Date: 7/13/2002 7:01:00 PM From Authorid: 22992 Personally i dont think it matters.. a person is a person... sexuality isnt who they are... its how they express themselves.. its like straight people sayign to people when they meet them for the first time " hey im not gay".. i think sexuality isnt the first hting that defines people...., |
Date: 7/13/2002 7:02:00 PM From Authorid: 16845 *shrugs* my whole opinion of 'gay marriages' is if it floats your boat....WE have no right to butt in and tell them who they can and CAN'T love....what goes on behind closed doors and in the bedroom is only our business if we're involved. so yeah....it doesn't bother me.... |
Date: 7/13/2002 7:02:00 PM From Authorid: 48128 I could care less I am not against it... I don't agree with it but that is just what i think. My reaction is I am surprised since many people are totally against it. I think yes US and yes the rest of Cananda will follow or more places will start legalizing this. |
Date: 7/13/2002 7:03:00 PM From Authorid: 14909 Well I'm not gay myself. But I look at it this way if you find someone that will be there for you no matter what and you love each other I see nothing wrong with it at all. Back to your original question The States probably will approve of it someday. Creech |
Date: 7/13/2002 7:04:00 PM From Authorid: 40881 I think if two people are in love, and want to go before God and make a vow to stay together forever...love, honor, and all that ..then thhey should be able to do that! Gay or not. |
Date: 7/13/2002 7:04:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 6358 I agree with you Becky.......with such a conflicting society, I'm surprised it passed with so many opinions and objections that go both ways. |
Date: 7/13/2002 7:05:00 PM From Authorid: 53689 I hope more places follow suit! When you in love and truely happy, why shouldn't you be married? The government shouldn't be able to tell you who you can marry. TarheelGirl |
Date: 7/13/2002 7:06:00 PM From Authorid: 53806 yes! before long it will be legal everywhere! |
Date: 7/13/2002 7:10:00 PM From Authorid: 57158 I really don't think it matters, whether homosexual or not, everyone deserves the same rights. Their sexual desires are the only thing different. I mean, i'm not against it.. but i'm not really for it.. i just think everyone should be equal, no matter who they are or what they do. My reactions... it doesn't really faze me. ~*Dangerously Tempted*~ |
Date: 7/13/2002 7:16:00 PM From Authorid: 53052 i think it's a good thing.. why not let them get married... it's not just a straight ritual... gay and lesbians dream of getting married too...they should be allowed to have similar unions what are recignized by the goverment...heck we have people who have been together 2 months get married why not let the couple who has been together 5 years get married and it be legal |
Date: 7/13/2002 7:17:00 PM From Authorid: 53052 unfortunately some US states have passed laws saying "marriage is only a union between a man and a women" |
Date: 7/13/2002 7:21:00 PM
From Authorid: 57871
they shouldnt allow it ~Vampire Angel~ |
Date: 7/13/2002 7:22:00 PM From Authorid: 53052 vampire angel.. can i ask you why it shouldn't be allowed? |
Date: 7/13/2002 8:15:00 PM
From Authorid: 57863
gays should most certainly not be able to get married.There is no reason. *~ Meteorite |
Date: 7/13/2002 8:22:00 PM From Authorid: 45866 I think it shouldn't of been illegal in the first place. If they fall in love with someone of the same sex, then let them. Not all people can live up to other's expectations. I think it's cute seeing two guys walk down the street holding hands. |
Date: 7/13/2002 8:22:00 PM From Authorid: 15157 I like what Lord Ox said in this! |
Date: 7/13/2002 8:31:00 PM From Authorid: 17525 Well, it's what they want so now they've got it. I wonder how happy they will be when they find out the divorce laws also apply now too. My guess is that in the legal field, in the area of pre-nuptual agreements you will see a marked increase in requests. JMO Peace, |
Date: 7/13/2002 8:32:00 PM From Authorid: 25828 i think it should have been done long ago, hope it is done here in the US asap...anyone should be able to love who they want to. |
Date: 7/13/2002 8:41:00 PM From Authorid: 50435 53052, what's your point? Meteorite, a person who is gay because GOD made them that way and has no control over the matter will surely make it to heaven before someone who makes a concious decision not to love and accept and respect his/her peers... |
Date: 7/13/2002 8:55:00 PM From Authorid: 53052 Meteorite is love not a good enough reason to be married?(marriage isn't just for the fact of having children) |
Date: 7/13/2002 10:39:00 PM From Authorid: 30477 Well it's about time. Ontario should be applauded for their example of tolerance and equality. |
Date: 7/13/2002 10:46:00 PM From Authorid: 23610 My reaction is....ummmm so? All marriage is is a symbolic ritual for two people to make an outward committment to one another. So it should be logical than any two people can do that. Not only that but when two people are only living together and not married there are financial and economic ramifications that are difficult to deal with legally when/if the couple splits up. Good for Canada for being higher minded. |
Date: 7/14/2002 3:58:00 AM From Authorid: 22080 why do people have such a problem with it maybe deep fantasies of theres scare them to hate the people who live them |
Date: 7/14/2002 8:15:00 AM From Authorid: 46266 I'm laughing so hard, especially at those who mention 'the other side.' There is no huge anti-gay movement - it's all in your heads. Just the opposite is happening, and any self-respecting female should see the huge downfal their gender faces as homosexuality proliferates. Look at this post. Only 2 people ventured to oppose this, and then very timidly. Og may have attempted an opposition, and unfortunately what he says is true - pedophilia is the next perversion in line to be accepted by you, the immoral, rotting core of society which makes up 85% of the population. Don't think it won't happen. And don't think they won't word it so deliciously that you will support it. |
Date: 7/14/2002 8:18:00 AM From Authorid: 46266 Now that men can marry men, and women can marry women, when can we marry children? Or animals? I mean, married life isn't just for those able to have kids - is it? As long as you love your spouse, why should gender, race, age, or species make a difference? |
Date: 7/14/2002 9:57:00 AM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 6358 LOL Vertigos!! |
Date: 7/14/2002 10:14:00 AM From Authorid: 53689 Vertigos, homosexial relationships are between two constenting adults, not a constenting adult and an unwilling child, nor is it between a constenting adult and an unwilling beast. You examples of why it is wrong are completely off base. TarheelGirl |
Date: 7/14/2002 3:53:00 PM From Authorid: 30477 Tarheel Girl said exactly what I was thinking. Additionally, Vertigos, your statement that females as a gender are taking a hit due to homosexuality is completely ridiculous. For a number of reasons. |
Date: 7/14/2002 4:22:00 PM From Authorid: 16115 I must be living under a rock. I never even heard that and I live in Ontario. I think it would be okay if it was legalized. If two people want to marry each other, they should be able to do so. Personally, I wouldn't want to marry a woman. If ever I get married, it will be to a man. |
Date: 7/14/2002 4:24:00 PM From Authorid: 16115 Oh, and I think someday, it will be legal everywhere in the US and Canada |
Date: 7/14/2002 4:36:00 PM From Authorid: 55376 Vert, I am sure that you have heard of the book published by a university recommending lowering the age of consent to twelve. Og |
Date: 7/14/2002 7:24:00 PM
From Authorid: 47696
Gays and bi's are just as human as us why should two people be torn apart from each other just because of thier sexuality. Love StormDragon |
Date: 7/14/2002 7:27:00 PM From Authorid: 50435 LMAO@Vertigos. Children have already been given to marriage. At a time in history when the average life expectancy was much lower GIRLS were married at such ridiculous ages such as 12-years-old. To compare homosexuality to pedophilia is interesting. Both are not the product of choices, but are just a part of who the individual is. Homosexuality, however, is a consentual agreement between two members of the same sex who feel an attraction to each other in the same fashion as a heterosexual. Pedophiles can be both homosexual and/or heterosexual. So you can't really compare pedophilia and homosexuality as pedophiles can be both gay and/or straight but a homosexual cannot be straight(bisexual is close but not really). The utter disregard for homosexual persons shows a mind that has been shut-off from the rest of the planet and is the product of some la-la land fantasy that refuses to accept a reality other than its own. Like I said, " a person who is gay because GOD made them that way and has no control over the matter will surely make it to heaven before someone who makes a concious decision not to love and accept and respect his/her peers"... |
Date: 7/14/2002 8:54:00 PM From Authorid: 20069 of course it is. people shold be allowd to do what they want |
Date: 7/14/2002 9:56:00 PM From Authorid: 55376 Scientific evidence seems to favor predisposition to homosexuality but not predetermination. To state people are born gay is not backed up by science. Might as well claim someone was born of a virgin. Og |
Date: 7/15/2002 6:29:00 AM
From Authorid: 10733
I think that GREAT!!! It should be legalized |
Date: 7/15/2002 6:32:00 AM From Authorid: 25828 meteorite is 12 and doesn't know any better ~~ and hears what he hears from his HOMOPHOBIC dad....i know, i'm his older sis - (and he doesn't know yet to check back in debates LOL *-) |
Date: 7/15/2002 6:43:00 AM From Authorid: 25828 also from a dad that teaches sex as being the reason two people get together...so no, he doesn't consider love 8-( i do my best to teach them different though. |
Date: 7/15/2002 10:10:00 AM From Authorid: 55376 My experience is that sex is quite frequently the reason two people get together. Sometimes love comes later.Usually followed by hate. Og |
Date: 7/15/2002 10:18:00 AM From Authorid: 25828 well thank god in my experiences it hasn't been sex...i think i had two 'sex' related relationships..and those were both for one night only LOL - |
Date: 7/15/2002 10:20:00 AM From Authorid: 25828 lets put it this way, the way those boys where FIRST introduced to the female anatamy or anything sex related, was to see the show 'girls gone wild' one of those videos anyway - and they were 11 and 15 years old ..........they were told that is what sex is. girls gone wild LMAO. it's awful 8-( |
Date: 7/15/2002 10:41:00 AM From Authorid: 55376 I think I first realized I was a heterosexual at the age of 9 or 10 while watching Raquel Welch in "One Million Years B.C".Og |
Date: 7/15/2002 10:45:00 AM From Authorid: 25828 LOL, yeah, i can picture her in that, and i can see how that would do the trick! i liked charlton heston in planet of the apes...i thought he had SUCH big muscles...and now when i watch that, he wasn't really that muscular LOL |
