I look upon you each precious day, As I watch you grow, You are somthing special, This I truly know.
An angel sent to me, Eyes so big and brown. how could I ever look upon your face, With out finding a lost smile hidden within my frown.
I love you so little one, More than words could ever say. I'll love youthis way so, now and tommorrow, Just as yesterday.
I believe so in you, For a dream come true you are. The sparkle can be seen within your eyes, From when I made a wish upon a star.
No one can be more lucky, Than I having you. No one can be more blessed, For angels like you, are few.
I'am glad you are within my life, And I'am glad you are within my heart. For within this life of mine, You are the most important part.
My mom wrote this for me when I was younger. ****Princess Daveena****
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .