Bethany Davis pulled her windbreaker on as she stepped out into the school parking lot. The cool autumn wind made mini tornados with the leaves on the ground. She glanced impatiently at her watch. Where was he? He was suposed to be there ten minutes ago. She sighed. Not only had her irritable father refused to let her take the car, he was late. She didn't know why she bothered. Home was only two blocks away, and she had a few minutes before nightfall. Her drama rehearsal ended late, and put into effect with the fast approching winter, she rarely made it out in the daytime on Friday afternoons. She looked at her watch again. It was five thirty.He must have forgotten. Slinging her bookbag around her arm, she walked up the block, hoping to meet him halfway. She was halfway up the block when she heard the sound. It came from the wood beside her, behind her. nervously, Bethany broke into a jog. When she reached the corners of Pearl and webster street, she whirled around and breathed a sigh of relief. No one was there. however, the rapidly increasing darkness and the distant howl of a coyote seemed to be fair warning to go home.She took a step foward, and she felt the arms grab her neck. She tried to scream, and fought violently, but to know avail. the last thing she saw before she was unconcious was a black leather glove slamming full force into her face.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .