Ok this dream is a bit strange and of course out of this world. but my dream had my sister and i in it. well we were in this town, not sure where it was but all the people there were really weird. they would look at us strangely like they were up to something. so My sister and I went to this mall. he was normal size so we thought anyways. but we went into this one store. Unique little store it was but the lady was really weird and very scary. but we looked in there anyways. well the lady goes. look at this cane. we looked at it and there was a bubble on the bottom of it. then she moved the cane and the bubble started to get bigger. all of a sudden these alligators come out of it trying to kill my sister and i. one alligator grabbed my sister by the hair i tried to eat her. "Help me" my sister cried. and the lady just stood there laughing. we finally excaped from the store and we kept on running. it seemed like we ran forever. well then all of a sudden I lost my sister. I dont know where she went. but i ended up by these people's yard. Their son he looked about 10 years old comes up to me. What are you doing here Amber. I was thinking how in the world does this person know my name when i dont know them. well then his mom comes over. Amber we have been waiting for you, come eat dinner with us. Where is your mom and your sister. I was like um. they are not here. And then she goes well where is Jeff (Jeff is my husband) and i go Well he is a work. it was weird. well then i was at this big white house where my sister was. talking to this girl that had 3 kids. she wouldnt let my sister leave the house. and i was like Hope come on lets go. so hope jumped over the porch and that was how it ended. A bit strange i would say. How it changed my life:it didnt You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 52247 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .