This post is based on my "personal" experience with one police officer in particular. Although they are there to "protect and serve" for the most part, there are ALWAYS those who use their power in a very negative way......Such as (we'll call him Dirty Harry Wannabe)..... This happened a few years ago, but I still get ticked when I think about it. While at work one day, a police officer came *strutting* into my place of employment to do some personal business. While there he made an attempt at flirting with me and asked for my phone number.......I VERY politely (he carried a gun afterall) declined to give it to him. BIG MISTAKE!! A couple of weeks had passed uneventfully, until THE DAY.....My children and I were driving to Wal-Mart, when I heard sirens and looked in my rearview mirror in time to see red and blue lights flashing and coming at me fast.....I pulled over as far to the right side of the road as I could and waited.....Within seconds three police cars flew by me....I looked back just in time to see a fourth car coming right at me! Tires squeeling, smoke rolling and all......It was none other than D.H.W.B.....He jumped out of his car, ran up to mine and began screaming at me....Obsenities included...I sat there kind of numb not understanding what in the heck was going on...My "angelic" children had heard the commotion and undid their seatbelts so they could look out the back window and see what was happening....(Thanks guys).....Anyway, he continued in this psychotic fashion to the point my kids were terrified, my son was even crying by now.....So, as calmly as possible I said "look, I'm not sure what the deal is here, but I'd appreciate your not yelling at me anylonger, you're scaring my kids........" He then proceeds to tell me to STAY PUT! He goes back to his car and begins writing......He ticketed me for failing to yield to an oncoming emergency vehicle, and failure to have my children in proper safety restraints....... Well, after playing this all over in my mind a million times, as well as having eye witnesses get ahold of me and offer to testify on my behalf, I decided I was by gosh NOT going to pay those tickets without a fight....BIG MISTAKE #2!!! I called D.H.W.B.'s supervisor and explained what had happened, as well as that I had eye witnesses to the "event"....I was told by him that he was sure "sorry" this officer had acted in that manor, but if I want to contest the validity of the tickets I could simply show up at the hearing already set...I said "fine, I'll be there".....HUGE MISTAKE!! By the next day I began noticing a lot of police cars that seemed to be "tailing" me...I wrote it off to paranoia until one actually pulled a U-turn and followed me as far as the city limits....Well, being the wuss that I am, I gave in and paid the fines....... A couple of weeks later I was out at a club with some friends when in guessed it, D.H.W.B.....He strolled right up to me, put his arm on my shoulder and invited me to a bachelor party that he was throwing for his friend.....I was apalled! I (no longer politely) threw his arm off my shoulder and told him that I thought he was a complete *butt* hole.....<---g rated version there....He then proceded to apologise for his actions that fateful day, claiming that he had been having a very bad day and took it out on me! Ok, by now I'm thinking, YOUR bad day cost me hundreds of $$$ so if your REALLY sorry, give me a REFUND! Yea right! So I did the ONLY other *catty* thing I could think of. I SHOWED up at the part, with a bodybuilder as my DATE! Yaaay, finally one for my side.....I only stayed a couple of minutes, long enough to get my point across, and went on my way. I never had any more problems with D.H.W.B. but later read in the local paper that he had gotten "ugly" with some highschool football players and eventually was transferred to another location........I'm guessing they wouldn't give him their phone numbers either...... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 600 ( Click here )
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