Date: 7/16/2002 7:32:00 AM From Authorid: 49277 ah cool my reaction- good. its past time. everywhere should make it legal. |
Date: 7/16/2002 9:15:00 AM From Authorid: 50435 That's odd, Og. According to the research by Michael Bailey, assistant professor of psychology at Northwestern University and Richard Pillar, associate professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine, 'male sexual orientation is substantially genetic'. Another study took place to look at possible differences between the inner ear structures of both lesbians and heterosexual women. Women have more sensitive hearing than men. However, it was concluded that the inner ear structure of lesbians was closer to that of a man than of a woman. The inner ear forms before birth. Almost all children raised in households headed by two gay men or two gay women grew up heterosexual. So how valid is the argument that parenting contributes to homosexuality? Homosexuals do not appear to be more or less common in those societies which condemn and suppress homosexuals. So how is it learned from the environment? A little more homework and a little less personal opinion, people... |
Date: 7/16/2002 5:36:00 PM From Authorid: 38474 I think it is great, I hope the U.S. follows their lead. MARRIAGE is NOT just for "producing" children. MARRIAGE is about love between two people. If a MAN and a WOMAN is past child bearing years and they fall in love shouldn't they be able to get married???? Or if a young couple finds out one of them is infertile, but they are in love and want to marry, shouldn't they be able to???? Marriage is not just for "procreation". Marriage is about love, JMNSHO............ |
Date: 7/17/2002 3:40:00 PM From Authorid: 58491 I don't see a problem with gay marriages..I am not gay but I think it is wrong to not let them get married if they want to..there's nothing in the constitution that says it is wrong to marry a person of the same sex ::Sugar Like Spice:: |
Date: 7/18/2002 6:16:00 PM
From Authorid: 20581
my motto has always been 'to each their own' I think it is great, that they are allowing the marriages to be recognized, yes I think that the passing of the law WILL in time spread. I feel no one has a right to tell you who you are supposed to be attracted to, I have MANY good friends that are homosexual/ or bisexual |
Date: 7/19/2002 7:10:00 PM From Authorid: 41067 Gally, where did you find out about that inner ear thing? Thats sounds really interesting... |
Date: 7/21/2002 11:52:00 AM From Authorid: 46266 Wow Gally, so it's an inner ear thing. And here I was thinking sexual attraction had something to do with the outer eye. Sorry I had to step away for so long, but Jeff's Floating Head, how about listing some of the reasons male homosexuality isn't a bad thing for females? And Tarheel Girl, what you said is right because you twisted what I said. This post goes nowhere near rape, so presume said genders, races, ages and species are consenting. What then? |
Date: 7/21/2002 12:02:00 PM From Authorid: 46266 I'd like to address the latest buzz-phrase floating around USM: "a person who is gay because GOD made them that way and has no control over the matter will surely make it to heaven before someone who makes a concious decision not to love and accept and respect his/her peers." Sniff. Does this mean that a person who has a murderous temper because they were born that way is far more likely to get into heaven than those who make a conscious decision not to live out their in-born shortcomings? It's also very funny that you say "GOD made them that way," while your belief in God is irrelevant because hey, you're trying to make a point. |
Date: 7/21/2002 4:12:00 PM ( From Author ) From Authorid: 6358 Those are very awesome facts Gallytuck....thanks for sharing! |
Date: 7/22/2002 7:37:00 PM From Authorid: 30477 There are TWO GENDERS of homosexuals, Vert. You seem to be forgetting about lesbians in your statement that "any self-respecting female should see the huge downfal their gender faces as homosexuality proliferates." How could you forget the LESBIANS?!?! For shame... |
Date: 7/22/2002 7:43:00 PM From Authorid: 30477 Also, Tarheel Girl and I assumed you were referring to rape when you compared homosexuality to pedohpilia and beastiality - simply because there is no such thing as a consenting child or beast. The two can be made to SUBMIT, but neither seeks to have intercourse with an adult or with a human, respecitively. This is the key difference. |
Date: 7/22/2002 7:48:00 PM From Authorid: 30477 Not to mention your preposterous comparision of gays to murderers in regard to Gallytuck's comment. Love and murder are two very, VERY different things, and therein lies the (obvious) disproof of that ignorant statement. Analogies are just not your thing, Vert. |
Date: 7/22/2002 8:00:00 PM From Authorid: 30477 And laslty, Vert, your sarcastic reply to Gally's very informative comment on the inner ear structure of lesbians proves nothing but your inability to defend your position. She was stating that certain qualities of the inner ear - qualities determined before birth - are present in lesbians and using that fact as evidence that sexual orientation is predetermined; she was not citing inner ear structure as the cause of homosexuality, as you so tactfully misinterpreted. The fact that you refuse to seriously address evidence against your beliefs leads me to believe that debating with you is a massive waste of time. |
Date: 7/24/2002 11:13:00 PM From Authorid: 59549 I think that if two people are in love and want to get marries, let them..It should not matter what sex they are...Love is love.. |
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