Have you ever read "The Hitchhickers guide to the galaxy"? If not, let me sum up some small part of it... *ahem* apparently, mice made the earth to figure out the ultimate question to the universe (they already had the answer, which was 42)
In the book, it states that mice are at the big top part of the smart thingy thing, then it's Dolphins (makes sense, their life style is better than oursm they just play nd eat all day, no worries, except fot them darn fishing nets) and then came us, MAN, the big kahuna... and we were all apart of a big program to figure this ultimate question out... What could it be????!!! (well, the answer's divisible by 7....) and how would the mice extract this question from the program?? Is this a viable conspirancy theory? Or just the bored ramblings of an innocent Fox girl cought up in it all?! who knows... and who cares.....I need a nap.... How it changed my life:*snore* *sleep* *sleep* *snore* You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35054 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .