A couple years ago my best friend and I decided to rewrite The Real Slim Shady by eminem and turn it into a Christian song. So here it is.
Yall look like you never seen a Jesus Freak before, Jaws all onthe floor, We did big House and you asked us for more, We started doing our flips worse than before, we first took this course by jumping over the furniture, Its the return of the,oh wait no wait he didn't just say what I think he did did he? And Big Jay said NOTHING YOU FREAKS, hes impressed we practiced in sheams basement. welcome to the Big house, Chigga Chigga Chigga this Devil we're sick of him look at him tempting us to do you know what turning our backs on you know Who Yeah hes not cool yo yeah some people think we got a couple of screws up in our head loose but no worse than when adam and eve first ate of the fruit Sometimes I just wanna it the Big House and cut loose But can't so I crack open the Bible thats cool too My name is on His list, My name is on His list And if you wanna get to heaven all you have to do is let he Lord in and thats the message we deliver to little kids and expect them to know who Jesus Christ is, Ofcourse they knwo who the devil is by the time they hit the 4th grade and are able to read the Bible, don't they we in't nothing but christians some of us missing we love to pray for them now listen
well thats all we ever finished. The Big House is the name of the Teen Group at my church, which I am a leader in. Big jay is teh youth Pastor, and Sheam is my best friend. As for all the flips and jumping over the furniture we are a very active youth group and have a LOT, and I mean a LOT of energy to burn. Most of it is spent on gllorifying the Lord. Tell me what you think. Rob You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 56565 ( Click here )
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