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Television violence or bad parenting?

  Author: 57718  Category:(Debate) Created:(7/21/2002 10:04:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (4108 times)

I hate to get off on a rant here..*LOL* It makes me so angry that people want to blame media for a child`s problems. Media isn`t the cause!

Video games, tv, etc do not cause violence and to think so is seriously naive. I`ve played video games and watched tv since I was a baby, at not time did I watch Cagney and Lacey and want to mutilate someone.

Violence is a result of many factors. And even if they get the idea from tv, they had to want to before they watched it. It could be a protein problem or their homelife. You never know, but tv doesn`t cause it, otherwise everyone who sat in front of it would do something horrible. The only time media causes a problem is when a parent doesn`t teach their child that you cannot hit someone with a brick like bugs bunny and then they will get back up. It`s up to the parent to teach reality from media. You don`t get behavioral issues from tv, video games, movies, etc. And I tell you what Cinderella is a study in emotional abuse, Snow White is poisoned! for rat`s sake, in Pocahontas several people are shot, and you don`t even want to get me started on the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Yet I let my daughter watch all of these shows. They don`t CAUSE violence. I am in control of that (and her hormones are too!).

And the most violent people in the world NEVER watched tv as a child, so how do you explain them? Hitler, Ghengis Kahn, Jack the Ripper.

And tv does not make it worse. I mean really. Columbine was the result of two kids with behavioral issues that had had enough. They didn`t handle it right, but they did feel they were provoked. Not to kill mind you, I hope they hang, but countless children suicide every year for what those boys killed others for. Not tv, being picked on constantly. I don`t approve of the method, but I can understand getting tired of being emotionally drug through the gutter to beef up the ego of some child whose daddy is a lawyer and that little jerk having his own bmw. I hope ya`ll understand my drift here. I don`t feel sorry for them, I would`ve before they shot and killed so many people, but they killed my compassion for them when they took those guns to school. In no way do I approve of Columbine or anything, I just understand how those boys felt.

You cannot blame media on the world`s problems. You have to realize this is the way the world is. Blame humanity, that`s what this all is. It`s people being what they are. Imperfect beings, some float to the top, some hide along the bottom, and some guy jump out and try to tip over the glass and end it all.

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Date: 7/21/2002 10:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 15070    STANDS AND APPLAUDES!!!!!Bravo!....you are correct, of course...but you see, no one believes in personal responsibility anymore. And, that is a shame...easier to say "the media did it", than to admit manybe the parent should have hung-up the phone & paid attention to their child & what the child was watching...  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 57828    preach on! preach on!
Date: 7/21/2002 10:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 50975    you are correct, sir! once again an example of society looking for the easy way out. why blame themselves for the way their kids turned out, blame everyone else.
Date: 7/21/2002 10:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 22852    well I guess I have to agree with a lot of this. Most of it has to do with teaching values and that starts in the home. The media is to blame for hardening our souls to violence, but the end is, the fault lies with the person picking up the gun, once a person knows right from wrong then it is NO ones fault but the person doing the harm to another.  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 30051    I do not agee with you..Not all T.V. or games are bad,BUT kids do see violence and they ARE little sponges..Do you have kids???  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 15070    I have three children, and a grandchild....so yep, been there...done that....all three healthy, happy...grandchild born in wedlock...yep, I did a good job. And, my grandson is the HANDSOMEST little fellow (born 7/5/02).  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 30051    Okay I am a tard I just reread your post..Letting kids watch that crap IS bad parenting..Sorry  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 53052    i think people blaming TV is just a cop out of an excuse for them to get away with what they did and get a lesser punishment. If yoru children cannot tell the difference between right and wrong and think anything seen on TV is ok, there is some serious problems with the childs morals. and if your child is young enough not to know and comprehend that it is bad to hit someone, or cause any form of voilence they are not old enough to be watching it, you can't shelter children forever and toss the blame on everything else  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:14:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57718    Actually yes I am a parent. I'm the mother of 3 children in 2 age groups, the grown and the very young. My children watch whatever they want (except porn), with my supervision, and me there to explain the unrealistic. Which is why I fully believe it is the parents' fault, not the television. None of MY children show unusual signs of stupidity or violence, and since I make time to parent my children by explaining the realities of television, then I feel it's safe to assume that they are stable healthy children because I take the time for my children and don't let the tv raise them. Of course, these days, it seems as if I'm a very chosen few.
Date: 7/21/2002 10:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 53052    pick up a copy of scream two, the killer in the movie chose to "blame it all on TV violence and all i'll get is a slap on the wrist" what is a total cop out excuse i think everyone knows it's wrong to kill and cause harm, i knew that before i was 3  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:19:00 PM  From Authorid: 30051    I think letting your kids watch bad stuff is not okay..Just my thoughts..My children are NOT allowed..Why let them sit and rot their brains on T.V.?? There are much funner healthier things to do..Play-doh is fun..Books are GREAT...T.V is okay if not used as a sitter...MY kids watch shows that are educational..ie..Sesame Street..Reading Rainbow..I also allow Scooby and other older cartoons..I personal do not feel right letting them watch violence and such things...  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 53129    "The times aren`t more voilent they`re just more televised" ~ M. Manson  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:25:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57718    I don't agree with letting mine just watch educational, though I won't say anything against you for it . But for me, I'm afraid it will raise my children in a bubble, that everything is song and dance and niceness. I don't want them surprised with the hard side of life like my husband regularly is. It's sad for one, and I'm having to reraise him to the real world. Easing off the rose colored glasses is hard.
Date: 7/21/2002 10:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 33922    I have to Say, it is all the Parents responsibility, BUT, I do Know this, I seriously Censor what my Children watch and Listen too. STILL, things get through. I think if all parents and aspects of the subject at matter were more careful, Children would be different.  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 33401    My parents put a Parental Control on my T.V. so they blocked everything thats naughty. I think it's a great Idea! I'm no creep, I don't watch porn at all even if they unblock it. Love,  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 44448    I've watched cop shows and mureder stories since iw as a little kid, and the only effect they have on me is giving me ideas for mystery books.i also played a lot of video games as a child that included shooting off the eads of zombies or monsters, and I remember playing james boond on the computer at five, where you shoot people. All in all, i am probably one of the last people EVER to turn violent. I'm very shy and quiet, and you Really have to do something bad to even get me tyo yell. The only person I ever hit was my sister, when she nearly kicked my dog down the stairs. Jealousy issues. But I can't agree with you more. The media has nothing to do with it. Other things influence life, and that has to recegnized. A lot of the bullys' are kids who are ignored at home or don't do well in school, and so not to be made fun of, pick on others. So really, homeinvironments are what shapes a childs future.  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 44448    I've been watching america's most wanted since I was seven...along with foensic files, worlds wildest police videos, etc. And i'm okay. I don't beat kids up or act violently.  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 44448    Not that i dthink we should all lallow our children to watxch rape cases, just that I don't think that if a hild sees that they are going to go all psycho path  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 44448    I do agree with Coryann though, they should do other stuff too. I was reading when I was little, and except for Buffy (lol) I still prefer a good book and my bed to a chair and the TV.  
Date: 7/21/2002 10:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 44448    I also think parents should raise kids in the real world. I raised myself in that way. When I was two I had already established my disbelief for things like Santa and the tooth faerie, and I often dug out the truth in everything, though sometimes it hurt, it was always better than being lied too. Also, i fin dmy mom confides a lot in me, which makes me feel older a than i am, and understand more. I think being exposed to death is nessicary too. I think its just stupid to hide tht from your kids.I mean, look at me and my sister, and our behavior. She is 12 right now, and I'm reading my diary from four years ago. She gets mad at me, she tries to kick my dog down the stairs. I get mad at her, I take my stuff and lock myself in my room. And she wasn't exposed to a lot. She was never allowed to watch rthe shows i did. Yet she is violent with out seeing any violence at all. My home environment, sometimes a parent will yell, but thats it.  
Date: 7/21/2002 11:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 22080    i agree i think parents need to be more involved in what there kids are doing the sad thing is we're "better" than animals yet look at our culture id much rather be an animal  
Date: 7/21/2002 11:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    a little of both.  
