness meeting. Please can you watch him" ? Melodys mind raced she wished sooo much to just hang up the phone and get back to enjoying herself but she knew her friend needed help. " Alrite Jen I'll be over in a minute." Upset that her perfect afternoon was being wrecked but knowing that she was needed she quickly brushed her hair and collected her thoughts. Ten minutes later Melody arrived at her friends house. Since they were good friends she just opened the hard wooden door and let herself in. "Jen am here" she called out. " Oh thank heavens, I better get going or I'll be late, make sure Jimmys in bed by 9. Bye" Jen said quickly "Bye Je..." But her sentance was cut off by the slamming of the door. Her and Jimmy had an enjoyable enough evening she sent him off to bed exactly at nine and sat on the couch watching tv until Jen came home.
All of a sudden there was a constant banging and strange high pitched noises. Jens cat ran out of the house, it was so frightened. They banging got quicker and louder. Melody was scared to death she curled up near the end of the couch and covered her head with a fluffy, brown blanket at her feet. All of a sudden she noticed that was no blanket on her head it had strated tosuffocated her and dig sharp nail into her shoulder. She screeched and pain and ripped the thing off her head. Whatever it was, it wasn't friendly. Bye now the banging and strange noises had gotton worse. She then realised that she needed to get Jimmy. She had no idea what was goin on but she needed to find him fast before anything happened to him. She rushed into his room. When she got there he was no where in sight. She hadn't gotton to him fast enough she felt horrible. But she pushed the thought to the back of her head and decided to follow the noises she was hearing. She continued to follow them till she reached the foot of the basement stairs the noise seemed to be coming from there. She carefully walked down the stair the noise got closer and closer and closer and all of a sudden and stopped. She continued to walk down the stairs. She spotted a shadow and it came into the light,it seemed to me Jimmy." Oh Jimmy why are you down here? Then wut seemed like Jimmy stepped into the light. I t turned out to be the creature that was on her head a few minutes ago.
Then she woke up. " Phew it was only a dream" she whispered to herself. A little while later Jen came home. As she was saying goodbye to Jen her eyes drifted to the couch. There on the couch was.... a fluffy, brown blanket.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .