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The Truth About "Satan"

  Author:  15070  Category:(Angels) Created:(7/21/2002 11:29:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (6378 times)

Development of the Concept of Satan prior to 300 BCE in Israel: Traditionally, Christians have believed that the Pentateuch [the first 5 books of the Hebrew Scriptures or Old Testament] were written by Moses under the inspiration of God circa 1450 BCE during the nation's exodus from Egypt. The book of Daniel was seen as having been written by Daniel himself, in the 6th century CE, etc. Conservative Christians still believe this today, largely because the Bible mentions the identity of its authors in many locations, and conservatives believe the Bible to be inerrant. However, analysis of the Bible as a historical document since the late 19th century has convinced essentially all non-Evangelical Old Testament scholars that most of the Pentateuch was not written by Moses. It is rather made up of a mixture of writings and editing by three individuals or groups: in 950 BCE by "J", 750 BCE for "E" and 539 BCE for "P". Deuteronomy was written in the 7th century BCE, and Daniel was written in the 2nd century BCE. In the following material, we will assume that the liberal interpretation is correct.

Among those books of the Hebrew Scriptures written before 300 BCE, the term "satan" (root word "s'tn") appears often. The word is derived from the original Hebrew verb "satan" which means "to oppose." The Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek was widely used in the early Christian church. They translated "satan" as "diaboloc" from which we derive our English term "devil" and "diabolic."

The word is used to refer to:

Any person acting as an accuser or enemy. For example: 1 Samuel 29:4: The Philistines were distrustful of David, fearing that he would be a satan. (translated "adversary" or "someone who will turn against us"). 2 Samuel 19:22: Shime-i apologizes to King David. The King rejects the apology, saying that they should not be a satan to each other (translated "adversary" or "opponent"). 1 Kings 5:4: King Solomon is talking to Hiram, the King of Tyre. He says that now that there is neither satan nor bad luck to stop him, he can build the Temple. (translated as "adversary", "enemy", or "one who opposes"). 1 Kings 11:14: God raised up Hadad the Edomite as a satan against Solomon. (translated as "adversary," or "opponent"). a divine messenger sent by God as an adversary: Numbers 22:22 & 32: God appears in a dream, telling Balaam to go with the princes of Moab to meet Balak. But when Balaam sets out the next morning on his donkey, God is angry with him for some reason, and sent an angel/messenger to kill him. The donkey saw the angel and took evasive actions. The angel was invisible to Balaam, who beat the animal. The donkey asked Balaam why he had beat her three times. Balaam, who doesn't seem to realize that a talking donkey is an unusual occurrence, replies. The angel then appears and explains that he has come as a satan to kill him. (translated as "one who opposes, "withstand," "adversary") a member of God's inner council; a type of chief prosecutor of Heaven: 1 Chronicles 21:1: Satan, "a supernatural evil emissary," acting on God's behalf, has influenced David to hold a census. The census is taken, and God is angry for an unknown reason. Perhaps God does not want humans to be aware of the strength of the army. God then offers David his choice of one of three punishments: a 3 year famine, 3 months of fleeing before his enemies' armies, or a plague throughout Israel. David selects the plague and God killed 70,000 men (and presumably a similar number of women and many tens of thousands of children). In 2 Samuel 24, the identical event is described. However, this time, the text states that God influenced David to hold the census. Even though God had incited David to enumerate the men of Israel and Judah, he was still angry that it was done and punished the Israelites with a plague. The writings in 2 Samuel are believed to be the original account; 1 Chronicles came later. It is believed that when Samuel was finally edited (circa 560 BCE), the editors thought that all supernatural actions (good and bad) came from God. When Chronicles was written over a century later, (circa 400 BCE) the author viewed God as operating indirectly through his helpers. Job 1 and 2: Satan is described as one of the members of the court of heaven. God mentions that he is impressed at the behavior of Job, a blameless man who has lived an upright life. Satan attributes Job's commendable behavior to his good fortune and says that Job would soon curse God if he had a string of really bad luck. God decides to conduct an experiment with Job; he instructs Satan to destroy all that Job has: kill his animals, murder his employees, and murder his innocent children. But, even after these disasters, Job still does not curse God. So God instructs Satan to up the ante by returning to earth and destroying Job's health. Here, Satan is portrayed as a servant of God whose task it is to dutifully carry out evil deeds at God's instruction. Zechariah 3:1-7: Satan is again portrayed as a member of God's council. Here he objects to the selection of Joshua as the high priest.

There are no passages within the older parts of the Hebrew Scriptures where Satan is portrayed as an evil devil - the arch enemy of God and of humanity. At most, he is described as a henchman who carries out God's evil instructions. There is no dualism here between two powerful supernatural entities: an all-good God and an all-evil Satan. God is portrayed as performing, directly and indirectly, both kind and evil deeds. When:

plagues are to be sent, or a great genocidal flood is created to kill off almost all of humanity, except for Noah and his family, or Onan was killed because he practiced an elementary form of birth control, in violation of a cultural tradition, or Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because its residents were abusive to the needy and to strangers, or Lot's wife is turned into a pillar of salt because she looked the wrong way,

it is God who does it. In essence, the ancient writers of the early Hebrew Scriptures looked upon Jehovah as performing both good and evil deeds. A good indication of this is found in:

Isaiah 45:6-7:

"...I am the LORD and there is none else. I form the light and create darkness. I make peace an create evil. I the LORD do all these things." (KJV)

or in Job 9:22-23:

"...[God] destroys both the blameless and the wicked. When a scourge brings sudden death, he mocks the despair of the innocent." (i.e. laughs at the suffering of the victim)

or in Lamentations 3:37-38:

"Who has commanded and it came to pass, unless the Lord has ordained it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that good and evil come?"

Development of the Concept of Satan prior to 300 BCE in Ancient Iran: Historians have traced the foundations for the concept of Satan to the Indo-European invasion circa 2000 BCE. This migration of what are now called the Kurgan people, emigrated from what is now southern Russia into the Near East, Middle East and Europe. They were polytheists, and worshiped at least one Mother Goddess and one male God. Their religious beliefs were based on the Hindu sacred writings of the Vedas. Those who settled in western Europe became the Celtic people with their religion of Druidism and perhaps what is now called Wicca. Those Kurgans who settled in the Middle East developed religious belief along different lines. They developed the twin concepts of salvation and damnation after death. Upon dying, they believed that soul of the deceased must pass over a narrow bridge on horseback. It was called the "Bridge of the Petitioner." Rashu, a god, judged each soul and decides who is sufficiently righteous to cross the bridge and who will fall into a type of Hell with "flames and terrible smells." 1 Once salvation and Heaven, (and damnation and Hell) were created, then the stage was set for the next logical concept: that of a Devil.

Zoroaster (a.k.a. Zarathrustra, Zarthosht) is believed by some to have lived circa 628 to 551 BCE. (Other estimates run from 600 to 6,000 BCE) He was a Persian prophet in what is now Iran. Like Jesus, he was recorded as having been tempted by Satan; he performed many miracles and healings and was considered a supernatural being by his followers. He introduced a major spiritual reform and created what is generally regarded as the first established monotheistic religion in the world. He rejected the worship of the established trinity of Varuna, Mithra and Indra. The new religion, to be called Zoroastrianism, involved the worship of a single male god, Ahura Mazda, the "sovereign, lawmaker, supreme judge, master of day and night, the center of nature and inventor of moral law." He created the heavens and the earth. In short, he had all of the attributes attributed to Jehovah by the ancient Israelites, but with a different name. Zoroaster also recognized Ahura Mazda's twin brother: Angra Manyu, (a.k.a. Ahriman) the God of Evil. The only things that he created were snakes, demons, and all of the world's evil. 2 The old gods of the previous polytheistic religion became the demons of the new faith. Thus, Ahriman became the first Devil that the world has seen, and his assistants became the first cohort of demons under the control of a all-evil deity

Zoroaster taught that Ahura Mazda and Ahriman would continually battle each other until the God of Evil is finally defeated. At this time, the dead will be resurrected, a Last Judgement will divide all the people that have ever lived into two groups; the bad go to Hell for all eternity; the good go to Paradise. As author Gerald. Messandé so eloquently wrote: "The framework of the three monotheisms [Judaism, Christianity, Islam] had been erected. The Devil's birth certificate was filled out by an Iranian prophet."

Development of the Concept of Satan, 300 BCE to 100 CE: The Scofield reference Bible closes the Hebrew Scriptures with the book of Malachi, 397 BCE. It opens the Christian Scriptures with Matthew's gospel in 37 CE. This is a gap of over 4 centuries. This interval has traditionally been called the "intertestamental period." But modern Bible scholarship has found that reality is not quite that neat:

The Book of Daniel seems to have been written circa 165 BCE, in the middle of the intertestamental period. It recounts events 4 centuries earlier and is written as if Daniel was the author. The Book of Esther was apparently written in the 1st or 2nd century BCE The Gospel of Mark was the first gospel. Most Old Testament scholars date it to about 70 CE. Matthew came along later, circa 80 CE.

Many Jewish writings have been preserved from that era. Some were collected and form the Apocrypha (Greek word meaning "hidden."). These books appear in the Septuagint
During the last three centuries before Christ's birth, the portrayal of Satan underwent a major change. The Zoroastrian / Persian dualism concept appeared in Jewish writing: God was now looked upon as wholly good; Satan as profoundly evil. History was seen as a battle between them. No longer was Satan simply God's prosecuting attorney, helper, or lackey. Satan, and his demons, were now humanity's greatest enemies.

Author G. Messandé 1 theorizes that from the middle of the 5th century BCE until 53 BC and later, the Jews were on particularly good terms with the Persians. From the latter's religion, Zoroastrianism, the Jews picked up a number of concepts: the immortality of the soul, angels, and Satan. Of the 3 main divisions of Judaism (Essenes, Pharisees, Saducees) in the 1st century BCE, the Essenes seems to have focused the most on Satan.

Jesus and his disciples accepted the common belief of the 1st century CE that mental illness and some physical ailments were caused by indwelling demons. "Unclean spirits" are mentioned 7 times in Mark, once in Matthew, 3 times in Luke and once in Revelation. A "dumb spirit" and a "deaf spirit" are each mentioned once in Mark. Luke talks about a "spirit of infirmity" in his gospel, and, a "spirit of divination" & an "evil spirit" in Acts. The concept of "violent possession" appears for the first time in Scripture. Demons are believed to posses individuals and cause them to mutilate themselves, to collapse, to foam at the mouth, to thrash around on the ground. Demons are seen as the cause of many physical disabilities, including blindness, spinal deformities, inability to speak. Satan figures prominently throughout the Christian Scriptures: Jesus is tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:1-3, Luke 4:2). The Pharisees accused Jesus of casting out demons in the name of "Beelzebub, the prince of the demons." (Matthew 12:24)

In the writings of Paul and the other apostles, the character and range of activities of Satan and his demons is further developed. God and Satan are seen as the two most powerful forces in the universe. The duality between an all-good God and all-evil Satan is firmly established. Examples are:

2 Corinthians 11:12-14: Satan is seen to be responsible for false teaching by "false apostles, deceitful workers." 2 Corinthians 12:7: Satan has given Paul a "thorn in the flesh" to trouble him. 1Thessalonians 2:17-18: Satan hindered Paul's travels I Timothy 1:19-20: Hymenaeus and Alexander have fallen away from the faith and blasphemed. Paul had excommunicated them and "delivered them unto Satan." Here, he is expressing the belief found also in 1 Corinthians 5:5 that once a believer is excommunicated, he will be no longer protected by God. Satan will torment him and perhaps purify him.

The author of the Book of Revelation develops the concept of a great battle between Satan and God at the end of the world as we know it:

Revelation 2:8-9: Satan is portrayed as the power behind the Roman Empire's persecution of the Christians. The author apparently condemns ex-Christians who pretend that they are Jewish in order to avoid the persecution. They are referred to as the "Synagogue of Satan." Revelation 2:7-9: This passage is similar to Revelation 2:8-9. Revelation 12:9: Satan, viewed as the great dragon, and his fallen angels were cast down to earth. Revelation 20:2-3: Satan is bound and sealed into an abyss for 1000 years, so that he could no longer deceive the nations. Revelation 20:7-8: Satan is released after 1000 years, deceives the nations, and gathers them together for war. He loses.

References: G. Messandé, "The History of the Devil", Newleaf, London, England, (1996) A.S. Mercatante, "Good and Evil in Myth & Legend," Barnes & Noble, New York, NY, (1978)

How it changed my life:

Satan is a myth.....the Christian Church needed him, and then he came into being. That is my opinion.

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Date: 7/22/2002 12:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 55066    *applause* That was one good post! Thank you, I've never believed in satan, and now I'm just more sure about my thing. Thanx for a great read.
Date: 7/22/2002 1:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 23610    Bravo!!! Great post. Very thorough and very informative. I would hope that other's would not be detered by it's length and would take the time to actually learn something about this, as many do not understand the reality of what you have just written. Great post!  
Date: 7/22/2002 6:43:00 AM  From Authorid: 19382    I'm bookmarking this for later reading. I've read a part of it. And I already am in FULL agreement with it. If God is THE CREATOR of everything... EVERYTHING... then he is responsible for all. ALL.  
Date: 7/22/2002 7:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 53500    Uh, Satan, or Lucifer as his actual name is, was in the Garden of Eden. He's right there from the get go. True the name Satan, is a title, but it all refers to Lucifer who IS the enemy of God and humankind. Satan is also mentioned in Job, Isaiah and Zechariah. Revelation also refers to when he and a third of the angels fell from grace in eternity past. C. Baudelaire put it best when he said, the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing mankind he didn't exist. This seems to be true. Remember, something doesn't come into being just because it is named or acknowledge. Prior to 9/11 I didn't know about all those nothern middle eastern countries like Uzbekistan, but that land has always existed. Its existence didn't hinder on me knowing about it and neither does Satan's existence.  
Date: 7/22/2002 7:39:00 AM  From Authorid: 11528    An excellent post, and it is in complete agreement with my story I posted last year. Author 53500, Lucifer was the title of the Babylonian King and never referred to Satan. Check Strongs Exhaustive concordance of the Bible for confirmation of this. Also the Serpent in the Garden was not Satan, the Garden story in the Book of Genesis comes from far older Sumerian accounts and it would be too long here to explain it all out to You in a comment. Bye for now. Enki  
Date: 7/22/2002 7:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 23610    LOL...there seem to be quite a few posts on this subject running around, so I feel like I am repeating myself...but, oh well. Did you know that Christianity "voted" and declared that the Devil actually existed and was an entity in 447 CE at the Council of Toledo? Voted! LOL. Of course they then used their own creation to label anyone who did not follow their beliefs as followers of it. How convenient. Hmmmmm....I am wondering if this is where the saying "Holy Toledo" comes from. LOL.  
Date: 7/22/2002 7:58:00 AM  From Authorid: 57796    The devil is SATAN. And satan is evil. And evil is what makes men and women if they follow evil. It is an invisible force that goes after mankind. The devil lives forever.Tormented by GOD. So the devil uses us as his scapegoat. He tried with Job. He tried with Peter. He'll try with you. We all at one time, falling into the hands of his power. Prince of air,prince of this world and we're stuck with him. But there's a reason for all of this. The bible is always stated fulfillment of the scriptures. All must happen....
Date: 7/22/2002 2:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 58408    I really enjoy your post...but very disapointed in those closed minds THis is for all those closed minds who are convinced that satan is real and is going against god:
Umm actually ,57796, God allowed "Satan" to torment Job and Peter, even read the book of Job and it said that God told satan to do it, actually acording to your bible, since God knows everything, and was the creator of everything, then that means he knew what satan would do to eve and pretty much doom humanity to hell.. and he would have also known that satan would rebell against him... yet he still created satan, AND allowed him to roam in the garden of eden and ALSO allowed him to convince eve to eat the fruit.. and also.. the book of revelation is a prophecy right? It hasn't happend yet? Well the bible doesn't mention satan rebelling against God until then.. so that would mean that satan hasn't done anything yet that God hadn't allowed.
Date: 7/23/2002 10:31:00 AM  From Authorid: 14254    Bookmarked!  
Date: 7/23/2002 10:31:00 AM  From Authorid: 14254    This post was worth every word I read! Hurrah! But try finding a fundamentalist that will even give it the time of day. I would hate to belong to a faith that made me close my mind and put my thoughts in a self-imposed exile. Every bit of this research is true and historically accurate. Again, great job!!  
Date: 7/23/2002 10:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 53500    Enki, actual the Babylonian king you refer to is Nebuchadnezzar, not the fallen angel AKA Lucifer. It's demonstrating how evil Nebuchadnezzar was by comparing him with Satan/Lucifer/the Devil. Also, yes the Serpent is Satan. Note the curse God puts on him, it's got the Prophecy of Christ in it, in that he will bruise Satan's head, while Satan will have Christ crucified. Again, people fail to realize that "mythology", regardless of country, comes from the ancient books of the Bible. Summarian legend doesn't predate Biblical fact.  
Date: 7/23/2002 10:43:00 AM  From Authorid: 53500    Enki, forgot my last part, sorry. Note Revelation 12 and 20 which refer to Satan as the ancient serpent.  
Date: 7/23/2002 11:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 53500    58408 You are incorrcet in thinking that Satan has not yet rebelled from God. Satan still has access to Heaven. He can plead things to God. It is only half way through the tribulation in Revelation that God kicks Satan out of Heaven entirely. Note Ezekiel 28 that mentions Satan sinning against God. Isaiah 14 also backs this up in telling the story of Satan sinning against God by trying to raise himself above God. Also, Satan is very much on this earth, note these verses. 1 Peter 5, "Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." 2 Cor 2:11, "in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes." So as we can see, Satan did rebel from God, and this is prior to Revelation. And he does actively seek out people.  
Date: 7/23/2002 4:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 56558    bravo for u, standing applause from me. Excellent research. i will bookmark this page to do my own studying. because it's a long read. the part on that i read i will comment on. u r quite correct as so many have come to realize that there is truly one God and that satan is but one dimension of Him.that is one of beefs with monotheism because is u read how the scriptures describe is obviously that on pantheism tranlating into all is God. what i would like to suggest to u is that u can't possibly ur done there. keep on goin don stop now. the 'devil' in hinduism,buddhism and other eastern religion have already state the above. work of art....... namaste
Date: 7/23/2002 7:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 19382    *Laughs at ID:53500 saying all mythology comes from the bible*  
Date: 7/23/2002 8:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 14254    I started to jump on that one myself, Ship Pagan. I just let it go. It would have been futile.  
Date: 7/24/2002 10:23:00 AM  From Authorid: 53500    19382<<<mythology has to come from somewhere, there has to be a source or root of it all. To me, the explanation is the Bible. But if you would like to present your arguement on the origins mythology, I'd love to hear it.  

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