An Open Letter From....Kaatryn MacMorgan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An Open Letter From...
the other side of the debate:
It is our duty and responsibility, as pagans, to dissent publicly when
we believe our religions are being abused. Often, we are quick to jump
on scholars of other faiths who get the smallest thing wrong with our
faith, but should a fellow practitioner of our own do something we feel
diametrically opposed to, we are often hushed up and treated as if our
disagreement, our very real feelings, are somehow less valid than the
feelings of those who we are disagreeing with.
Those who take the path of dissent are told they are "starting Witch
Wars" that their words are "hastily said" and even that they are somehow
being hateful and unjust for personal gain. Sometimes, those that choose
to dissent even have the horrible injustice of being told that they
aren't REALLY Pagan, or that they are somehow less Pagan than those with
whom they dissent.
This type of manipulative attack on anyone who would disagree with a
party line is a very frightening addition to the tableau of modern
Paganism. Imagine, for example, if Gerald Gardner, Starhawk or Margot
Adler had NOT dissented from what "public opinion" of Witches/Pagans was
at the times their greatest works were written. It is feasible that
without dissent from public opinion the Pagan Renaissance would never
have happened, would've been stopped in its tracks, if, indeed, it
started at all.
The attacks upon, inferences about, and treatment of many of the people
who have openly dissented with Silver Ravenwolf's upcoming work by this
community has been shameful. While some people have chosen to dissent
with anger and fury the VAST majority of those expressing concern have
done it from a voice of love and experience. To cast all who have
dissented into a shadow of shame as people who are somehow "bored with
bashing other religions" is nearly unforgivable.
People dissent because they have experience as Pagans, heart-felt
beliefs about their religion and worries about the direction it often
appears to be going. Some of us have seen ill trained young pagans
attack, bash and threaten Christians, all the while claiming that they
do this because they are Wiccan, or Witches, or whatever Pagan path they
lay claim to. Some of us have had our interfaith workings disturbed by
aggressive "Paganism" and it is we who choose the path of peace who are
oathbound to pick up the pieces when such action in the name of paganism
does the damage it invariably does.
For some of us, the issue with the current direction of Paganism is not
about Silver RavenWolf, or any of the things she has done that some of
us have not agreed with. Many Pagans have been worried about the
direction of Paganism since the first "Elder dieoff" in the late
eighties, which was when many East Coast Wiccans and Pagans, myself
included, lost very close friends and clergy members to AIDS.
I remember back in 1992, standing with some 400 other pagans on Gallows
Hill in Salem for a ritual against religious persecution and honoring
those killed by it, that I had this feeling of great responsibility as a
new mother and soon-to-be Priestess and as a Pagan in general. Three
years earlier, I wouldn't have believed so many Pagans existed, let
alone that so many could make it to a ritual on a cloudy, cold,
Massachusetts night.
I felt as if my life had been the first hill of a roller coaster and
now I, and many other Pagans, were poised at the top in that split
second when time seems to stop and you can see everything, horizon to
horizon. We knew then that we were going to be rushing down the hill and
it was going to be the brakes and stabilizers of our surviving elders
that kept us from going out of control.
In the past few months we have lost several elders, several voices
which could add stability and control to this rush towards whatever
Paganism in the 21st century will be. In our grief and within that great
sense of loss to the community, perhaps our concerns come off as harsh.
So, too, does reaction to those concerns.
It is NOT acceptable to turn the emptiness within Modern Paganism left
by the passing of others into an excuse to be insular and
over-protective of our members. By making Pagan leaders "infallible," by
making the mere act of dissenting with their actions a cardinal sin, we
are no better than the faiths many of us have left behind.
It is vital to the continued and dynamic growth of our faith that those
who disagree with what is said and written do it loudly and publicly. In
responsible religion, sources are challenged, ideas are debated and the
interchange of opinions is in no manner blocked.
We must not allow silence to befall those who speak from experience, or
those that speak from the heart in the interest of an appearance of
Our diversity has always been our strength in this community, and to
abridge it, or expect that it should be abridged can lead to nothing but
our own detriment.
Thank you,
Kaatryn MacMorgan
February 8th, 2000
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