Date: 7/21/2002 11:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 27046    I would beg to differ with a few points. Even though things end up in the end with someone having to take the personal responsibility, the media plays a major role in all of our lives. For example, 20 years ago smoking was the social thing to do. If you didn't smoke you were one of very few people. It was sexy to see a model with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. Now it is socially unacceptable to smoke. Society frowns upon smokers and they are looked at as the outcasts of society. It is the same thing with our models. We had Marilyn Monroe, the icon of her times, at an average size 12-14 displaying herself as the average size woman. Along came Twiggy and now just about every model is pixie thin and that is what is considered attractive now. Anna Nicole Smith and a few other models are trying and not very successfully to change that image back to what it was... Look at what young girls do to themselves to achieve the perfect body. Sex was rarely featured, mostly only in your daytime soap operas 20 years ago when I was growing up. You never saw half of what you see on public telivision displayed long ago. When I was growing up we had shows like Growing Pains......and yeah sure Michael Seaver was hot, all the girls wanted him. He was into hot looking babes, but when it all came down to the decision of having sex he always made the right decision to abstain because he wasn't ready. Today we have Dawson's creek and we portray a bunch of teenage highschooler's rolling around in a bed together having sex. Whether people want to believe it or not the media controls much more of our lives then we think. The clothes we wear, the music we listen to, the shows we watch, for some of us the attitudes we potray and even the type of cars we buy. Just think about it for a minute, we see something on tv that appeals to us and we run right out and buy it.....Pharmaceutical (sp) companies even figured out how really dumb we can be and they have started advertising medicine on Tv. Your kids think that toys are cool and certain toys become the trend because they see them on Tv. It's not a fall back to shirk responsibilities for one's actions on media and television, but it does play an active role....Not censoring your children is detrimental there is no doubt about that......I like Bcar's theory...on this...and I am sure he will be along somewhere to express it.....LOL  
Date: 7/21/2002 11:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 54987    Same as FB - a little of both, and maybe a few other things too. Responsible parents wouldn't let their kids stay up into adult tv. Too many people watch tv anyway... pap tv at any rate. Pap tv and pap parents. ...Coolade  
Date: 7/22/2002 12:05:00 AM  From Authorid: 22080    azairya i beg to differ i like women with curves not what is considered attractive by the media i consider old muscle cars the ones to own not these new rice burners or benz's the music i listen to is underground i.e. slayer,pantera,slipknot(well they arent exactly under ground but ive like them since i first heard them in 99),fugazi,rancid,rammstein,mushroom head see what im gettin at most people my age dont listen to those bands and i guess im wierd cause i like the old cartoons plus spongebob square pants,rocketpower, ed edd & eddy, and invader zim i rarely watch mtv unless im flipping threw the channel and something interesting is on which is rarely hmm i guess im not a normal teen but the media hasn't influenced me yet  
Date: 7/22/2002 7:39:00 AM  From Authorid: 33925    I agree with Firstborn..I think its a little of both.  
Date: 7/22/2002 8:41:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57718    I would like to point out that our parents and grandparents (the later ones) had tv and THEY didn't have any trouble with stupid teenagers killing their classmates. And has anyone noticed the ONE difference? Discipline. Our families weren't afraid to discipline. They were PARENTS. We are the ones having to blame tv other things for OUR mistakes. We are the ones with psycho children. Our generation. Probably because we're too busy blaming THINGS instead of themselves. If you are doing your job NOTHING will make your children "bad". Not tv, video games, or movies. And noone has really answered my question. Those who disagree with me. How are Attila the Hun, Hitler, Jack the Ripper to be explained. The most evil and violent men in history and they never saw a tv. Men who raped and pillaged villages and fought wars at the drop of a hat, no tv. Men who ransacked churches and stole from them for their gold? No tv. We don't seem to have those problems.
Date: 7/22/2002 8:45:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57718    I would like to point out that our parents and grandparents (the later ones) had tv and THEY didn't have any trouble with stupid teenagers killing their classmates. And has anyone noticed the ONE difference? Discipline. Our families weren't afraid to discipline. They were PARENTS. We are the ones having to blame tv other things for OUR mistakes. We are the ones with psycho children. Our generation. Probably because we're too busy blaming THINGS instead of themselves. If you are doing your job NOTHING will make your children "bad". Not tv, video games, or movies. And noone has really answered my question. Those who disagree with me. How are Attila the Hun, Hitler, Jack the Ripper to be explained. The most evil and violent men in history and they never saw a tv. Men who raped and pillaged villages and fought wars at the drop of a hat, no tv. Men who ransacked churches and stole from them for their gold? No tv. We don't seem to have those problems.
Date: 7/22/2002 9:10:00 AM  From Authorid: 12835    I think it's a combination of many things. Yes, the parents need to monitor what the kids watch, and the games they play. The also need the ability to correct their children without fear the state is going to come and take the kids away, or that the kid is going to call the cops and claim their parents are abusive. In today's society, many families have both parents working, and this leaves time for the kids to self monitor. I remember being a kid. I did lots of things I normally wouldn't have done with my parents around. Too many parents also rely on teachers to raise the kids. Again, what that creates is teachers spending more time disciplining rather than teaching. Personally, I think parents need to spend more time with their children instilling THEIR morals than leaving it up to the rest of the world...  
Date: 7/22/2002 9:45:00 AM  From Authorid: 27046    Jestr are you.....just one person the majority?.....There is a reason that certain singers become popular, certain hairstyles, clothing trends, dancing style, tv shows, and attitudes become popular....You may not like those things....but YOU alone do not make up the majority of society...  
Date: 7/22/2002 9:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 27046    St Pete...again saying exactly what I wanted to say.....there was a time when you could turn on the TV and guarentee that your children were going to be watching something with good values and morals, today that is not possible you never know what they are going to see.  
Date: 7/22/2002 9:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 27046    You can go back through debates like this over the past year and half and see me saying, lack of good parenting all over them. Not being able to discipline your children the way you used to be able to discipline them and everything the author is saying. However I have started to watch my own children and the way THEY are perceiving things with young developing minds. I see my daughter running around with power puff girl toys in her hands, jumping off my couch sailing into the air to fight some bad guy. I see my son with a hard hat and tool belt banging on my walls with a toy hammer and stacking blocks to make houses like Bob the Builder. All of this is fine......but someone needs to explain to them that what they see on tv is not always how they should be acting or real. Television is very impressionable to kids of all ages. I don't deny what I have stated in past debates and I agree with the the overall concept of the author's post, however I don't think that people realize that whether they want to believe it or not, the media does hold a strong center in all of our lives.....children and adults.....  
Date: 7/22/2002 11:30:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 57718    Ok, I see what your saying, Azairyia (sp?)

I'll agree that it has some effect. That's where children see the people they want to be like. The baseball player, cartoon character, etc. But I think when we as parents do our jobs, nothing they watch is going to affect them like you do.
Date: 7/22/2002 12:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 9130    I have a lot to say to this post, but I don't have time to say it right now. I will say this, you are wrong.  
Date: 7/22/2002 12:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 52842    How do you know how the people from Columbine felt?  
Date: 7/22/2002 1:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 55376    Actually it is our parent's generation who raised psycho children. The murder rate in the US is 40% lower now than in 1980. Og
Date: 7/22/2002 4:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 50435    Of course, what programs the child is allowed to watch is an issue. But I've played more than my share of video games and I've watched my fill of shows with violence as a child yet I still shy away from violence myself. I don't agree with gun ownership and so I would never own one myself. The only time I would stand for violence is in the case of those that abuse children or women. Maybe even men. Those that abuse have it coming to them. Other than that I don't condone violent behaviour nor do I see physical fighting as a means of solving base disputes. I agree that children should be raised in reality. If you don't let them know what's out there, both good and bad, who knows what will happen when it's time to move out of mommy and daddy's house?...  
Date: 7/22/2002 6:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 27270    It's all about accepting responsibility. And unfortunately, society let's people blame their actions on everybody but themselves. "Oh, it was Judas Priest", "Oh, it was my church", "Oh, it was Dune (video game)". How about "OH I SAW A WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY TO COMMIT A CRIME AND GET AWAY WITH IT?" When it comes down to it, it is the individual's responsibility to know right from wrong. Yes, this is taught by your parents, but that's not to say you can BLAME THEM EITHER! Sure, each case is different and parents are the foundation. But society has made it entirely to easy to get off the hook sometimes  

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